Japanese Names of Characters From Kuroko's Basketball

Japanese Names of Characters From Kuroko's Basketball

Mar 05,2024Ava Sato

Here’s a complete list of Japanese names of characters from Kuroko’s basketball.

Dive into the high-energy world of “Kuroko’s Basketball” with our insightful look at the Japanese names of its dynamic characters. These names offer more than identity; they carry significance and personality traits that mirror the characters’ roles on the court. Discover the meanings that enhance the depth of this thrilling sports anime.

Fun fact – All the characters’ names are written in the Japanese name order in which the actual name is followed by the surname. Hence, we’ll be following the exact order throughout the blog.

Japanese Names of Characters From Kuroko’s Basketball

Kuroko Tetsuya – 黒子 テツヤ

Kuroko Tetsuya is the main protagonist of Kuroko’s Basketball anime and manga series. He’s a 16-year-old teenager who was one of the key basketball players in the Generation of Miracles in the Teiko Junior High school and he’s also known as the Phantom Sixth Player.

Tetsuya was experienced in passing the ball and misdirecting the opponents. He later joined another high school but still wishes to reunite with the Generation of Miracles.

Tetsuya’s surname Kuroko has the first Kanji letter (黒) “Kuro” which means black and the second Kanji letter (子) “Ko” means a child. Meanwhile, Tetsuya’s name is written in katakana letters (テツヤ) which have no particular meaning. Despite being a player with short stature, Tetsuya was extremely good at misdirecting the opponents and passing the ball.

Kagami Taiga – 火神 大我

Kagami Taiga is one of the main protagonists of the Kuroko’s Basketball series and also the friend of Kuroko Tetsuya. He’s the ace and power forward player for the Seirin High but he never made it to the Generation of Miracles.

However, he earned the name “The Miracle who didn’t become one of the Miracles. This made him want to defeat the Generation of Miracles and become the best basketball player in Japan.

Taiga’s surname, Kagami has the first kanji (火) “Ka” which means fire, and the second kanji (神) “Gami” means spirit. Meanwhile, Taiga’s name has the first kanji (大) “Tai” which means big, and the last kanji (我) “Ga” which means ego.

Aomine Daiki – 青峰 大輝

Next is Aomine Daiki who’s one of the main characters in the Kuroko’s Basketball series and also the ex-partner of Kuroko. Daiki was a former ace player in the basketball team of Teiko and also one of the key players in the Generation of Miracles.

After moving to a different school, Daiki became the ace player and also the power forward for the school’s team as well.

Daiki’s surname Aomine has the first kanji (青) “Ao” which means blue suggesting his hair color and the second kanji letter (峰) “Mine” means a mountain peak.

Meanwhile, Daiki’s name has the first kanji (大) “Dai” which means big and the second kanji (輝) “Ki” means shine. Aomine Daiki’s name meaning suggests that he’s the star player of the team and the one who has a high ego.

Kise Ryota – 黄瀬 涼太

Kise Ryota is another main character from the Kuroko’s Basketball series who was also one of the members of the Generation of Miracles from Teiko High who played small forward.

When Ryota left Teiko High he joined another school named Kajio High and played for their basketball team. Ryota is renowned for his copying abilities as he can instantly copy his opponent’s techniques.

Ryota’s surname Kise has the first kanji (黄) “Ki” which means yellow, a reference to his hair color, and the second kanji (瀬) “Se” means shallow. Ryota has the first kanji (涼) “Ryo” which means cool and the last kanji (太) “Ta” which means big, a reference to his height.

Murasakibara Atsushi – 紫原 敦

Murasakibara Atsushi is one of the main characters of the Kuroko’s Basketball series and another member of the Generation of Miracles from Teiko High. Atsushi later moved to an elite high school named Yosen High where he plays as a center in the basketball team. Atsushi previously played as the center in Teiko High as well.

Atsushi’s surname Murasakibara has the first kanji (紫) “Murasaki” which means purple which is a reference to Atsushi’s hair color and the second kanji (原) “Bara” means a field. Atsushi’s name has only one kanji letter (敦) which means generous.

Midorima Shintaro – 緑間 真太郎

Midorima Shintaro is another key character from the Kuroko’s Basketball series who previously played as the shooting guard of the Generation of Miracles during his time at the Teiko High Junior school.

He was also the vice-captain of the Generation of Miracles team. Presently, Shintaro plays for Shutoku High and Three Kings of Tokyo.

Shintaro’s surname, Midorima has the first kanji (緑) “Midori” which means green which is also a reference to his hair color, and the second kanji (間) “Ma” means space. Shintaro has the first kanji (真) “Shin” which means true, the second kanji (太) “Ta” means big and the third kanji (郎) “Ro” is a common suffix for boy’s names in Japan.

Aida Riko – 相田 リコ

Aida Riko is another key character from Kuroko’s Basketball series. She’s the daughter of Aida Kagetora and also the coach of Seirin High boys’ basketball club. Riko has the appearance of a boy with short brown hair and she’s of average height.

When it comes to the basketball team, Riko is very serious and cautious. She cares for all the players but wouldn’t mind forcing them to train intensely as she’s determined to make her team win.

Riko can also be sweet and violent from time to time. She very rarely exposes her feminine side due to the lack of a curvaceous figure.

Riko’s surname Aida has two kanji letters (相田) “Aida” which means wise man and Riko’s name has two kanji letters as well (リコ) which means white jasmine flower.

Idzuki Shun – 伊月 俊

Idzuki Shun or Shun Izuki is one of the key characters from Kuroko’s Basketball series. Shun plays for the Seirin High Junior school basketball team and he’s the vice-captain of the team as well as the second-year regular point guard.

One of the notable and impressive abilities of Shun is Eagle Eye. This lets him focus closely on his teammates and their actions and as well as keep track of the opponents as well.

For a talented basketball player like Shun, he has an average-looking body. Shun has short and straight black hair and his eyes are narrow which looks like those of an eagle’s eyes which is of course a reference to his Eagle Eye ability.

He has a very chill and easy-going attitude and he loves wordplay. When it comes to playing he’s a skilled strategist and always assists his teammates. Shun’s surname Idzuki (伊月) means moon and Shun (俊) means handsome or talented.

Kiyoshi Teppei – 木吉 鉄平

Kiyoshi Teppei is one of the main characters of the Kuroko’s Basketball series and who’s also the founder of the Seirin High basketball team.

Kiyoshi Teppei was formerly the ace of the Seirin High basketball team who was nicknamed “Iron Heart” (鉄心 – Tesshin) and one of the uncrowned kings as well.

Kiyoshi has a tall stature, brown hair, and thick eyebrows. His overall appearance looks very muscular and athletic.

He has a mature attitude and is quite smart when it comes to basketball. He comes up with instant strategies to defeat the opponents and can act rough during the games.

Since Kiyoshi is the founder of the team he cares about his teammates. He supports them unconditionally and treats them well.

Kasamatsu Yukio – 笠松 幸男

Kasamatsu Yukio is one of the key characters from Kuroko’s Basketball series. He’s the captain of the Kajio High basketball team and also the third-year point guard.

Yukio has black short spiky hair and blue eyes. Yukio has a mature attitude and is a very responsible captain who always keeps his teammates motivated even during times of uncertainty.

He’s definitely one of the talented players and the best captains Kajio High has ever had and has won several matches for Kajio High. During the game, Yukio maintains his cool all the time to ensure his teammates aren’t demotivated or distracted.

Japanese Names of Characters From Kuroko’s Basketball: FAQs

What does the name Kuroko Tetsuya mean?

Kuroko Tetsuya is the main protagonist of Kuroko’s Basketball manga and anime series. He’s one of the key basketball players for Teiko Junior High school and also a part of the Generation of Miracles. Kuroko Tetsuya’s name in Japanese is 黒子 テツヤ and the meaning of the kanji letters for Kuroko is (黒) “black” and the last kanji letter (子) means boy. Meanwhile, Tetsuya is written in katakana letters hence has no specific meaning.

What does Daiki Aomine mean?

Daiki Aomine is one of the main characters from Kuroko’s Basketball who was the former ace player of Teiko High and also one of the Generations of Miracles. Daiki’s surname, Aomine (青峰) has two kanji letters and it means blue peak and his actual name “Daiki” has two kanji letters (大輝) which mean big shine/radiance. The meaning of his name hints at his hair color and how extremely talented he is.

How do you write Kuroko in Japanese?

Kuroko’s Basketball is a popular sports manga and anime series that portrays the lives of extremely talented basketball players. The main protagonist of the Kuroko’s Basketball series is Kuroko Tetsuya who was one of the key players from the Generation of Miracles from Teiko High. Kuroko’s name (黒子) in Japanese has two kanji letters (黒) “Kuro” which means black and (子) “Ko” which is a common suffix for boys’ names in Japan.

What is Aomine Daiki’s first name?

Aomine Daiki’s first name is Aomine (青峰) which means “blue peak”. This is a reference to the blue hair color of Daiki and his high and profound talents in basketball.
