Japanese Names Associated with Summer Season

80 Cool Japanese Names Associated with Summer Season

Feb 12,2025Ava Sato

Looking for Japanese names associated with Summer season? We listed them here. Check it out!

Japanese Names Associated with Summer Season

As the warmth of summer blankets Japan, certain names resonate with the season’s vibrant energy and natural beauty. These Japanese names, often inspired by elements like the sun, ocean, and greenery, capture the essence of summer’s vitality. They reflect a deep connection to the season’s fleeting yet profound splendor.

Page Contents

Japanese Names Associated with Summer Season

Natsumi 夏海 (Female)

Pronunciation: Nat su mi

From Japanese for summer sea

Natsuyoshi 夏芳 (Male)

Pronunciation: Nat Sho Yo Shi

From Japanese for summer and fragrance

Natsuko 夏子 (Female)

Pronunciation: Nat Su Ko

From Japanese for summer child

Natsuhisa 夏久 (Male)

Pronunciation: Nat Su Sha

From Japanese for summer and forever

Chinatsu 千夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Chi Nat Su

From Japanese for thousand and summer

Haruto 陽翔 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ha-ru-to

From Japanese for sunshine 陽 and fly or soar 翔

Hinata 陽葵 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hee nah tah

From Japanese for sunlight 陽 and hollyhock 葵 (a flower)

Natsuki 夏希 (Female)

Pronunciation: Nat Su Ki

From Japanese for summer and hope

Konatsu 小夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ko Nat Su

From Japanese for little summer

Akari 丹李 (Female)

Pronunciation: Aa Kaa Riy

From Japanese for light

Kaito 海人 (Male)

Pronunciation: Kaa Iy Tow

From Japanese for sea and human

Himawari 向日葵 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hhiy Maa Waa Riy

From Japanese for sunflower

Kai 海 (Male)

Pronunciation: Kye

From Japanese for sea

Yurika 百合華 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yu Ri Ka

From Japanese for lily and beauty

Haruya 晴耶 (Male)

Pronunciation: Haru Ya

From Japanese for sunny

Asuka 明日奏 (Male)

Pronunciation: Uh Soo Kuh

From Japanese for little bright

Karen 夏蓮 (Female)

Pronunciation: Kay Ren

From Japanese for summer and lotus

Taiyo 太陽 (Male)

Pronunciation: Tay Yow

From Japanese for sun

Moriaki 盛明 (Male)

Pronunciation: Mo Ri Aki

From Japanese for flourish and light

Masashi 昌志 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ma Sas Hi

From Japanese for bright, beautiful, glorious, and will

Akemi 明美 (Male)

Pronunciation: A Keh Mee

From Japanese for bright and beautiful

Riko 莉瑚 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ri Ko

From Japanese for white jasmine

Kanna 栞菜 (Female)

Pronunciation: Kan Na

From Japanese for summer waves

Akito 陽斗 (Male)


From Japanese for bright person

Koharu 小晴 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ko Haru

From Japanese for heart and summer

Aoi 葵 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ah Oh Ee

From Japanese for blueish

Youko (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoh Koh

From Japanese for sunshine

Sora (Female)

Pronunciation: So Ra

From Japanese for sky

Yota 陽太 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoh Tah

From Japanese for thick sunshine

Aika 葵香 (Female)

Pronunciation: A Ika

From Japanese for hollyhock and scent

Marie 茉莉絵 (Female)

Pronunciation: Mari

From Japanese for white jasmine and picture

Seina 星南 (Female)

Pronunciation: Say Na

From Japanese for star and south

Seika 星香 (Female)

Pronunciation: Sei Ka

From Japanese for pure summer

Natsu 夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Nat Su

From Japanese for born in summer

Rensuke 蓮介 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ren Swok

From Japanese for lotus and help

Hoshie 星江 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hhow Shiy

From Japanese for star and creek

Seiichi 星 (Male)

Pronunciation: Sey Iy Ch Iy

From Japanese for star and one

Ryusei 龍星 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ryoo Say

From Japanese for dragon and star

Morihide 盛偉 (Male)

Pronunciation: Mo Ri hide

From Japanese for prosperous and great

Kaho 華帆 (Female)

Pronunciation: Kaa Hhow

From Japanese for beauty and sail

Shiori 汐里 (Female)

Pronunciation: Shi O Ri

From Japanese for evening tide and village

Karin 夏凛 (Female)

Pronunciation: Kar Een

From Japanese for summer and dignified

Saki 咲葵 (Female)

Pronunciation: Sah Keh

From Japanese for blooming hollyhock

Otoha 乙羽 (Female)

Pronunciation: O toh Aa

From Japanese for maiden feathers

Aoba 蒼葉 (Male)

Pronunciation: A O Ba

From Japanese for blue and leaf

Haruki 晴生 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ha Roo Kee

From Japanese for (haru 晴) meaning “clear weather” and (ki 輝) meaning “brightness”.

Reiju 麗珠 (Male)

Pronunciation: Rei Ju

From Japanese for beautiful pearl

Himari 向陽 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hi Mar I

From Japanese for Go towards sunlight

Hiyo 陽葉 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hee Yo

From Japanese for sun and leaf

Haruhi 晴妃 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ha Roo Khee

From Japanese for sunny princess

Yuka 夕夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoo Ka

From Japanese for reason and summer

Chika 千夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Chee Ka

From Japanese for thousand summer

Asahi 旭陽 (Male)

Pronunciation: A Sa Khee

From Japanese for morning sunlight

Subaru 昴晴 (Male)

Pronunciation: Soo Ba Roo

From Japanese for name for the Pleiades star cluster and sunny

Nagisa 渚 (Male)

Pronunciation: Na Gyee Sa

From Japanese for beach

Ichika 一千花 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ee Chee Kah

From Japanese for one summer

Yuhi 夕陽 (Male)

Pronunciation: Yoo Hee

From Japanese for evening sunlight

Rikka 立夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Reek Kah

From Japanese for first day of summer

Minato 海夏人 (Female)

Pronunciation: Mee Na To

From Japanese for sea, summer, and people

Natsume 夏めく(Male)

Pronunciation: Nat Soo May

From Japanese for summer eye

Harue 春衣 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ha Ru E

From Japanese for sunshine

Seiya 晴也 (Male)

Pronunciation: Say Yah

From Japanese for sunny and affirmation

Yoichi (Male)

Pronunciation: Yo Ee Chee

From Japanese for ocean and one

Ayaka 彩花 (Female)

Pronunciation: A Ya Ka

From Japanese for scented flower

Wataru 航 (Male)

Pronunciation: Wa Ta Roo

From Japanese for sail

Manatsu 真夏 (female)

Pronunciation: Ma Na Tsoo

From Japanese for true summer

Kosuke 康介 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ko Soo Keh

From Japanese for rising sun

Haruma 晴真 (Male)

Pronunciation: Hah Ruu Mah

From Japanese for sunny and nature as it is

Issei (Male)

Pronunciation: Iss Ei

From Japanese for one star

Masami 雅海 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ma Sami

From Japanese for grace and sea

Natsuyo 夏代 (Female)

Pronunciation: Nat Su Yo

From Japanese for summer region

Natsuyuki 夏之 (Male)

Pronunciation: Nat Su Yu Ki

From Japanese for summer and move on

Ami 愛海 (Female)

Pronunciation: Eme

From Japanese for love and sea

Kanata 夏向 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ka Na Ta

From Japanese for that direction

Takumi 拓海 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ta Kuu Mi

From Japanese for open and sea

Minami 美波 (Female)

Pronunciation: Mi Na Mi

From Japanese for beauty and wave

Yoko 洋子 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yo Ko

From Japanese for ocean and child

Hoshimi 星美 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hhow Shiy Miy

From Japanese for star and beauty

Haru 陽 (Male)

Pronunciation: Ha Roo

From Japanese for light and sun

Hatsuka 初夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hah Tsuu Kah

From Japanese for harmony and flower

Honoka 帆夏 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ho No Ka

From Japanese for beginning of summer

Summer Japanese Names: FAQs

How many Kanji names are there?

There are several different kanji combinations, more than 50 as recorded, which are being used in names. There is a trend going on where people use only one kanji character for girls’ names, especially when they are associated with nature or a plant.

How popular are the names associated with Natsu?

In the past, Natsu itself was counted as a prospective name for a child. But over the years, it has become less prevalent. This also applies to the name or word Natsuko (夏子). But the character continues to live on. This is usually by using the Chinese reading “ka” which can be combined with several other characters.
