Types Of Japanese Ritz Crackers

7 Types Of Ritz Crackers In Japan To Try!

Jun 05, 2024Shopify API

We curated a list of types of ritz crackers in Japan that you are sure to love. Check it out!

If you’ve ever been to Japan or at least looked up the diverse food and snack culture of Japan, you must’ve heard of Ritz Crackers and how delicious it is to eat as a light munch whatever time of the day it is.

7 Types Of Ritz Crackers In Japan

Ritz Crackers are actually available worldwide but there are a few that you could only find in Japan. If you’re a foodie, you definitely have to include this in your to-do list when you head over to Japan for your next vacation.

In this article, we’ll discuss all the types of Ritz Crackers found in Japan.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

7 Types Of Ritz Crackers In Japan

Original Ritz Crackers

Nothing beats the original and if you’ve never tried Ritz Crackers before then you should definitely start with the Original Ritz Cracker flavor. This lone cracker is responsible for making the Ritz Cracker brand and Nabisco very famous not only in Japan, but in the whole world.

When you open the wrapper of the crackers, the mouth-watering aroma of the baked crackers will hit you instantly. Baked to perfection, every bite will give you the same crisp and light-textured taste all throughout.

The Japanese exclusive version of this Ritz Crackers has a packaging design that is simple but still eye-catching. The classic red color of the Ritz Crackers is still there with the image of the crackers forming a perfect swirl around the logo.

Each packaging contains 13 crackers in every 3 wrappers, packed separately.

Vanilla Sandwich Ritz Crackers

Fun fact, Nabisco is also the creator of the world-famous Oreos! A lot of people are saying that the Ritz Vanilla Flavor is actually the same filling as the one found in Oreos. If you’re curious to try a combination of both Ritz Crackers and Oreos, this is a must-try for you.

Unlike the Original Ritz Crackers, this one alongside the other flavors have two crackers joined together by the flavor filling in the middle. When you open the wrapping, the same aroma is still there plus the smell of the Oreo filling seeping through. It’s still baked to perfection!

Ritz Vanilla

The packaging for Vanilla Ritz Crackers is very pleasing to the eyes with all the white design that represents the vanilla flavor in the middle. The crackers are stacked up with each other in the backdrop of the packaging.

Each packaging contains 9 crackers in every 2 wrappers, packed separately.

Chocolate Ritz Crackers

If you have a sweet tooth, this is definitely the flavor that you have to try. Some consider this more as a dessert than a snack but it can definitely work for both with how Nabisco formulated the chocolate filling on this one.

Just like the Vanilla Ritz Crackers, the Chocolate Flavored Ritz Crackers have two crackers stuck together by a rich and sweet chocolate filling in the middle. The same beautiful aroma of perfectly baked crackers is still there after opening the wrapping.

Ritz Chocolate

For the packaging on the Chocolate Ritz Crackers, it’s definitely a bit darker than the Vanilla flavor type because it depicts the chocolate well, especially the chocolate bar on the top left of the packaging.

Each packaging contains 9 crackers in every 2 wrappers, packed separately.

Cheese Favored Ritz Crackers

One of the Ritz Crackers classics as well, the Cheese Ritz Crackers in Japan is quite similar to the cheese-flavored Ritz found in the United States, but the richness and flavor of the cheese is definitely different here in Japan.

Since this has a flavor filling too, two Ritz Crackers are still joined together by a substantial amount of filling in the middle. When you open the wrapping on this one, the amazing smell of cheese perfectly blends with the aroma of the perfectly baked crackers.

The packaging on this one is yellow to say the least. They did an effective job in portraying the cheese with the blocks of cheese on top of the packaging design. The color yellow is very dominant as well all throughout the packaging.

Each packaging contains 9 crackers in every 2 wrappers, packed separately.


This flavor might be a little unconventional for some but if you’re exploring and you also have a sweet tooth, the Custard Ritz Crackers is definitely a must-try. Nobody is crazy enough like Nabisco to pair custard-flavored filling into baked crackers!

As usual, the custard filling binds the two Ritz Crackers together with a good amount of custard. The flavor is sweet but not too overpowering which means you can eat a lot in one sitting. The crackers are perfectly baked as usual and it surprisingly tastes well with the custard.

Ritz Custard

The Custard Ritz Cracker packaging is very yellow as well like the Cheese Ritz Cracker but it’s smaller in terms of size because it’s a limited offer from Nabisco. The Ritz Crackers are also stacked up together like the Cheese Ritz packaging design.

Each packaging contains 9 crackers in every 2 wrappers, packed separately.

Ritz Bits

This one is for the people who are just looking for a quick snack throughout the day. Ritz Bits literally live up to their name as it’s literally Ritz but in bits. Don’t worry though, it’s still perfectly baked brown!

This comes in different flavors as well worldwide but in Japan, it’s the same flavors mentioned above but with the smaller version of the crackers. It almost looks like a miniature version of the regular Ritz Crackers.

The packaging of the Ritz Bits is actually similar to the normal Ritz Crackers only with a different logo. The portrayal of the flavors are very similar and it’s also eye-catching as well, especially for children.

Black Pepper Japanese Ritz Cracker

Now, before you say no to this one, hear us out! You know how black pepper makes food dishes better in literally every cuisine in the whole world? That’s exactly how it is with the Ritz Crackers. Imagine perfectly baked crackers with a perfect sprinkle of coarse black pepper in the crackers.

Since this one doesn’t have a filling flavor, it’s served like a normal Ritz Crackers with a very little modification on the crackers itself. There’s a good amount of coarse black pepper that is evident when you take a closer look at the crackers.

The packaging has an imagery of black pepper on the top and a black pepper grinder on the bottom. Nabisco definitely found a way to make it interesting enough for people to look at and give it a try before putting it back on the shelf.

Each packaging contains 13 crackers in every 3 wrappers, packed separately.

Discontinued Ritz Crackers

Unfortunately, there are Ritz Crackers flavors that have been discontinued due to various reasons and two of the discontinued Ritz Crackers in Japan are actually a tribute to classic and traditional Japanese flavors.

The Ritz Crackers Wasabi & Cheddar and Ritz Crackers Tarako & Cream Cheese were commemorative flavors from Yamazaki-Nabisco, the creators of Ritz Crackers.

The Wasabi & Cheddar flavor is surprisingly a good combination with the slight spice of the wasabi alongside the sharp flavor of the cheddar. No ingredient overpower another and the flavors mingle perfectly with every bite.

Ritz Wasabi

For the Tarako & Cream Cheese, it definitely tastes like home with the fish roe. The saltiness of the Tarako and the sourness bit of cream cheese is a wonderful combination, although some might find the Tarako a bit overpowering if they’re not used to the taste.

If you’re wondering why these commemorative flavors for Japan have been discontinued, it’s because Mondelez International, a food conglomerate, will take over the operations and production of Ritz Crackers.

The packaging on these two are actually synced together because they were released alongside each other as well. The classic color of red is still dominant in the whole Ritz Crackers packaging, but there are a few tweaks to show off the rich Japanese flavors.

The green signage loudly shouts the Wasabi flavor inside the Wasabi & Cheddar crackers while a solid pink color in streaks proudly says that there is Tarako in the said Ritz Crackers. This one is definitely a tribute to Japan with the packaging design.

This came into the decision for Yamazaki-Nabisco to stay true to their roots and focus solely on producing quality domestic food products for the Japanese people.

In hindsight, it’s technically impossible to buy these two discontinued Ritz Crackers flavors anymore but if you get lucky, you might stumble upon one in specialty food stores across Japan, but expect the resell price to be much more than its suggested retail price.

Different Ritz Crackers Flavors In Japan

Who would’ve thought that there would be this many types of Ritz Crackers in Japan? Snack crackers in general are pretty straightforward and basic which is why Nabisco did a great job in innovating the regular crackers into something much more special.

In your next visit to Japan, make sure to look for these different flavors when you head to the nearest convenience store or grocery place near you!

We hope that this article has been helpful in determining all the different types of Ritz Crackers found in Japan.

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