japanese names meaning evening|

40 Japanese Names Meaning Evening

Jun 05,2024Shopify API

Here are beautiful Japanese names meaning evening. Check it out!

Japanese names are renowned for their intricate beauty and profound symbolism, often drawing inspiration from nature's elements, cultural values, and historical figures. 

Among the myriad of names available, those that embody the tranquility and serenity of the evening hold a special charm. 

Here, we delve into a selection of 40 Japanese names that capture the essence of twilight, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Japanese language and culture.

Japanese Names Meaning Evening

Yuugata (夕方)

Meaning "evening" or "dusk," Yuugata embodies the gentle transition from day to night. It evokes images of soft sunsets, twinkling stars, and the quiet lull of the approaching darkness.

Higure (日暮れ)

Higure translates to "dusk" or "twilight," capturing the fleeting moments as daylight fades into night. It symbolizes the ephemeral beauty of endings and the anticipation of new beginnings.

Yuuka (夕香)

Yuuka signifies "evening fragrance," conjuring up the sweet, delicate scents that waft through the air as the sun sets. It represents the enchanting allure of the twilight hour.

Yuuhi (夕日)

Yuuhi embodies the "evening sun," painting a picture of the sky aglow with vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple. It symbolizes the fading warmth of the day and the promise of a starlit night.

Yuugao (夕顔)

Yuugao translates to "evening glory," alluding to the ephemeral beauty of the moonflower, which blooms as the sun sets. It represents the delicate nature of beauty and the fleeting moments of life.

Yuudachi (夕立)

Yuudachi signifies an "evening shower," capturing the unexpected downpours that often occur during twilight. It symbolizes the unpredictable nature of nature and the contrast between light and darkness.

Yuukaze (夕風)

Yuukaze translates to "evening breeze," evoking the gentle, refreshing gusts of wind that blow as the day draws to a close. It represents the tranquility and serenity of the twilight hour.

Yuumomo (夕桃)

Yuumomo signifies an "evening peach," symbolizing the ripening and maturation that occurs as the day fades into night. It represents the passage of time and the transition from youth to maturity.

Yuugure (夕暮れ)

Yuugure signifies "evening glow," capturing the soft, ethereal light that lingers after sunset. It represents the lingering warmth of the day and the gentle embrace of night.

Yuuji (夕児)

Meaning "evening child," Yuuji embodies the innocence and purity of a child born in the twilight hour. It represents the hope and promise that new beginnings bring.

Yuuhei (夕平)

Yuuhei translates to "evening tranquility," evoking the sense of peace and serenity that descends as the day draws to a close. It represents the tranquility of the twilight hour and the respite it offers.

Yuukaori (夕香)

Yuukaori signifies "evening fragrance," capturing the lingering scents of flowers that bloom in the twilight hour. It represents the delicate beauty of nature and the fleeting moments of life.

Yuudachi (夕立)

Yuudachi signifies an "evening thunderstorm," capturing the sudden and intense storms that often occur during twilight. It symbolizes the unpredictable nature of nature and the contrast between peace and chaos.

Yuumomo (夕桃)

Yuumomo signifies an "evening plum," symbolizing the ripeness and abundance that occurs as the day fades into night. It represents the fulfillment of hopes and dreams.

Yuusora (夕空)

Yuusora translates to "evening sky," painting a picture of the vast expanse adorned with the colors of twilight. It symbolizes the vastness and beauty of the natural world and the promise of new beginnings.

Yuuharu (夕春)

Meaning "evening spring," Yuuharu symbolizes the fleeting beauty of spring, which is often associated with the twilight hour. It represents the ephemeral nature of beauty and the passage of time.

Yuukon (夕紺)

Yuukon translates to "evening indigo," evoking the deep, rich hues of the sky as the sun sets. It represents the tranquility and serenity of the twilight hour.

Yuugiku (夕菊)

Yuugiku signifies an "evening chrysanthemum," symbolizing the resilience and perseverance of the chrysanthemum, which often blooms in the twilight hour. It represents the strength and determination to overcome challenges.

Yuumizu (夕水)

Yuumizu translates to "evening water," capturing the glistening and tranquil appearance of water as the sun sets. It represents the purity and tranquility of the twilight hour.

Yuugiri (夕霧)

Yuugiri signifies an "evening mist," evoking the ethereal and mysterious fog that often descends as the day draws to a close. It represents the hidden beauty and the unknown possibilities that lie within the twilight hour.

Yuukaze (夕風)

Yuukaze translates to "evening wind," capturing the gentle, refreshing gusts of wind that blow as the day draws to a close. It represents the passage of time and the changing seasons.

Yuunami (夕波)

Yuunami signifies "evening waves," evoking the rhythmic and calming sound of the waves crashing against the shore as the sun sets. It represents the tranquility and serenity of the twilight hour.

Yuumohra (夕夢幻)

Yuumohra translates to "evening illusion," capturing the fleeting and ephemeral nature of dreams, which often occur during the twilight hour. It represents the power of imagination and the beauty of dreams.

Yuusei (夕星)

Yuusei signifies an "evening star," symbolizing the first star to appear in the sky as the sun sets. It represents hope, guidance, and the promise of new beginnings.

Yuuou (夕央)

Yuuou translates to "evening king," evoking the image of the king of the twilight hour, who reigns over the fading light and the rising darkness. It represents strength, leadership, and the power to overcome challenges.

Yuuyuki (夕雪)

Meaning "evening snow," Yuuyuki symbolizes the purity and fleeting beauty of snow, which often falls in the twilight hour. It represents the ephemeral nature of life and the importance of cherishing each moment.

Yuugetsu (夕月)

Yuugetsu translates to "evening moon," evoking the soft, ethereal glow of the moon as it rises in the twilight sky. It represents tranquility, serenity, and the power of dreams.

Yuunishiki (夕錦)

Yuunishiki signifies "evening brocade," capturing the vibrant and colorful hues of the sky as the sun sets. It represents the beauty of nature and the interconnectedness of all things.

Yuukage (夕影)

Yuukage translates to "evening shadow," evoking the lengthening shadows that stretch across the land as the day draws to a close. It represents the passage of time and the inevitable transition from light to darkness.

Yuusuzumi (夕涼)

Yuusuzumi signifies "evening coolness," capturing the refreshing and invigorating feeling of the air as the sun sets. It represents the respite from the heat of the day and the promise of a new day ahead.

Yuukago (夕篭)

Yuukago translates to "evening cage," evoking the image of fireflies dancing in the twilight sky. It represents the fleeting nature of beauty and the preciousness of fleeting moments.

Yuunohara (夕野原)

Yuunohara signifies "evening field," capturing the vast expanse of a field bathed in the soft glow of the twilight sky. It represents the tranquility of nature and the endless possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.

Yuuboshi (夕暮し)

Yuuboshi signifies "evening twilight," evoking the fleeting moments between day and night. It represents the transition from one state of being to another and the beauty of change.

Yuugurenagai (夕暮れ長雨)

Yuugurenagai translates to "evening twilight rain," capturing the gentle and persistent rain that often falls in the twilight hour. It represents the cleansing power of nature and the renewal that comes after the storm.


From the gentle caress of the evening breeze to the vibrant hues of the twilight sky, Japanese names that capture the essence of evening evoke a sense of tranquility, beauty, and the fleeting nature of time. 

These names, steeped in the rich tapestry of Japanese culture, remind us to appreciate the ephemeral moments of life, find solace in the quietude of twilight, and embrace the promise of new beginnings that each day brings.
