The Pokemon anime series follows Ash Ketchum's journey through various regions, each with their own set of Pokemon and challenges. Here's the chronological order:
Indigo League (Kanto): Ash starts his adventure in the Kanto region, aiming to become a Pokemon Master.
Adventures in the Orange Islands: After the Indigo League, Ash explores the Orange Islands, facing unique challenges and Pokemon.
Johto Journeys: Ash travels to the Johto region, encountering new Pokemon and rivals like Gary Oak.
Johto League Champions: Ash continues his journey in Johto, culminating in the Johto League competition.
Master Quest: Ash returns to Kanto to challenge the Kanto Battle Frontier, facing even more powerful trainers and Pokemon.
Advanced (Hoenn): Ash sets off for the Hoenn region, encountering new friends, rivals, and Pokemon like May and Team Aqua.
Advanced Challenge: Ash continues his journey in Hoenn, facing the Hoenn League and its challenges.
Advanced Battle: Ash explores the Battle Frontier in Hoenn, honing his skills and facing even tougher opponents.
Jiraiya, the renowned Toad Sage and one of the Legendary Sannin, is a beloved and enigmatic character in the Naruto universe. While his strength, wisdom, and perverted sense of humor are well-known, there is one aspect of his identity that remains shrouded in mystery: his clan affiliation.
Pokémon, with its origins in Japan, falls squarely under the definition of anime. It exhibits the hallmarks of anime style, with its characters' exaggerated features, vibrant color palette, and dynamic action sequences. Moreover, Pokémon shares thematic elements common in anime, such as friendship, perseverance, and the pursuit of dreams.
In the final battle of Tokyo Ghoul:re, Kaneki confronts and defeats both Furuta and Rize, bringing an end to their twisted ambitions. With peace restored to Tokyo, Kaneki settles into a quiet life alongside Touka and their daughter, Ichika, finding solace in the normalcy he once yearned for.
InuYasha is an anime series that was released in October 2000 and adapted from the manga which was initially published in 1996. InuYasha anime has been a favorite for most anime fans and is still talked about in the anime fandom.