kyoto vs kanazawa

Kyoto Vs Kanazawa: Which One To Visit?

Jun 05,2024Shopify API

Wondering which is the better choice Kyoto Vs Kanazawa? We compared the two so you don’t have to! Check it out!

When planning a trip to Japan, one might find themselves torn between the two enchanting cities of Kyoto and Kanazawa. 

Both destinations offer a glimpse into Japan's rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and traditional culture. 

In this article, we will compare Kyoto and Kanazawa across various aspects to help you decide which city to visit, ensuring you make the most of your Japan experience.

Kyoto Vs Kanazawa

Historical Significance


As the former capital of Japan for over a thousand years, Kyoto holds immense historical significance. 

The city served as the imperial capital from 794 until 1868 and played a central role in shaping Japanese culture, arts, and traditions. Kyoto is home to numerous temples, shrines, and palaces that have survived the test of time.

One iconic landmark in Kyoto is the Kiyomizu-dera Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This Buddhist temple, perched on a hillside, offers stunning panoramic views of the city.

Another notable site is the Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of vibrant red torii gates that create a mesmerizing pathway through the forested slopes of Mount Inari.

In addition, Kyoto boasts Nijo Castle, a magnificent structure that was once the residence of the Tokugawa shoguns. 

The castle's grand architecture, beautiful gardens, and "nightingale floors" that chirp when stepped upon, showcase the opulence and power of the ruling class during the Edo period.


Known as the "Little Kyoto" of Japan, Kanazawa holds its own historical significance. The city thrived as a castle town during the Edo period and was a hub for cultural exchange and the arts. 

Despite facing destruction during World War II, Kanazawa managed to preserve its historical sites, making it a captivating destination for history enthusiasts.

Kanazawa Castle, originally constructed in the 16th century, serves as a symbol of the city's feudal past. While some structures were reconstructed, the castle's main gate, Ishikawa Gate, and the impressive stone walls have survived for centuries. 

Within the castle grounds, the beautiful Kenroku-en Garden, one of Japan's Three Great Gardens, mesmerizes visitors with its meticulously designed landscapes and seasonal beauty.

Another highlight is the Nagamachi Samurai District, where the samurai warriors once resided. This well-preserved neighborhood showcases traditional samurai residences, narrow stone-paved streets, and traditional tea houses that transport visitors back in time.


  • Both Kyoto and Kanazawa offer a wealth of historical sites that provide a glimpse into Japan's rich heritage.
  • Kyoto's status as the former capital is reflected in its grand temples, shrines, and castles, which have played significant roles in shaping Japanese history.
  • Kanazawa, though smaller, holds its own charm with well-preserved samurai districts, a majestic castle, and the renowned Kenroku-en Garden.
  • Whichever city you choose to visit, you will be immersed in the captivating historical tapestry of Japan.

Cultural Experiences


Kyoto is synonymous with traditional Japanese culture and offers a plethora of cultural experiences for visitors to immerse themselves in. One of the most iconic aspects of Kyoto's culture is the geisha tradition. 

In the historic Gion district, you can catch a glimpse of geishas, elegantly dressed in colorful kimonos, as they make their way to tea houses and entertainment establishments.

 Some tea houses in Gion offer authentic geisha performances, allowing visitors to witness the grace and artistry of these skilled entertainers.

Participating in a traditional tea ceremony is a must-do cultural experience in Kyoto. Tea ceremonies emphasize mindfulness, tranquility, and the appreciation of the art of tea. 

Many tea houses and cultural centers offer the opportunity to learn about the tea ceremony's rituals and techniques, allowing visitors to engage in this ancient tradition firsthand.

Kyoto is also renowned for its traditional arts and crafts. Visitors can try their hand at pottery-making, calligraphy, or the art of flower arrangement known as ikebana. 

The city is dotted with workshops and studios where you can learn from skilled artisans and gain insights into these time-honored crafts.


Kanazawa offers its own unique cultural experiences that provide a glimpse into traditional Japanese arts and craftsmanship. 

One of the city's most famous cultural treasures is gold leaf work. Kanazawa produces the majority of Japan's gold leaf, and visitors can witness artisans meticulously applying gold leaf to various objects, including pottery, lacquerware, and even food.

In addition, Kanazawa is known for its intricate lacquerware. The city's artisans have honed their skills over generations, creating stunning lacquerware pieces that showcase meticulous craftsmanship and exquisite designs. 

Visitors can explore lacquerware shops and even try their hand at painting lacquerware under the guidance of skilled artists.

For those seeking a glimpse into the world of geishas, Kanazawa offers a more intimate experience. The Higashi Chaya district is a well-preserved geisha district where you can stroll through narrow streets lined with beautifully preserved teahouses. 

Some teahouses in the district offer performances and opportunities to interact with geishas, allowing visitors to gain insight into their refined and elegant lifestyle.


  • Both Kyoto and Kanazawa provide rich cultural experiences that allow visitors to delve into traditional Japanese arts, customs, and lifestyles.
  • Kyoto's geisha tradition, tea ceremonies, and various traditional arts showcase the city's status as a cultural epicenter. Kanazawa, with its emphasis on gold leaf work, lacquerware, and an intimate geisha district, offers a more localized and off-the-beaten-path cultural experience.
  • Whichever city you choose to visit, you'll have the opportunity to engage with Japan's fascinating cultural heritage and create lasting memories.

Natural Beauty


Kyoto is not only known for its historical sites but also for its breathtaking natural landscapes. One of the most iconic natural attractions in Kyoto is the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. 

As you walk through the towering bamboo stalks, you'll be immersed in a serene and otherworldly environment. The soft rustling of the bamboo leaves and the filtered sunlight create a magical atmosphere that is truly captivating.

Another natural gem in Kyoto is the Philosopher's Path. This scenic walking trail follows a canal lined with hundreds of cherry trees, making it particularly stunning during the cherry blossom season. 

The delicate pink blossoms create a picturesque canopy, and the tranquil waters reflect the beauty above, creating a romantic and serene ambiance.

For those seeking a peaceful escape, Kyoto offers numerous traditional gardens that showcase the harmony between nature and human design. 

The renowned Kinkaku-ji, also known as the Golden Pavilion, features a stunning golden temple set amidst meticulously manicured gardens and a reflective pond. 

Similarly, the Ryoan-ji Temple's famous rock garden, with its carefully arranged rocks and raked gravel, invites contemplation and tranquility.


Kanazawa is equally blessed with natural beauty, offering visitors a chance to connect with nature during their visit. 

The Kenroku-en Garden is a centerpiece of Kanazawa's natural splendor. It is considered one of Japan's Three Great Gardens and is known for its exquisite landscaping, tranquil ponds, and picturesque bridges. 

The garden changes with the seasons, from cherry blossoms in spring to vibrant autumn foliage, providing visitors with a visually captivating experience.

In close proximity to Kanazawa, Hakusan National Park offers a wealth of natural wonders. The park is home to Mount Hakusan, one of Japan's three sacred mountains, known for its majestic peaks, alpine flora, and hot springs. 

Hiking enthusiasts can explore the park's trails, which offer stunning vistas of mountains, forests, and waterfalls.

Additionally, Kanazawa's proximity to the Sea of Japan provides an opportunity to experience coastal beauty. 

Uchinada Beach, located just outside the city, offers a sandy shoreline where visitors can relax, enjoy the ocean breeze, and take in picturesque views of the sea and distant mountains.


  • Both Kyoto and Kanazawa boast natural beauty that complements their rich cultural heritage. Kyoto's Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Philosopher's Path, and traditional gardens offer moments of tranquility and natural serenity amidst the bustling city.
  • Kanazawa's Kenroku-en Garden, Hakusan National Park, and nearby coastal areas provide opportunities to immerse yourself in the diverse landscapes of Japan, from meticulously designed gardens to awe-inspiring mountains and seascapes.
  • Whether you prefer the ethereal beauty of Kyoto or the serene natural landscapes of Kanazawa, both cities offer a delightful blend of cultural and natural attractions for visitors to explore and appreciate.



As one of Japan's major tourist destinations, Kyoto benefits from a robust transportation infrastructure, making it easily accessible for visitors. 

The city is served by the Kyoto Station, a major transportation hub that connects to various parts of Japan. 

Kyoto Station is not only a gateway to the city but also a transportation hub with multiple train lines, including the shinkansen (bullet train), making it convenient for travelers coming from Tokyo, Osaka, or other major cities.

Within Kyoto, the city boasts an extensive bus network that efficiently connects different neighborhoods and major attractions. 

The buses are well-marked and equipped with digital displays and announcements in multiple languages, including English, to help visitors navigate the city. 

Passes and smart cards, such as the Kyoto City Bus One-Day Pass or ICOCA card, make it convenient to travel around the city and provide unlimited rides within a specific period.

For those who prefer cycling, Kyoto offers bicycle rental services, allowing visitors to explore the city at their own pace. Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation in Kyoto due to its relatively flat terrain and bike-friendly infrastructure.


Kanazawa is also well-connected and accessible to travelers, despite being a smaller city. The city has its own shinkansen station, Kanazawa Station, which makes it easily reachable from major cities like Tokyo and Osaka. 

The shinkansen offers a comfortable and efficient means of transportation, reducing travel time significantly.

Once you arrive at Kanazawa Station, the city center and main attractions are easily accessible. The station itself is a modern transportation hub with well-organized signage, information counters, and multilingual support. 

From there, you can choose to explore the city on foot, as many of the main attractions are within walking distance.

Kanazawa also has a reliable and efficient local bus network. Buses connect various parts of the city, including popular tourist sites like Kenroku-en Garden, Kanazawa Castle, and the Higashi Chaya district. 

Bus schedules and routes are well-documented and available in English, making it convenient for visitors to navigate the city.


  • Both Kyoto and Kanazawa offer convenient accessibility options for travelers.
  • Kyoto's larger size and extensive transportation network, including the shinkansen and comprehensive bus system, make it easy to explore the city and reach nearby attractions. 
  • Kanazawa, despite being smaller, benefits from its own shinkansen station and a well-connected local bus network, ensuring that visitors can conveniently access the main sights and landmarks.
  • Regardless of the city you choose to visit, both Kyoto and Kanazawa provide accessible transportation options, allowing you to make the most of your time and explore all the attractions each city has to offer.

Culinary Delights

When it comes to culinary experiences, both Kyoto and Kanazawa offer a wide array of delectable delights that showcase the region's unique flavors.

Kyoto is renowned for its traditional Kaiseki cuisine, a multi-course dining experience that presents a harmonious balance of taste, texture, and presentation. 

Kaiseki meals feature seasonal and local ingredients, allowing visitors to savor the essence of Kyoto's culinary heritage. 

From delicate sashimi and tempura to flavorful tofu dishes and matcha tea sweets, Kyoto's gastronomic offerings are a treat for the senses.

Kanazawa is celebrated for its fresh seafood, thanks to its coastal location near the Sea of Japan. The city's local specialty, Kanazawa-style sushi, is a must-try delicacy.

The sushi showcases a variety of fresh, top-quality seafood sourced from the nearby waters, prepared with precision and skill. 

Additionally, Kanazawa is known for its gold leaf-covered sweets, such as gold leaf ice cream and gold leaf-flecked wagashi (traditional Japanese confectionery).

Crowd Levels

Considerations of crowd levels can influence your decision when choosing between Kyoto and Kanazawa. Kyoto, as one of Japan's major tourist destinations, can be crowded, especially during peak seasons such as cherry blossom season and autumn foliage season. 

Popular attractions like Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Fushimi Inari Shrine attract a large number of visitors, leading to potentially long queues and crowded spaces. 

However, Kyoto's vast number of attractions means that you can still find quieter spots and hidden gems if you venture off the beaten path.

Kanazawa, while increasingly popular, generally experiences fewer crowds compared to Kyoto. This allows for a more relaxed and intimate exploration of the city's historical districts, gardens, and cultural sites. 

While some attractions in Kanazawa, such as Kenroku-en Garden, may still draw a fair number of visitors, the overall atmosphere tends to be less hectic, offering a more tranquil and immersive experience.


Choosing between Kyoto and Kanazawa depends on your preferences for historical significance, cultural experiences, natural beauty, accessibility, culinary delights, and crowd levels. 

Kyoto's grandeur, extensive historical sites, and well-developed infrastructure make it an excellent choice for those seeking a comprehensive exploration of Japan's past. 

Kanazawa, with its intimate historical districts, serene gardens, and less crowded ambiance, offers a more localized and off-the-beaten-path experience.

Consider your interests, desired atmosphere, and the overall experience you seek when deciding between these captivating cities. 

Whichever destination you choose, both Kyoto and Kanazawa promise to enchant you with their rich history, cultural heritage, natural wonders, and culinary treasures, ensuring a memorable journey through the heart of Japan.

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