japanese kanji for mother

What Is The Japanese Kanji For Mother? | How To Say Mother In Japanese?

Jan 14,2025Shopify API

The Japanese kanji for mother is 母. Read on to learn more about the components that make up the kanji for mother 母. 

The Japanese language is renowned for its intricate writing system, which includes three scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. 

Kanji, in particular, holds a special place in Japanese culture as it consists of characters borrowed from the Chinese and carries deep meanings and symbolism.

One of the most cherished and recognizable kanji characters is that representing the word "mother." 

In this article, we delve into the significance of the Japanese kanji for mother, its composition, and the cultural importance it holds.

Japanese Kanji for Mother Is 母

Japanese Kanji for Mother

The kanji for mother in Japanese is "母" (read as "haha" or "bo").

This character is a combination of two simpler kanji: "女" (read as "onna" or "jo") meaning woman, and "毛" (read as "ke") meaning hair.

The kanji 母 is composed of these elements to convey the concept of a woman who has given birth, nurtured, and raised a child.

The kanji character 母, representing "mother" in Japanese, holds a rich history and symbolism that goes beyond its visual representation.

Composed of two distinct elements, this character beautifully encapsulates the essence of motherhood, both biologically and emotionally.

The Components: 女 and 毛

The kanji 母 is a combination of two smaller kanji characters: 女 (read as "onna" or "jo") and 毛 (read as "ke"). Each of these components contributes to the overall meaning and representation of the character 母.

  • 女 (onna/jo)

This kanji means "woman" and represents the female gender. It serves as the foundation for the character 母, acknowledging the role of a woman as the source of life and the fundamental connection to motherhood.

  • 毛 (ke)

This kanji means "hair." While at first glance, it might seem unrelated to motherhood, its inclusion in 母 holds a profound significance.

In the context of the character 母, 毛 signifies the physical aspects of childbirth and motherhood. 

This element ties the character to the act of giving birth, nurturing, and the intimate bond between a mother and her child.

How To Say Mother In Japanese?

There are two main ways to say "mother" in Japanese, each with slightly different nuances:

1. お母さん (okaasan):

  • Pronunciation: oh-kah-san

母 (haha):

  • Pronunciation: hah-hah

In Conclusion

The Japanese kanji for mother, 母, encapsulates the beauty and complexity of the maternal role in Japanese culture. 

Composed of the characters for "woman" and "hair," this kanji symbolizes the act of giving birth, nurturing, and lovingly guiding a child.

It carries both linguistic and cultural significance, representing the deep bonds of family, gratitude, and respect. 

As a symbol of love and family, the kanji 母 serves as a timeless reminder of the vital role mothers play in shaping individuals and communities alike.

Sentence Examples Of 母

  • Japanese: 彼女は私の母です。
    Transliteration: Kanojo wa watashi no haha desu.
    Translation: She is my mother.
  • Japanese: 母の日に花を贈りました。
    Transliteration: Haha no hi ni hana o okurimashita.
    Translation: I gave flowers on Mother's Day.
  • Japanese: 母の笑顔は私の力です。
    Transliteration: Haha no egao wa watashi no chikara desu.
    Translation: My mother's smile is my strength.
  • Japanese: 母の手料理はいつも美味しいです。
    Transliteration: Haha no te-ryouri wa itsumo oishii desu.
    Translation: My mother's home-cooked meals are always delicious.
  • Japanese: 彼は母の言葉に感謝しています。
    Transliteration: Kare wa haha no kotoba ni kansha shiteimasu.
    Translation: He is grateful for his mother's words.
  • Japanese: 母の愛情は深くて温かいです。
    Transliteration: Haha no aijou wa fukakute atatakai desu.
    Translation: A mother's affection is deep and warm.
  • Japanese: 母は私の最大の支えです。
    Transliteration: Haha wa watashi no saidai no sasae desu.
    Translation: My mother is my greatest support.
  • Japanese: 母が私に勇気を与えてくれました。
    Transliteration: Haha ga watashi ni yuuki o ataete kuremashita.
    Translation: My mother gave me courage.
  • Japanese: 母の声が懐かしいです。
    Transliteration: Haha no koe ga natsukashii desu.
    Translation: My mother's voice is nostalgic.
  • Japanese: 母の教えは一生忘れません。
    Transliteration: Haha no oshie wa isshou wasuremasen.
    Translation: I will never forget my mother's teachings.
