Hakone Or Fujikawaguchiko: Which is The Better Tourist Destination?

Hakone Or Fujikawaguchiko: Which is The Better Tourist Destination?

Jun 06, 2024Jon Ng

Which is the better destination for your Japan trip? - Hakone Or Fujikawaguchiko. Read on to find out! 

When it comes to exploring the scenic beauty and cultural heritage of Japan, Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko are two popular tourist destinations that capture the imagination of travelers.

Nestled in the foothills of Mount Fuji, these charming towns offer a unique blend of natural wonders and traditional experiences. 

In this article, we will compare Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko across several aspects to help you determine which destination suits your preferences and interests.

Hakone Or Fujikawaguchiko

Comparing Hakone Vs Fujikawaguchiko Location


Located in Kanagawa Prefecture, Hakone is nestled in the mountainous region of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. 

Hakone Or Fujikawaguchiko

It is approximately 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, making it a popular destination for day trips or weekend getaways from the bustling capital. 

Hakone is known for its proximity to Mount Fuji, stunning views of Lake Ashi, and its abundant hot springs.


Situated in Yamanashi Prefecture, Fujikawaguchiko is a picturesque town located on the northern shores of Lake Kawaguchi. 

It is part of the Fuji Five Lakes region and offers breathtaking views of Mount Fuji. While Fujikawaguchiko is further from Tokyo compared to Hakone, it is still easily accessible and provides a tranquil retreat in close proximity to Japan's iconic peak.

Comparing Accessibility Of Hakon Vs Fujikawaguchiko


Thanks to its proximity to Tokyo, Hakone is conveniently accessible by various modes of transportation. 

The most common route is to take the train from Tokyo to Odawara Station, which serves as the gateway to Hakone. 

From Odawara, visitors can transfer to the Hakone Tozan Railway, cable cars, and buses that transport them to different attractions within the region. 

The Hakone Free Pass is a popular option for tourists, providing unlimited access to transportation within Hakone and discounted entry to various attractions.


While Fujikawaguchiko is slightly further from Tokyo, it is still relatively easy to reach. The most common way to get there is by taking a direct bus from Shinjuku Station in Tokyo to Fujikawaguchiko Station. 

The journey takes around two hours, and buses operate at regular intervals. Another option is to take the train to Otsuki Station and then transfer to the Fujikyuko Line, which connects to Fujikawaguchiko. 

Once in Fujikawaguchiko, local buses or taxis can be used to explore the area.

It's important to note that both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko are popular tourist destinations, so it's advisable to plan your visit accordingly, considering peak travel times and weekends when the area may experience higher crowds.

Overall, Hakone's advantage lies in its closer proximity to Tokyo, making it more accessible for day trips or shorter visits. 

On the other hand, Fujikawaguchiko offers a serene and scenic getaway with easy transportation options, albeit slightly further from the capital city. 

Ultimately, the accessibility factor may play a role in deciding which destination suits your travel plans and preferences.

Natural Beauty


Hakone is renowned for its diverse and captivating natural landscapes. Nestled in the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, the region offers a combination of mountains, lakes, hot springs, and verdant forests.

  • Mount Fuji

While not located directly in Hakone, the iconic Mount Fuji serves as a stunning backdrop to the region. 

On clear days, visitors can catch breathtaking views of the majestic peak from various vantage points in Hakone, such as Lake Ashi or the Owakudani volcanic valley.

  • Lake Ashi

One of Hakone's main attractions, Lake Ashi, also known as Ashinoko, offers mesmerizing views of the surrounding mountains and Mount Fuji. 

Visitors can take a leisurely boat ride across the lake, allowing them to appreciate the tranquil beauty of the water and the lush landscapes that surround it.

  • Owakudani

Situated in the western part of Hakone, Owakudani is a volcanic valley known for its active sulfur vents, hot springs, and panoramic views. 

Visitors can take a cable car or hike to Owakudani and witness the otherworldly landscape, complete with steaming craters and bubbling hot springs. 

Additionally, Owakudani is famous for its black eggs, boiled in the naturally hot water, said to add seven years to one's life.

  • Hakone Ropeway

The Hakone Ropeway offers a scenic aerial journey that takes visitors above the picturesque Owakudani valley and affords stunning views of Mount Fuji, Lake Ashi, and the surrounding Hakone mountains. 

The ropeway ride provides a unique perspective of the region's natural beauty.

  • Hakone Shrine and Hakone Checkpoint

Hakone Shrine, located along the shores of Lake Ashi, is a tranquil and picturesque Shinto shrine surrounded by lush greenery. 

The shrine offers a serene atmosphere for visitors to appreciate both nature and cultural heritage. 

Hakone Checkpoint, a reconstructed historical site, provides insights into Japan's feudal era and allows visitors to immerse themselves in the region's rich history amidst the scenic backdrop.

Fujikawaguchiko: Fujikawaguchiko is known for its serene and breathtaking landscapes, with a particular focus on the stunning views of Mount Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi.

  • Mount Fuji Views

Fujikawaguchiko offers some of the most iconic views of Mount Fuji. The reflection of the snow-capped peak on the tranquil surface of Lake Kawaguchi creates a picturesque scene that attracts photographers and nature enthusiasts alike. 

The area provides several vantage points and viewpoints to capture the beauty of Mount Fuji in different seasons.

  • Lake Kawaguchi

The largest of the Fuji Five Lakes, Lake Kawaguchi offers a serene and picturesque setting. Visitors can stroll along the lakeside promenade, rent a paddleboat or kayak, or simply relax and enjoy the panoramic views of Mount Fuji. 

During cherry blossom season, the lake is adorned with beautiful pink blooms, creating a breathtaking sight.

  • Oishi Park

Located on the northern shore of Lake Kawaguchi, Oishi Park is a popular spot to admire the stunning scenery and enjoy panoramic views of Mount Fuji. 

The park features spacious lawns, colorful flower gardens, and walking paths, providing a peaceful and idyllic setting for visitors to immerse themselves in nature.

  • Aokigahara Forest

Situated at the northwest base of Mount Fuji, Aokigahara Forest, also known as the Sea of Trees, offers a mystical and unique natural experience.

The dense forest is known for its lava-formed caverns, interesting rock formations, and serene hiking trails. 

However, it is important to note that Aokigahara is also associated with a reputation as the "suicide forest," so visitors are encouraged to approach the area with respect and awareness.

Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko showcase the captivating beauty of Japan's natural landscapes, with Hakone highlighting its diverse topography of mountains, lakes, and hot springs, while Fujikawaguchiko captivates visitors with its stunning views of Mount Fuji reflected in Lake Kawaguchi. 

Whether you prefer the volcanic wonders of Hakone or the serene vistas of Fujikawaguchiko, both destinations offer an abundance of natural beauty to enchant and inspire visitors.

Cultural Attractions At Hakone Vs Fujikawaguchiko


  • Hakone Shrine

Located on the shores of Lake Ashi, Hakone Shrine is a picturesque Shinto shrine surrounded by dense forests and tranquil waters.

The shrine features traditional architecture and offers a serene atmosphere for visitors to appreciate spiritual traditions and natural beauty.

  • Hakone Open-Air Museum

This unique museum showcases an extensive collection of contemporary and modern sculptures, including works by renowned artists such as Rodin and Picasso.

The outdoor setting allows visitors to admire the sculptures against the backdrop of lush gardens and scenic views.

  • Hakone Art Museum

This museum focuses on showcasing traditional Japanese art, particularly the works of famous painters from the Edo period.

Visitors can appreciate beautiful artworks, including ceramics, paintings, calligraphy, and tea ceremony utensils, while also enjoying the peaceful surroundings of the museum's gardens.

  • Hakone Checkpoint Museum

Located near the entrance of Hakone's historical Tokaido Road, the Hakone Checkpoint Museum offers a glimpse into Japan's feudal era.

The museum features exhibits and displays that recreate the atmosphere of the old checkpoint, providing insights into the region's history and the role it played in transportation and security during that time.


  • Itchiku Kubota Art Museum

Dedicated to the works of renowned textile artist Itchiku Kubota, this museum showcases his intricate and vibrant kimono creations.

Visitors can admire the artistic craftsmanship and learn about the unique dyeing techniques employed by Kubota to create stunning kimono designs inspired by nature and landscapes.

  • Oshino Ninja Village

This interactive theme park allows visitors to immerse themselves in the world of ninjas.

Visitors can explore ninja-themed exhibits, watch live ninja performances, and even participate in ninja training activities.

The village also features traditional thatched-roof houses and offers insights into the historical ninja culture of Japan.

  • Lake Kawaguchi Music Forest

This charming museum celebrates classical music and houses an impressive collection of automatic musical instruments from around the world.

Visitors can enjoy live musical performances, stroll through beautifully manicured gardens, and admire the ornate architecture of the museum's buildings.

  • Fuji Omuro Sengen Shrine

Located on the northern shore of Lake Kawaguchi, this shrine holds significance as the starting point for the traditional pilgrimage to Mount Fuji.

Visitors can explore the serene grounds, participate in rituals, and appreciate the spiritual ambiance while surrounded by stunning natural scenery.


  • Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko offer cultural attractions that provide insights into Japan's rich heritage.
  • Hakone highlights its traditional Shinto shrines, contemporary art, and historical sites, while Fujikawaguchiko showcases art museums, a ninja-themed village, and places of cultural significance.
  • These attractions add depth to the overall experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry of Japan while exploring these picturesque destinations.

Things To Do In Hakone Vs Fujikawaguchiko


  • Hiking

Hakone offers a variety of scenic hiking trails that wind through its lush forests, along the shores of Lake Ashi, and up the surrounding mountains. 

The Hakone Ropeway provides access to hiking routes, such as the popular Hakone Komagatake Trail, which leads to the summit of Mount Komagatake and rewards hikers with panoramic views.

  • Lake Activities

Lake Ashi is not only a picturesque sight but also offers opportunities for outdoor activities.

Visitors can rent paddle boats, kayaks, or rowboats to explore the tranquil waters and enjoy the serenity of the lake. Fishing is also a popular activity in Lake Ashi.

  • Onsen (Hot Springs)

Hakone is famous for its hot springs, and soaking in the therapeutic waters is a must-do activity.

Numerous ryokans and public bathhouses offer traditional onsen experiences where visitors can relax and rejuvenate while enjoying the scenic beauty of their surroundings.

  • Owakudani

The volcanic valley of Owakudani provides a unique outdoor experience. Visitors can take a thrilling cable car ride to reach Owakudani and explore the steaming craters and sulfur vents. 

The area also offers hiking trails that allow adventurers to discover the geothermal wonders up close.


  • Cycling

Fujikawaguchiko is an excellent destination for cycling enthusiasts. The area offers scenic cycling routes that circle around Lake Kawaguchi, providing stunning views of Mount Fuji along the way.

Bicycle rentals are available, allowing visitors to explore the region at their own pace.

  • Hiking and Nature Walks

Fujikawaguchiko offers several hiking trails and nature walks that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area. 

Trails like the Arakura Sengen Shrine Trail and the Panorama Dai hiking course offer breathtaking views of Mount Fuji and the surrounding landscapes.

  • Fuji-Q Highland

Located near Fujikawaguchiko, Fuji-Q Highland is a popular amusement park that offers a range of thrilling outdoor activities. 

Visitors can experience exhilarating roller coasters, water rides, and various attractions, providing an adrenaline-pumping adventure for both adults and children.

  • Camping

The picturesque surroundings of Fujikawaguchiko make it an ideal location for camping. 

There are several campgrounds around Lake Kawaguchi where visitors can pitch tents and enjoy the tranquility of nature while gazing at the beauty of Mount Fuji.

Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko offer a wealth of outdoor activities for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. 

Whether it's hiking through scenic trails, enjoying water activities on lakes, soaking in hot springs, or indulging in thrilling amusement park rides, visitors to these destinations will find plenty of opportunities to explore the outdoors and create unforgettable experiences amidst the natural splendor of Japan.

Which Has Better Onsen (Hot Springs) - Hkone Or Fujikawaguchiko?


  • Traditional Ryokan Onsen

Hakone is renowned for its traditional ryokans (Japanese inns) that offer authentic onsen experiences. 

Many ryokans have their own private hot spring baths, allowing guests to relax in the soothing mineral-rich waters while enjoying beautiful views of nature. 

Some ryokans also provide kaiseki meals (multi-course traditional Japanese cuisine) and luxurious accommodations, enhancing the overall onsen experience.

  • Public Onsen Bathhouses

Hakone has several public bathhouses where visitors can enjoy communal bathing experiences. These bathhouses typically have separate gender-segregated areas with multiple indoor and outdoor baths. 

Public onsen baths provide an opportunity to immerse oneself in Japanese bathing culture, follow proper bathing etiquette, and socialize with locals and fellow travelers.

  • Ashinoyu

Ashinoyu is a popular hot spring district in Hakone, offering a range of onsen options. Here, visitors can explore a variety of onsen facilities, including foot baths, open-air baths, and indoor baths. 

The district is known for its historic charm and the therapeutic qualities of its hot spring waters.


  • Ryokan Onsen

Similar to Hakone, Fujikawaguchiko boasts a selection of ryokans with their own private onsen facilities.

Guests can indulge in a relaxing soak in the hot spring baths while enjoying views of Mount Fuji or Lake Kawaguchi. 

The ryokans often offer a blend of traditional Japanese hospitality, delicious meals, and comfortable accommodations, creating a memorable onsen experience.

  • Fujiyama Onsen

Fujiyama Onsen is a popular hot spring facility located near the base of Mount Fuji. It features a variety of indoor and outdoor baths, each with its own unique charm. 

Visitors can enjoy a relaxing soak while taking in stunning views of the surrounding nature, including Mount Fuji on clear days.

  • Yurari Onsen

Yurari Onsen is a tranquil hot spring facility in Fujikawaguchiko that offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere. 

The facility provides multiple types of baths, including indoor baths, open-air baths, and private baths.

Yurari Onsen is known for its beautiful setting and the therapeutic qualities of its hot spring waters.

When visiting an onsen, it's essential to be aware of proper onsen etiquette.

This includes washing thoroughly before entering the bath, keeping the water and facilities clean, and respecting the rules and customs of each establishment. 

Additionally, tattoos are sometimes not permitted in certain onsen due to cultural associations. However, some establishments provide private or reserved bathing options for guests with tattoos.

Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko offer rich onsen experiences, allowing visitors to relax, rejuvenate, and immerse themselves in the healing waters of Japan's hot springs. 

Whether in a traditional ryokan or a public bathhouse, the onsen culture in these destinations provides a serene escape from daily life and a chance to unwind amidst the natural beauty of the surrounding landscapes.

Accommodation Options at Hakone Vs Fujikawaguchiko


  • Ryokans

Hakone is known for its traditional Japanese inns called ryokans. Staying in a ryokan offers an immersive cultural experience. 

These accommodations feature tatami-matted rooms, sliding doors, and futon beds. Guests can enjoy traditional kaiseki meals, which are multi-course, beautifully presented meals that showcase seasonal ingredients. 

Ryokans often have their own private onsen baths, allowing guests to indulge in a relaxing soak in hot spring waters.

  • Western-Style Hotels

In addition to ryokans, Hakone offers a range of Western-style hotels that cater to different preferences and budgets. 

These hotels often provide comfortable rooms with modern amenities such as private bathrooms, Wi-Fi, and on-site restaurants. Some hotels offer stunning views of the surrounding nature or Mount Fuji, adding to the overall experience.

  • Guesthouses and Minshuku

For budget-conscious travelers, Hakone also offers guesthouses and minshuku, which are family-run guesthouses. 

These options provide affordable accommodations while still offering a comfortable stay. Guests can enjoy a cozy atmosphere and interact with the friendly hosts, providing a more personal touch to their Hakone experience.


  • Ryokans

Like Hakone, Fujikawaguchiko boasts a selection of traditional ryokans that offer a unique cultural experience. Guests can enjoy Japanese-style rooms with tatami mats, futon beds, and sliding doors. 

Ryokans in Fujikawaguchiko often provide stunning views of Mount Fuji or Lake Kawaguchi. 

Guests can indulge in delicious meals, relax in hot spring baths, and experience warm hospitality.

  • Western-Style Hotels and Resorts

Fujikawaguchiko also offers a range of Western-style hotels and resorts, catering to different preferences and budgets. 

These accommodations feature comfortable rooms with modern amenities, including private bathrooms, Wi-Fi, and on-site dining options. Some hotels and resorts are situated in prime locations, offering panoramic views of Mount Fuji or Lake Kawaguchi.

  • Guesthouses and Minshuku

For budget travelers, Fujikawaguchiko provides guesthouses and minshuku options as well. These accommodations offer affordable rates and a cozy atmosphere. 

Guests can enjoy a more intimate and communal experience, interacting with the hosts and fellow travelers.

Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko provide a variety of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. 

Whether you choose a traditional ryokan for an authentic Japanese experience, a Western-style hotel for modern comforts, or a cozy guesthouse for a budget-friendly stay, both destinations offer a range of choices to ensure a comfortable and memorable visit.



  • Kaiseki Ryori

Hakone is renowned for its traditional kaiseki cuisine, which is a multi-course dining experience that showcases the season's finest ingredients. 

Kaiseki meals are beautifully presented and meticulously prepared, offering a harmonious balance of flavors, textures, and colors. These elaborate meals often feature fresh seafood, locally sourced vegetables, and regional specialties.

  • Local Delicacies

Hakone is known for its diverse culinary offerings. Some of the local delicacies include black eggs (kuro-tamago), which are eggs boiled in the hot springs of Owakudani, resulting in their unique black color and distinct flavor. 

Additionally, you can find local sweets such as yosegi-kan, a layered confectionary made from sweet bean paste and mochi (sticky rice cake), and manju, a steamed bun filled with various fillings like red bean paste or chestnut.

  • Traditional Tea

Hakone is also famous for its tea production. Visitors can enjoy traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and savor different types of green tea, such as matcha (powdered green tea) and sencha (steeped green tea). 

Some tea houses in Hakone offer tea tasting experiences where you can learn about the tea-making process and appreciate the art of tea preparation.


  • Hoto Noodles

Hoto is a popular local dish in the Fuji Five Lakes region, including Fujikawaguchiko. It is a hearty noodle soup made with flat udon noodles, vegetables, mushrooms, and sometimes meat. 

The rich and comforting flavors of Hoto make it a perfect choice, especially during the colder months.

  • Fujinomiya Yakisoba

Fujinomiya Yakisoba is a local specialty of Fujikawaguchiko. It is a stir-fried noodle dish made with thick and chewy soba noodles, pork, cabbage, and a savory sauce. The dish is often topped with pickled ginger, adding a tangy and refreshing flavor.

  • Fujiyama Curry

Fujiyama Curry is a unique dish inspired by Mount Fuji. It is a curry rice dish with a spicy and flavorful curry sauce served on top of rice. 

Some variations of Fujiyama Curry include toppings like fried chicken or vegetables, creating a satisfying and filling meal.

  • Local Sweets

Fujikawaguchiko offers a variety of sweets that make for delightful treats. Fuji-shaped cakes and cookies are popular souvenirs and can be found in many local shops. 

Other sweet delicacies include red bean paste-filled dorayaki (pancake-like confections) and seasonal wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) that incorporate local ingredients and flavors.


  • Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko provide an opportunity to savor the flavors of traditional Japanese cuisine and local specialties.
  • Whether you choose to indulge in a luxurious kaiseki meal in Hakone or sample the unique local dishes of Fujikawaguchiko, you'll have a chance to explore the culinary delights of these regions, each offering a distinctive gastronomic experience that adds to the overall charm of your visit.

Seasonal Attractions At Hakone Vs Fujikawaguchiko


  • Cherry Blossoms (Spring)

During spring, Hakone comes alive with the blooming cherry blossoms (sakura). Parks and gardens, such as Hakone Gora Park and Onshi Hakone Park, become picturesque landscapes filled with delicate pink flowers. 

Visitors can enjoy hanami (flower viewing) by strolling along the cherry tree-lined paths, having a picnic under the blossoms, or taking boat rides on Lake Ashi while admiring the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

  • Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Late Spring to Early Summer)

Hakone is also known for its vibrant azalea and rhododendron blooms. Various gardens, including Hakone Botanical Garden of Wetlands and Hakone Venetian Glass Museum, showcase these colorful flowers. 

Walking through the gardens surrounded by a sea of azaleas and rhododendrons is a delightful experience.

  • Autumn Foliage (Autumn)

Hakone's autumn foliage transforms the region into a mesmerizing tapestry of red, orange, and gold hues. The mountains, parks, and hiking trails become a paradise for nature enthusiasts. 

Popular spots for autumn foliage include Hakone Gora Park, Hakone Open-Air Museum, and the Hakone Ropeway, which offers breathtaking views of the fall colors as it traverses the mountains.


  • Shibazakura Festival (Spring)

The Shibazakura Festival is a major attraction in Fujikawaguchiko during spring. The festival showcases vast fields of pink moss phlox (shibazakura) in full bloom, creating a stunning carpet of vibrant colors against the backdrop of Mount Fuji. Visitors can stroll through the fields, take photographs, and enjoy food stalls offering local delicacies.

  • Fuji Shibazakura Festival (Late Spring to Early Summer)

Similar to the Shibazakura Festival, the Fuji Shibazakura Festival features fields of shibazakura flowers at the base of Mount Fuji. The festival offers a spectacular sight as the flowers blanket the landscape in various shades of pink, white, and purple. 

The picturesque scenery with Mount Fuji in the background makes it a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers.

  • Maple Leaves and Autumn Colors (Autumn)

Fujikawaguchiko's autumn foliage is a sight to behold. As the leaves change colors, the region becomes a magical destination for autumn leaf viewing. 

Parks like Maple Corridor and Momiji Tunnel are particularly famous for their vibrant maple leaves, creating a stunning display of red and gold. 

Visitors can take leisurely walks, go hiking, or enjoy boat rides on Lake Kawaguchi while immersing themselves in the autumn beauty.


  • Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko offer seasonal attractions that showcase the natural beauty of Japan throughout the year.
  • Whether it's the ephemeral cherry blossoms in Hakone or the vibrant shibazakura fields in Fujikawaguchiko, experiencing the changing seasons in these destinations provides a unique and captivating experience, immersing visitors in the charm and splendor of Japan's natural landscapes.

Day Trips and Nearby Attractions


  • Lake Ashi (Ashinoko)

Located in the heart of Hakone, Lake Ashi is a picturesque crater lake that offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, including Mount Fuji on clear days. 

Visitors can take a leisurely boat cruise on the lake, enjoying the serene atmosphere and the breathtaking scenery. 

The lake is also surrounded by walking trails and observation points, providing opportunities for scenic hikes and photo opportunities.

  • Hakone Open-Air Museum

The Hakone Open-Air Museum is a unique outdoor art museum that features a diverse collection of contemporary sculptures and installations. Visitors can explore the vast sculpture garden, which blends art with the natural landscape. 

The museum also includes indoor exhibition spaces, a Picasso Pavilion, and hot spring foot baths where visitors can relax while admiring the artwork.

  • Owakudani

Owakudani is a volcanic valley known for its active volcanic vents and hot springs. Visitors can take a thrilling ropeway ride to reach Owakudani and experience the sulfuric fumes, bubbling hot springs, and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. 

The area is also famous for its black eggs (kuro-tamago), which are hard-boiled eggs cooked in the hot springs and are said to bring good luck when eaten.


  • Chureito Pagoda

The Chureito Pagoda is an iconic attraction in Fujikawaguchiko, offering a stunning view of Mount Fuji framed by a five-storied pagoda. Visitors can climb the steps to reach the pagoda and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. 

The pagoda is particularly beautiful during the cherry blossom season and autumn foliage, adding to the charm of the experience.

  • Oshino Hakkai

Oshino Hakkai is a charming village located near Fujikawaguchiko, known for its pristine ponds fed by the melting snow from Mount Fuji. 

The crystal-clear waters of these ponds offer a picturesque setting and reflect the stunning scenery around them. Visitors can explore the village, visit traditional thatched-roof houses, and learn about the region's history and culture.

Fuji-Q Highland: Located near Fujikawaguchiko, Fuji-Q Highland is a popular amusement park known for its thrilling roller coasters and attractions. 

The park offers adrenaline-pumping rides such as "Fujiyama," one of the world's tallest roller coasters, and "Dodonpa," known for its high-speed acceleration. 

Visitors can also enjoy themed areas, live performances, and various entertainment options for a fun-filled day.


Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko serve as gateways to numerous nearby attractions and day trip destinations.

 Whether it's the scenic beauty of Lake Ashi and the Hakone Open-Air Museum in Hakone or the panoramic views from Chureito Pagoda and the cultural charm of Oshino Hakkai in Fujikawaguchiko, these nearby attractions provide additional opportunities for exploration and enhance the overall experience of visiting these regions.

Hakone Vs Fujikawaguchiko: Crowds and Atmosphere


 Hakone attracts a significant number of tourists, especially during weekends and holidays. 

As a popular tourist destination, it can get crowded, particularly in popular areas such as Lake Ashi, the Hakone Open-Air Museum, and the Hakone Shrine. 

However, the atmosphere in Hakone remains relatively serene and peaceful, particularly in the quieter parts of the region.

The ambiance in Hakone is influenced by its natural beauty, with lush greenery, mountains, and lakes creating a tranquil and scenic environment. 

The region is known for its relaxing hot springs and traditional ryokans, offering visitors a chance to unwind and experience a slower pace of life. 

The atmosphere is often described as serene, allowing travelers to enjoy a sense of calmness and rejuvenation amidst the beautiful landscapes.


Fujikawaguchiko is also a popular tourist destination, particularly for those seeking views of Mount Fuji. However, compared to Hakone, Fujikawaguchiko tends to be less crowded, offering a more laid-back atmosphere. 

The region is known for its peaceful lakeside setting, providing a tranquil escape from the bustling city life.

The atmosphere in Fujikawaguchiko is characterized by the majestic presence of Mount Fuji, which creates a sense of awe and serenity. 

The surrounding nature, including the Fuji Five Lakes and lush greenery, adds to the overall ambiance.

Visitors can enjoy the slower pace of life, take leisurely walks along the lakeside, and immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural surroundings.

Both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko offer a calming and serene atmosphere, allowing visitors to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

While Hakone can experience larger crowds due to its popularity, especially during peak travel periods, both destinations provide opportunities to connect with nature, enjoy the scenic landscapes, and experience a tranquil atmosphere that encourages relaxation and rejuvenation.


In conclusion, both Hakone and Fujikawaguchiko have their own unique charm and attractions. Hakone offers easy accessibility, diverse landscapes, and a wide range of cultural and outdoor activities.

On the other hand, Fujikawaguchiko provides a tranquil atmosphere, stunning views of Mount Fuji, and the opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty of Lake Kawaguchi.

Ultimately, the choice between the two destinations depends on your preferences for accessibility, natural landscapes, cultural experiences, and the atmosphere you seek during your visit to Japan.

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