japanese names meaning air

15 Japanese Names Meaning Air

Jun 05,2024Shopify API

Japanese names often carry deep meanings and connections to nature. Names that signify 'air' or include elements of 'wind' and 'breeze' evoke a sense of freedom, purity, and natural beauty. In this list, we explore the poetic and symbolic names that celebrate the essence of air in Japanese culture."

Japanese Names Meaning Air

風子 (Fūko)

This name combines the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'child' (子), meaning 'child of the wind' or 'wind child'.

風香 (Fūka) 

Combining the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'fragrance' (香), this name means 'fragrance of the wind' or 'wind fragrance'.

風雅 (Fūga) 

The kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'elegance' (雅) create a name that can mean 'elegant wind' or 'wind elegance'.

風音 (Fūne) 

This name combines the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'sound' (音), meaning 'sound of the wind'.

颯 (Sou) 

This name means 'swooshing sound of wind' or 'rustling sound of leaves in the wind'.

風流 (Fūryū) 

Combining the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'flow' (流), this name can mean 'flowing wind' or 'windy flow'.

風翔 (Fūshō) 

The kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'soar' (翔) create a name that can mean 'soaring wind' or 'wind soaring'.

風太郎 (Fūtarō) 

Combining the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'eldest son' (太郎), this name means 'eldest son of the wind'.

風斗 (Fūto) 

This name combines the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'big dipper' (斗), implying a connection to the wind and stars.

風磨 (Fūma) 

Combining the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'polish' (磨), this name can mean 'polishing wind' or 'wind polish'.

風人 (Fūto) 

The kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'person' (人) create a name that can mean 'person of the wind'.

風舞 (Fūma) 

Combining the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'dance' (舞), this name can mean 'dancing wind' or 'wind dance'.

風野 (Fūno) 

This name combines the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'field' (野), meaning 'windy field' or 'field of wind'.

風凛 (Fūrin) 

Combining the kanji for 'wind' (風) and 'cold' (凛), this name can mean 'chilling wind' or 'cold wind'.
