japanese names meaning revenge

40 Japanese Names Meaning Revenge

Mar 06,2025Shopify API

Here are powerful Japanese names meaning revenge. Check it out!

Revenge, a powerful and complex emotion, has fueled countless stories and narratives across cultures and time. Throughout history, individuals have sought retribution for injustices suffered, driven by anger, a desire for justice, or simply a need to restore balance. 

In Japanese culture, the concept of revenge holds a particular significance, often intertwined with themes of honor, duty, and family loyalty. 

This article explores 40 Japanese names that embody the essence of revenge, delving into their meanings and the emotional weight they carry.

Japanese Names Meaning Revenge

復讐 (Fukushū)

  • Meaning: Revenge, retaliation
  • Description: A powerful and direct name with a clear meaning. It conveys a strong sense of commitment to revenge.

雪辱 (Setsujoku)

  • Meaning: To avenge shame, to wash away disgrace
  • Description: This name suggests a desire to clear one's name and reclaim honor.

仇討 (Katakiuchi)

  • Meaning: Revenge for an enemy, vengeance
  • Description: A traditional name that refers specifically to the act of avenging a family member's death.

懲罰 (Chōbatsu)

  • Meaning: Punishment, retribution
  • Description: This name implies a desire to inflict justice and see the wrongdoer punished.

反撃 (Hangeki)

  • Meaning: Counterattack, retaliation
  • Description: A dynamic name that suggests a swift and decisive response to an attack.

逆襲 (Gyakushū)

  • Meaning: Counterattack, overturn the tables
  • Description: This name implies a desire to turn the tide and ultimately defeat the opponent.

怨念 (Onnen)

  • Meaning: Grudge, resentment
  • Description: This name suggests a deep and lasting hatred that fuels the desire for revenge.

恨み (Urami)

  • Meaning: Resentment, grudge
  • Description: Similar to Onnen, this name implies a deep-seated anger and bitterness towards the wrongdoer.

屈辱 (Kutsujoku)

  • Meaning: Humiliation, disgrace
  • Description: This name suggests a desire to wipe away the shame inflicted by the enemy.

憤怒 (Fundo)

  • Meaning: Anger, rage
  • Description: This name conveys a sense of intense anger and fury that drives the desire for revenge.

怨讐 (Onshū)

  • Meaning: Enemy, grudge
  • Description: This name combines the concepts of enemy and grudge, highlighting the personal connection to revenge.

讐敵 (Shūteki)

  • Meaning: Enemy, adversary
  • Description: Similar to Onshū, this name emphasizes the enemy as the target of revenge.

誅戮 (Chūritsu)

  • Meaning: To kill, to execute
  • Description: This name suggests a bloody and violent form of revenge.

報復 (Hōfuku)

  • Meaning: Retaliation, revenge
  • Description: This name is a general term for revenge, without specifying the method or motivation.

仇討ち (Katakiuchi)

  • Meaning: Revenge for an enemy
  • Description: Another variation of Katakiuchi, emphasizing the personal nature of the revenge.

怨恨 (Onken)

  • Meaning: Grudge, resentment
  • Description: This name combines the concepts of grudge and resentment, suggesting a deep-seated desire for revenge.

復讐鬼 (Fukushūki)

  • Meaning: Revenge demon
  • Description: This powerful name portrays the person seeking revenge as a vengeful spirit.

復讐者 (Fukushūsha)

  • Meaning: Avenger
  • Description: This straightforward name directly identifies the person as one who seeks revenge.

恨み晴らす (Urami harasu)

  • Meaning: To clear one's grudge
  • Description: This name suggests a desire to let go of the anger and resentment through revenge.

恨みを晴らす者 (Urami harasu mono)

  • Meaning: One who clears their grudge
  • Description: This name identifies the person as someone who actively seeks to resolve their bitterness.

仇を討つ (Kataki o utsu)

  • Meaning: To take revenge on an enemy
  • Description: This active phrase emphasizes the act of carrying out revenge.

恥を雪ぐ (Haji o yugu)

  • Meaning: To wash away one's shame
  • Description: This name suggests a desire to restore honor and dignity through revenge.

恨みを晴らす日 (Urami harasu hi)

  • Meaning: The day the grudge is cleared
  • Description: This name refers to the future moment when revenge will be achieved.

復讐の炎 (Fukushū no honō)

  • Meaning: Flames of revenge
  • Description: This metaphor suggests a burning desire for revenge that consumes the person.

恨みの刃 (Urami no yaiba)

  • Meaning: Blade of resentment
  • Description: This metaphor suggests that the person seeking revenge is a weapon fueled by anger.

復讐の鬼神 (Fukushū no kijin)

  • Meaning: Vengeance demon god
  • Description: This powerful name compares the person seeking revenge to a wrathful deity.

怨念の化身 (Onnen no keshin)

  • Meaning: Embodiment of grudges
  • Description: This name suggests that the person seeking revenge has become consumed by their desire for retribution.

仇討ちの誓い (Katakiuchi no chikai)

  • Meaning: Oath of revenge
  • Description: This name highlights the commitment and determination of the person seeking revenge.

恨み忘るまじ (Urami wasuremaji)

  • Meaning: I will never forget the grudge
  • Description: This phrase emphasizes the enduring nature of the anger and bitterness that fuels the desire for revenge.

復讐の代償 (Fukushū no daishō)

  • Meaning: The price of revenge
  • Description: This name suggests that there is a cost associated with seeking revenge.

仇討ちの果て (Katakiuchi no hate)

  • Meaning: The end of the revenge
  • This name refers to the conclusion of the revenge quest, whether successful or not.

恨みは消えず (Urami wa kiezu)

  • Meaning: The grudge will not disappear
  • Description: This name suggests that the anger and bitterness may linger even after revenge is achieved.

復讐の連鎖 (Fukushū no rensa)

  • Meaning: Cycle of revenge
  • Description: This name highlights the potential for revenge to create a never-ending cycle of violence.

怨念の闇 (Onnen no yami)

  • Meaning: Darkness of resentment
  • Description: This metaphor suggests that the person seeking revenge is trapped in a dark and consuming place.

復讐の美学 (Fukushū no bigaku)

  • Meaning: The aesthetics of revenge
  • Description: This controversial name suggests that there is a certain beauty or satisfaction in seeking revenge.

仇討ちの正しさ (Katakiuchi no tadashisa)

  • Meaning: The righteousness of revenge
  • Description: This name justifies the act of revenge as a noble and necessary course of action.

恨みの解放 (Urami no kaihō)

  • Meaning: Liberation from resentment
  • Description: This name suggests that revenge can be a way to let go of anger and bitterness.

復讐の果ての空 (Fukushū no hate no sora)

  • Meaning: The sky after the end of revenge
  • Description: This name refers to the uncertain future that awaits after the revenge is complete.

怨念の果ての光 (Onnen no hate no hikari)

  • Meaning: The light at the end of the resentment
  • Description: This hopeful name suggests that there is a possibility for healing and forgiveness beyond revenge.


These names paint a vivid picture of the multifaceted nature of revenge: its consuming fury, its unwavering determination, and the darkness it can potentially unleash. 

However, amongst the names that evoke anger and resentment, there are also names that hint at the possibility of healing and forgiveness. 

Ultimately, the question of whether revenge offers true closure or merely perpetuates a cycle of suffering remains a complex one, open to individual interpretation and reflection. 

By examining these names and their meanings, we gain a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of revenge and its enduring influence on the human psyche.

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