japanese boy names meaning love

30 Japanese Boy Names Meaning Love

Jan 14,2025Shopify API

Looking for a Japanese boy names meaning love? Look no further! Our comprehensive list of Japanese boy names with meanings includes over 100 names, so you're sure to find the perfect one for your little one.

Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a big decision, and it's important to pick a name that you love and that has a special meaning for you. If you're looking for a Japanese boy name that means love, we've got you covered!

In this article, we've compiled a list of over 100 Japanese boy names with meanings related to love. From popular names like Ren and Ai to more unique names like Koi and Mamoru, we've got something for everyone.

Whether you're looking for a traditional Japanese name or a more modern one, we're sure you'll find the perfect name for your son on this list. So start browsing and find the perfect name for your little love!

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Love

Ai (愛)

  • Meaning: Love
  • Pronunciation: Ah-ee

Ai is a popular Japanese name for boys and girls alike. It directly translates to "love," making it a beautiful choice for a child who is cherished and loved by their family.

Renn (恋)

  • Meaning: Love, romantic affection
  • Pronunciation: Ren

Renn is a unique and charming name that signifies romantic love and affection. It carries a sense of deep emotional connection.

Hiroshi (寛)

  • Meaning: Generous love
  • Pronunciation: Hee-roh-shee

Hiroshi is a name that combines "hiro" meaning "wide" or "generous" with "shi" meaning "love." It suggests a warm and open-hearted love.

Yuki (雪)

  • Meaning: Happiness and love
  • Pronunciation: Yoo-kee

Yuki is a name associated with both happiness and love, making it a delightful choice for a baby boy who brings joy and love into your life.

Koi (恋)

  • Meaning: Deep affection or love
  • Pronunciation: Koy

Koi signifies a deep and profound love, often associated with romantic feelings. It's a name that captures the intensity of love.

Haruki (春樹)

  • Meaning: Spring (haru) and tree (ki), symbolizing the growth of love
  • Pronunciation: Ha-roo-kee

Haruki is a beautiful combination of "haru," which means spring, and "ki," which means tree. It represents the growth and blossoming of love over time.

Satoru (悟)

  • Meaning: To understand and love deeply
  • Pronunciation: Sah-toh-roo

Satoru conveys the idea of understanding and loving deeply, emphasizing the importance of emotional connection in relationships.

Atsuki (温)

  • Meaning: Warmth, affection
  • Pronunciation: Ats-kee

Atsuki is a name that evokes warmth and affection, making it a perfect choice for a child who is surrounded by love.

Masayuki (正幸)

  • Meaning: Correct (masa) fortune (yuki), symbolizing the happiness of love
  • Pronunciation: Mah-sah-yoo-kee

Masayuki combines "masa" meaning correct or just, with "yuki" meaning fortune. It symbolizes the happiness and good fortune that love can bring.

Yori (頼)

  • Meaning: Reliance, trust, love
  • Pronunciation: Yo-ree

Yori signifies not only love but also trust and reliance, emphasizing the importance of a strong and loving bond.

Aiko (愛子)

  • Meaning: Child of love
  • Pronunciation: Ah-ee-ko

Aiko is a name that combines "ai" meaning love and "ko" meaning child. It symbolizes a child born out of love.

Kiyoshi (清)

  • Meaning: Pure, clean love
  • Pronunciation: Kee-yo-shee

Kiyoshi signifies a pure and clean form of love, emphasizing the innocence and sincerity of affection.

Makoto (誠)

  • Meaning: Sincere love and truth
  • Pronunciation: Mah-koh-toh

Makoto conveys the idea of sincere love and truth, emphasizing honesty and genuine affection.

Yasuhiro (康宏)

  • Meaning: Peace (yasu) and prosperity (hiro), symbolizing a loving and harmonious life
  • Pronunciation: Yah-soo-hee-roh

Yasuhiro combines "yasu" meaning peace with "hiro" meaning prosperity, representing a life filled with love and harmony.

Daiki (大輝)

  • Meaning: Great (dai) radiance (ki), symbolizing the bright and radiant love
  • Pronunciation: Dah-ee-kee

Daiki combines "dai" meaning great with "ki" meaning radiance. It signifies a love that shines brightly.

Isamu (勇)

  • Meaning: Courageous love
  • Pronunciation: Ee-sah-moo

Isamu represents love that is courageous and fearless, emphasizing the strength of emotions.

Teruo (輝男)

  • Meaning: Shining (teru) man (o), symbolizing a loving and radiant individual
  • Pronunciation: Teh-roo-oh

Teruo combines "teru" meaning shining with "o" meaning man. It signifies a person who embodies love and radiance.

Yuuto (勇人)

  • Meaning: Brave (yuu) person (to), symbolizing a loving and courageous individual
  • Pronunciation: Yoo-toh

Yuuto combines "yuu" meaning brave with "to" meaning person. It represents a person who is both loving and courageous.

Aisuke (愛助)

  • Meaning: Helped by love
  • Pronunciation: Ah-ee-skeh

Aisuke conveys the idea of being helped and supported by love, highlighting the importance of love in one's life.

Kousuke (幸助)

  • Meaning: Lucky (kou) help (suke), symbolizing a fortunate and loving helper
  • Pronunciation: Koh-skeh

Kousuke combines "kou" meaning lucky with "suke" meaning help. It represents a person who brings luck and love to those around them.

Koichi (浩一)

  • Meaning: Prosperous (ko) one (ichi), symbolizing a loving and successful individual
  • Pronunciation: Koh-ee-chee

Koichi combines "ko" meaning prosperous with "ichi" meaning one. It signifies a person who embodies both love and success.

Yukio (幸男)

  • Meaning: Lucky (yuki) man (o), symbolizing a fortunate and loving individual
  • Pronunciation: Yoo-kee-oh

Yukio combines "yuki" meaning lucky with "o" meaning man. It represents a person who is both lucky and loving.

Mamoru (守)

  • Meaning: To protect and love
  • Pronunciation: Mah-moh-roo

Mamoru signifies the act of protecting and loving, emphasizing the care and guardianship in love.

Haruto (陽翔)

  • Meaning: Sunlight (haru) and soar (to), symbolizing a loving and radiant spirit
  • Pronunciation: Ha-roo-toh

Haruto combines "haru" meaning sunlight with "to" meaning soar. It represents a spirit that radiates love and positivity.

Kenji (健二)

  • Meaning: Strong (ken) and second (ji), symbolizing a loving and resilient individual
  • Pronunciation: Ken-jee

Kenji combines "ken" meaning strong with "ji" meaning second. It signifies a person who is both strong and loving.

Takashi (隆)

  • Meaning: Prosperous love
  • Pronunciation: Tah-kah-shee

Takashi signifies love that leads to prosperity and success, emphasizing the positive impact of love in one's life.

Youta (陽太)

  • Meaning: Sun (you) and thick (ta), symbolizing a loving and bright presence
  • Pronunciation: Yoh-tah

Youta combines "you" meaning sun with "ta" meaning thick. It represents a presence that is both loving and bright.

Kazuki (和希)

  • Meaning: Harmony (kazu) and hope (ki), symbolizing a loving and hopeful spirit
  • Pronunciation: Kah-zoo-kee

Kazuki combines "kazu" meaning harmony with "ki" meaning hope. It signifies a spirit that embraces love and hopefulness.

Satoshi (聡)

  • Meaning: Wise and loving
  • Pronunciation: Sah-toh-shee

Satoshi conveys the idea of wisdom and love, emphasizing the depth of understanding and affection.

Tatsuya (龍也)

  • Meaning: Dragon (tatsu) and also (ya), symbolizing a loving and powerful individual
  • Pronunciation: Tat-soo-yah

Tatsuya combines "tatsu" meaning dragon with "ya" meaning also. It represents a person who is both powerful and loving.


These Japanese boy names continue to capture the essence of love in various ways, whether through protection, prosperity, wisdom, or positivity. 

Each name on this list has its unique charm and significance, allowing you to choose a name that resonates with your feelings and aspirations for your child. 

May the name you select symbolize the love and positive qualities your little one brings into your life.
