Where To Go Scuba Diving In Hokkaido?

Where To Go Scuba Diving In Hokkaido?

Jun 06, 2024Jon Ng

Wondering where to go scuba diving in Hokkaido? We curated some amazing places to go scuba diving in Hokkaido. 

Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, rich wildlife, and unique cultural experiences. While it may be best known for its snow-covered mountains and hot springs, Hokkaido also offers exceptional scuba diving opportunities. 

With its pristine waters, diverse marine life, and intriguing underwater topography, Hokkaido is a hidden gem for scuba enthusiasts. 

In this article, we will delve into the captivating world of scuba diving in Hokkaido, exploring the top dive sites and what makes them truly special.

Scuba Diving In Hokkaido

Rebun Island

Rebun Island, located off the coast of Hokkaido, is a captivating destination for scuba diving enthusiasts. Known for its pristine waters and unique ecosystem, Rebun Island offers a truly extraordinary underwater experience. 

Here's a closer look at what makes diving in Rebun Island so special:

  • Pristine Waters and Excellent Visibility

Rebun Island's surrounding waters are known for their exceptional clarity, providing excellent visibility for divers. 

This means you can fully immerse yourself in the underwater world and appreciate the beauty of the marine life and underwater landscapes with great clarity. The clear waters also make it easier to spot the island's unique and rare marine species.

  • Abundant Marine Life

Rebun Island boasts a rich diversity of marine life, thanks to its unique position in the Sea of Japan. The island's underwater ecosystem is teeming with fascinating creatures and vibrant colors. 

Divers can expect to encounter an array of marine species, including various fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and sea anemones.

The highlight of diving in Rebun Island is the opportunity to witness the enchanting sea angels, a type of sea slug known for their ethereal beauty.

  • Coral Gardens and Vibrant Sea Anemones

One of the standout features of Rebun Island's underwater world is the presence of beautiful coral gardens and vibrant sea anemones.

These underwater gardens are home to an abundance of marine life, creating a mesmerizing spectacle for divers. 

Swimming among colorful corals and sea anemones, you'll be surrounded by a kaleidoscope of hues and witness the intricate interplay between the marine organisms.

  • Unique Underwater Topography

Rebun Island's underwater topography is as captivating as its marine life. Divers will encounter captivating rock formations, underwater cliffs, and fascinating underwater landscapes. 

These formations create interesting swim-throughs, crevices, and hidden spots to explore, adding a sense of adventure to your diving experience. The diverse underwater terrain ensures that every dive in Rebun Island is a unique and thrilling exploration.

  • Sea Angel Encounters

One of the highlights of diving in Rebun Island is the rare opportunity to encounter sea angels. Sea angels, or clione, are small, ethereal sea slugs that inhabit the island's waters. 

These delicate creatures have translucent wings, which they use to gracefully swim through the water. Observing these enchanting sea angels in their natural habitat is a truly magical experience that makes Rebun Island a sought-after diving destination.


Rebun Island offers a remarkable scuba diving experience that combines excellent visibility, a rich diversity of marine life, captivating coral gardens, and the chance to witness the enchanting sea angels. 

With its pristine waters and unique underwater topography, Rebun Island is a paradise for divers seeking an extraordinary adventure beneath the surface.

Exploring the underwater world of Rebun Island is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories of the island's natural wonders.

Rishiri Island

Rishiri Island, located to the northwest of Hokkaido, is a captivating destination for scuba diving enthusiasts. Known for its rugged coastline and diverse marine biodiversity, Rishiri Island offers a truly exceptional underwater experience. 

Let's take a closer look at what makes diving in Rishiri Island so special:

  • Majestic Kelp Forests

One of the defining features of diving in Rishiri Island is the presence of majestic kelp forests. These towering underwater forests create a mesmerizing underwater landscape and provide a habitat for a wide range of marine species. 

Diving through the swaying kelp fronds, you'll encounter an abundance of marine life, including various fish species, crabs, sea urchins, and more. The kelp forests of Rishiri Island add a touch of magic and tranquility to your underwater exploration.

  • Dramatic Underwater Rock Formations

Rishiri Island's underwater world is characterized by its dramatic rock formations. The island's coastline features towering cliffs, submerged caves, and rugged underwater terrain. 

These formations create a captivating underwater environment and offer exciting opportunities for exploration. 

Divers can swim through intriguing rock arches, navigate intricate cave systems, and discover hidden underwater nooks and crannies. The underwater topography of Rishiri Island adds a sense of adventure and discovery to your diving experience.

  • Rich Marine Biodiversity

Rishiri Island is home to a rich diversity of marine life, thanks to its unique position in the Sea of Japan. Diving in these waters allows you to encounter a wide array of underwater inhabitants. 

From schools of colorful fish darting through the kelp forests to curious octopuses hiding among the rocky crevices, there is always something fascinating to see. 

The island's diverse marine ecosystem ensures that every dive in Rishiri Island is filled with delightful encounters and opportunities for underwater photography.

  • Crystal-Clear Waters and Visibility

The waters surrounding Rishiri Island are renowned for their crystal-clear clarity, providing excellent visibility for divers. 

This pristine visibility allows you to fully appreciate the underwater beauty, from the vibrant marine life to the intricate details of the underwater rock formations. 

The clear waters of Rishiri Island offer a captivating window into the marine world, making it an ideal destination for photographers and nature enthusiasts.

  • Suitable for Divers of All Levels

Whether you're a novice diver or an experienced enthusiast, Rishiri Island caters to divers of all levels. The calm and relatively sheltered waters around the island make it an ideal spot for beginners to gain confidence and experience. 

At the same time, more experienced divers can explore the deeper waters, venture into underwater caves, and challenge themselves with the island's more advanced dive sites. 

Rishiri Island offers something for everyone, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable diving experience for divers of all skill levels.


Rishiri Island's rugged coastline, majestic kelp forests, dramatic underwater rock formations, rich marine biodiversity, and excellent visibility make it a captivating destination for scuba diving. 

Whether you're exploring the swaying kelp forests, navigating through underwater caves, or encountering a myriad of marine creatures, diving in Rishiri Island promises unforgettable adventures and a deep appreciation for the island's natural wonders. 

Immerse yourself in the enchanting underwater world of Rishiri Island and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Shakotan Peninsula

The Shakotan Peninsula, located in western Hokkaido, is a picturesque region renowned for its turquoise waters, rugged coastline, and captivating underwater scenery.

It offers an exceptional diving experience that showcases the unique beauty of Hokkaido's marine world. 

Let's delve into what makes diving in the Shakotan Peninsula so remarkable:

  • Cape Kamui

Cape Kamui is a prominent dive site in the Shakotan Peninsula, known for its dramatic cliffs and rich marine biodiversity. 

The underwater landscape around Cape Kamui is characterized by towering rock formations, underwater canyons, and intricate caves. 

Diving here offers the opportunity to encounter an abundance of marine species, including colorful fish, octopuses, sea stars, and various crustaceans. The vibrant marine life combined with the stunning coastal scenery makes Cape Kamui a must-visit dive site.

  • The Blue Cave

One of the highlights of diving in the Shakotan Peninsula is exploring the Blue Cave. This enchanting underwater grotto is a natural wonder, known for its ethereal blue hues created by sunlight filtering through the water. 

Diving into the cave feels like entering a magical world. The cave is home to various marine life, including sea anemones, sponges, and small fish. 

Swimming through the mesmerizing Blue Cave is an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of nature's beauty.

  • Vibrant Marine Life

The Shakotan Peninsula boasts a vibrant and diverse marine ecosystem. Diving in this area allows you to witness an array of marine species, from schools of colorful fish to unique invertebrates. 

The waters are home to species such as gobies, blennies, sea cucumbers, and anemonefish. Additionally, lucky divers may spot larger marine creatures like sea lions and even dolphins in the surrounding waters. 

The rich biodiversity ensures that every dive in the Shakotan Peninsula is filled with fascinating encounters.

  • Underwater Rock Formations and Reefs

The underwater topography of the Shakotan Peninsula is characterized by captivating rock formations and vibrant reefs. 

These underwater landscapes create a stunning backdrop for divers and provide a habitat for a wide range of marine organisms. 

The rocky reefs are adorned with colorful corals, sponges, and sea fans, creating a vibrant underwater ecosystem.

Exploring the underwater terrain of the Shakotan Peninsula offers a visual feast for divers and the chance to observe the intricate interplay between the marine life and their environment.

  • Convenient Access and Dive Services

The Shakotan Peninsula offers convenient access to dive sites and is well-equipped with dive centers and services. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a beginner, there are diving facilities that cater to all levels of experience. 

Dive operators provide equipment rental, guided tours, and safety measures to ensure a smooth and enjoyable diving experience.

The ease of access and availability of dive services make exploring the underwater wonders of the Shakotan Peninsula accessible to all diving enthusiasts.


The Shakotan Peninsula stands out as a captivating destination for scuba diving in Hokkaido.

With its turquoise waters, dramatic underwater rock formations, vibrant marine life, and the magical Blue Cave, the peninsula offers divers a truly immersive experience. 

Whether you're exploring Cape Kamui's cliffs, swimming through the Blue Cave's enchanting waters, or encountering the diverse marine species, diving in the Shakotan Peninsula promises an unforgettable adventure and a deep appreciation for Hokkaido's natural beauty.


Otaru, located in close proximity to Sapporo, Hokkaido's largest city, offers convenient access to remarkable dive sites without venturing too far from urban centers. 

Here's a closer look at what makes scuba diving in Otaru a delightful experience:

  • Diverse Underwater Landscapes

Otaru boasts diverse underwater landscapes that cater to a range of diving preferences. From underwater rock formations to walls and vibrant kelp forests, there's something for every diver to explore. 

The rocky reefs are adorned with colorful corals and sponges, creating a visually striking underwater environment. 

The variety of underwater topography ensures that each dive in Otaru offers a unique and exciting experience.

  • Abundant Marine Life

Diving in Otaru provides the opportunity to encounter an abundance of marine life. From small, colorful fish to fascinating invertebrates, the waters around Otaru are teeming with biodiversity. 

Divers can spot octopuses, crabs, sea stars, sea cucumbers, and various species of nudibranchs. 

Additionally, schools of fish, including flounders and rockfish, add to the vibrant underwater scene. The rich marine life makes each dive in Otaru an immersive experience filled with captivating encounters.

  • Vibrant Kelp Forests

Kelp forests are a prominent feature of Otaru's underwater landscape. These towering underwater plants provide a unique ecosystem for marine creatures and create a visually striking diving experience. 

Diving through the swaying kelp fronds offers a sense of serenity and tranquility. The kelp forests provide a habitat for numerous fish species and invertebrates, making it an excellent location for underwater photography and observation.

  • Suitable for Divers of All Levels

Otaru offers dive sites suitable for divers of all levels, making it an ideal destination for both beginners and experienced divers.

The calm and relatively sheltered waters provide a comfortable environment for those new to scuba diving to gain confidence and experience. 

At the same time, experienced divers can explore the deeper areas and more challenging dive sites that offer additional excitement and opportunities for exploration.

  • Accessible Facilities and Services

Otaru is well-equipped with dive centers and facilities that cater to the needs of divers. Dive operators offer equipment rental, guided tours, and professional instruction, ensuring a safe and enjoyable diving experience. 

Whether you're a seasoned diver or a novice, the availability of dive services in Otaru makes it easy to embark on underwater adventures with ease and convenience.


Otaru, with its diverse underwater landscapes, abundant marine life, vibrant kelp forests, and accessibility, is a fantastic destination for scuba diving in Hokkaido. 

Whether you're exploring the underwater rock formations, swimming through vibrant kelp forests, or encountering a variety of marine species, diving in Otaru promises a memorable and immersive experience. 

With its proximity to Sapporo and the availability of dive services, Otaru offers a convenient gateway to discover the captivating underwater wonders of Hokkaido.


Rausu, located on the eastern coast of Hokkaido, is a remarkable destination for scuba diving enthusiasts. Renowned for its extraordinary wildlife encounters, Rausu offers a unique and awe-inspiring diving experience. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes diving in Rausu so captivating:

  • Iconic Marine Encounters

Rausu is famous for its exceptional encounters with iconic marine creatures, particularly during the summer months. One of the main attractions is the opportunity to witness orcas, also known as killer whales, as they pass through the area on their migratory routes. 

These majestic creatures often travel in family groups and can be observed swimming and hunting in the waters around Rausu. Diving alongside orcas is an unforgettable experience that allows you to witness their power and grace up close.

  • Humpback Whales and Dolphins

In addition to orcas, Rausu offers the chance to encounter humpback whales and various dolphin species. During the summer months, humpback whales migrate to the waters off Rausu to feed and breed. 

Witnessing the acrobatic displays of humpback whales, including breaches and tail slaps, is a truly mesmerizing experience. Dolphins, such as Risso's dolphins and Dall's porpoises, are also frequently spotted in the area. 

Diving in Rausu presents an extraordinary opportunity to witness these magnificent marine creatures in their natural habitat.

  • Rich Underwater Biodiversity

Beyond the large marine mammals, Rausu's waters are home to a diverse range of marine life. The area boasts abundant fish populations, including various species of rockfish, flounders, and schools of smaller fish. 

Divers can also encounter octopuses, crabs, and colorful nudibranchs. The rich biodiversity and vibrant underwater scenes provide an immersive and captivating diving experience.

  • Scenic Coastal Landscapes

Rausu is surrounded by stunning coastal landscapes, including rugged cliffs, pristine beaches, and volcanic formations. Diving in Rausu allows you to appreciate the beauty of these scenic coastal landscapes from a unique perspective. 

The combination of dramatic seascapes and rich marine life creates a captivating underwater environment that is a feast for the eyes.

  • Professional Dive Operators

Rausu is well-equipped with professional dive operators who are experienced in organizing dive trips in the area. These operators provide guided dives, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of divers. 

They possess local knowledge and expertise, making your diving experience in Rausu seamless and memorable.


Rausu's exceptional wildlife encounters, including orcas, humpback whales, and dolphins, make it a standout destination for scuba diving in Hokkaido.

The opportunity to witness these magnificent marine creatures in their natural habitat is an awe-inspiring experience. 

Coupled with the rich underwater biodiversity and scenic coastal landscapes, diving in Rausu offers an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with lasting memories of Hokkaido's incredible marine world.


Akkeshi, located on the eastern coast of Hokkaido, offers a unique and captivating scuba diving experience. Known for its brackish water environment where seawater and freshwater mix, Akkeshi provides a distinct diving experience. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes diving in Akkeshi so intriguing:

  • Brackish Water Ecosystem

Akkeshi is renowned for its brackish water environment, where seawater from the Pacific Ocean mixes with freshwater from rivers and streams.

This unique blend of saline and fresh waters creates a distinct ecosystem that supports a variety of marine life. 

The brackish water environment of Akkeshi offers divers the opportunity to encounter species that thrive in these conditions, including seahorses, flounders, and other brackish water-adapted marine organisms.

Exploring this specialized ecosystem provides a unique and rewarding diving experience.

  • Abundant Marine Species

Diving in Akkeshi allows you to witness a diverse range of marine species. The mix of freshwater and seawater creates a rich feeding ground for marine life.

Divers can encounter various fish species, such as rockfish, gobies, and sculpins, as well as crustaceans like crabs and shrimp. 

Additionally, Akkeshi is known for its vibrant population of sea stars, sea anemones, and other invertebrates that thrive in the brackish water environment. 

The abundance of marine species ensures that each dive in Akkeshi offers exciting encounters and opportunities for underwater exploration.

  • Unique Underwater Topography

Akkeshi's underwater topography adds to the intrigue of diving in this region. The area features submerged forests, seagrass beds, and underwater rock formations that provide habitats for various marine organisms. 

Divers can explore these captivating underwater landscapes, swim through underwater canopies formed by submerged trees, and observe the fascinating interplay between marine life and the underwater environment. 

The unique underwater topography of Akkeshi adds a sense of adventure and discovery to your diving experience.

  • Underwater Photography Opportunities

The brackish water environment of Akkeshi, with its unique marine life and underwater landscapes, offers fantastic opportunities for underwater photography. 

The clear waters and diverse species make it an ideal setting for capturing captivating images of the underwater world. 

Photographers can document the vibrant colors of fish and invertebrates, capture the intricate details of underwater rock formations, and even try their hand at capturing the elusive and enchanting seahorses that inhabit the area.

  • Natural Beauty and Tranquility

Beyond the diving experience, Akkeshi boasts natural beauty and tranquility. The region is known for its scenic landscapes, including picturesque coastlines, lush forests, and serene waterways. 

Diving in Akkeshi allows you to appreciate this natural splendor and escape into a peaceful underwater realm away from the hustle and bustle of urban life.


Akkeshi's brackish water environment, abundant marine life, unique underwater topography, and natural beauty make it a captivating destination for scuba diving in Hokkaido.

From encountering seahorses and exploring submerged forests to capturing stunning underwater images, diving in Akkeshi offers a distinct and rewarding experience.

Immerse yourself in the brackish waters of Akkeshi and discover the fascinating marine world that thrives in this unique ecosystem.

Ishikari Bay

Ishikari Bay, located near Sapporo on the western coast of Hokkaido, offers fantastic scuba diving opportunities with its diverse marine life and captivating underwater landscapes. Here's an elaboration on what makes diving in Ishikari Bay so enticing:

  • Underwater Diversity

Ishikari Bay is known for its rich underwater biodiversity. Diving in this area allows you to encounter a wide range of marine species.

Schools of colorful fish, including rockfish, flounders, and sea bass, populate the waters. 

You may also come across fascinating invertebrates such as sea anemones, crabs, and sea stars. The bay is a haven for underwater life, offering divers a vibrant and captivating diving experience.

  • Rocky Reefs and Underwater Pinnacles

Ishikari Bay features captivating rocky reefs and underwater pinnacles that attract a variety of marine life. These structures create a habitat for corals, sponges, and sea fans, which in turn provide shelter for an array of fish species. 

Exploring the rocky reefs and swim-throughs adds an element of adventure and discovery to your diving experience.

The underwater pinnacles are particularly striking, often rising from the depths and attracting schools of fish, creating a visually stunning sight.

  • Vibrant Kelp Forests

Kelp forests are a prominent feature of Ishikari Bay's underwater landscape. These towering underwater plants create a mesmerizing and immersive diving environment.

The kelp forests provide a habitat for numerous marine creatures, including small fish, crustaceans, and sea urchins. 

Swimming through the swaying kelp fronds offers a sense of tranquility and adds to the magical ambiance of your underwater exploration.

  • Suitable for All Diving Levels

Ishikari Bay offers dive sites suitable for divers of all levels, making it an ideal destination for both beginners and experienced divers.

The bay's relatively calm waters and accessible dive sites provide a comfortable environment for novice divers to gain experience. 

At the same time, more experienced divers can explore deeper areas, underwater rock formations, and navigate through captivating swim-throughs. Ishikari Bay ensures that there are diving opportunities for everyone, regardless of skill level.

  • Proximity to Sapporo

One of the advantages of diving in Ishikari Bay is its proximity to Sapporo, Hokkaido's largest city. This makes it a convenient option for divers staying in or visiting Sapporo. 

You can easily reach the dive sites in Ishikari Bay with a short trip from the city, allowing you to combine urban exploration with underwater adventures.


Ishikari Bay's diverse marine life, captivating underwater landscapes, vibrant kelp forests, and accessibility make it an enticing destination for scuba diving in Hokkaido. 

Whether you're exploring the rocky reefs, swimming through vibrant kelp forests, or encountering a multitude of marine species, diving in Ishikari Bay promises an immersive and unforgettable experience. 

Take the opportunity to explore this underwater wonderland near Sapporo and discover the hidden treasures that lie beneath the surface of Ishikari Bay's waters.


Tomamae, located on the northwestern coast of Hokkaido, offers a captivating diving experience with its unique underwater landscapes and abundant marine life. Here's an elaboration on what makes diving in Tomamae so intriguing:

  • Captivating Underwater Rock Formations

Tomamae is known for its captivating underwater rock formations that create a stunning backdrop for divers. 

The area features submerged cliffs, underwater canyons, and fascinating geological formations. These formations provide habitats for a diverse range of marine life and offer exciting opportunities for exploration. 

Diving in Tomamae allows you to swim through underwater arches, navigate intricate cave systems, and discover hidden underwater nooks and crannies.

The unique underwater topography adds a sense of adventure and discovery to your diving experience.

  • Vibrant Marine Biodiversity

Tomamae's waters are home to a rich diversity of marine life, ensuring that every dive is filled with fascinating encounters. Divers can expect to see a variety of fish species, including rockfish, flounders, and schools of smaller fish. 

The area is also inhabited by octopuses, crabs, sea stars, and various colorful nudibranchs.

The vibrant marine biodiversity adds to the allure of diving in Tomamae, providing ample opportunities for underwater photography and observation.

  • Towering Kelp Forests

Tomamae boasts towering kelp forests that create a captivating underwater landscape. These giant kelp plants provide a habitat for numerous marine organisms, including fish, invertebrates, and other underwater creatures. 

Swimming through the swaying kelp fronds adds to the immersive and ethereal experience of diving in Tomamae.

The kelp forests are particularly enchanting, with rays of sunlight filtering through the fronds, creating a mesmerizing underwater ambiance.

  • Pristine Waters and Visibility

Tomamae's waters are renowned for their clarity, providing excellent visibility for divers.

The clear waters allow you to fully appreciate the beauty of the underwater world, from the vibrant marine life to the intricate details of the rock formations and kelp forests. 

The pristine visibility enhances the overall diving experience, making Tomamae an ideal destination for underwater exploration and photography.

  • Tranquil and Secluded Environment

One of the appeals of diving in Tomamae is the tranquil and secluded environment. Unlike more popular dive locations, Tomamae offers a quieter and more intimate diving experience.

The absence of large crowds and the peaceful underwater surroundings contribute to a sense of serenity and allow you to fully immerse yourself in the underwater wonders of the region.


Tomamae's captivating underwater rock formations, vibrant marine biodiversity, towering kelp forests, pristine waters, and secluded environment make it a compelling destination for scuba diving in Hokkaido. 

Whether you're exploring the unique underwater topography, swimming through mesmerizing kelp forests, or encountering a plethora of marine species, diving in Tomamae promises a memorable and immersive experience. 

Immerse yourself in the captivating underwater world of Tomamae and discover the hidden treasures that await beneath the surface of its pristine waters.

Sapporo Coast

Certainly! The Sapporo Coast, located near Hokkaido's largest city, offers convenient access to captivating dive sites without venturing too far from urban centers. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes diving along the Sapporo Coast an exciting experience:

  • Proximity to Sapporo

One of the advantages of diving along the Sapporo Coast is its close proximity to Sapporo, the largest city in Hokkaido. 

This makes it a convenient option for divers staying in or visiting Sapporo. You can easily reach the dive sites along the coast with a short journey from the city, allowing you to combine urban exploration with underwater adventures.

  • Diverse Underwater Landscapes

The Sapporo Coast offers a variety of underwater landscapes that cater to different diving preferences. From rocky reefs and underwater walls to sandy bottoms and seagrass beds, there are diverse environments to explore. 

Each site presents unique features, such as submerged rock formations and fascinating marine topography. This variety ensures that divers can choose from a range of underwater experiences and discover new and exciting dive sites along the coast.

  • Marine Life Encounters

Diving along the Sapporo Coast allows you to encounter a diverse array of marine life. From smaller fish species to intriguing invertebrates, the waters are teeming with biodiversity. 

Schools of colorful fish, including rockfish, flounders, and sea bass, can be observed swimming among the underwater rock formations. 

In addition, you may encounter crustaceans like crabs and shrimp, as well as fascinating sea stars and sea anemones. The encounters with marine life make each dive along the Sapporo Coast an immersive and enjoyable experience.

  • Underwater Photography Opportunities

The Sapporo Coast's clear waters and diverse marine life provide excellent opportunities for underwater photography. Whether you're a professional photographer or an enthusiast, you can capture stunning images of the vibrant marine ecosystems, colorful fish, and captivating rock formations. 

The clear visibility ensures that you can capture the intricate details of the underwater world and create lasting memories of your diving adventures.

  • Suitable for Divers of All Levels

The Sapporo Coast offers dive sites suitable for divers of all levels of experience. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, you can find dive sites that cater to your skill level. 

The calm and relatively sheltered waters along the coast provide a comfortable environment for novice divers to gain confidence and experience. 

At the same time, more experienced divers can explore deeper areas and underwater rock formations that offer additional excitement and opportunities for underwater exploration.


Diving along the Sapporo Coast provides a convenient and exciting experience for divers.

With its proximity to Sapporo, diverse underwater landscapes, marine life encounters, underwater photography opportunities, and suitability for divers of all levels, the Sapporo Coast offers a delightful diving experience. 

Explore the underwater wonders along the coast, capture breathtaking images, and immerse yourself in the captivating marine world while still enjoying the convenience of a nearby urban center.


Nemuro, located on the easternmost point of Hokkaido, offers a remote and unspoiled diving experience, making it a remarkable destination for scuba diving enthusiasts. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes diving in Nemuro so captivating:

  • Pristine and Unspoiled Beauty

Nemuro is renowned for its natural beauty and untouched landscapes. Diving in this remote region allows you to explore pristine underwater environments that have been minimally impacted by human activity. 

The waters are exceptionally clear, offering excellent visibility to fully appreciate the underwater world. The unspoiled beauty of Nemuro creates a sense of serenity and provides a unique diving experience away from more crowded tourist areas.

  • Abundance of Marine Life

Nemuro's coastal waters are home to a diverse range of marine life, providing ample opportunities for underwater exploration. Divers can encounter an array of fish species, including flounders, rockfish, and various types of gobies. 

The area is also known for its population of seals and sea lions, which can be spotted both in and out of the water. Lucky divers may even have the chance to witness these playful marine mammals in their natural habitat.

  • Scenic Coastal Landscapes

Nemuro boasts scenic coastal landscapes that enhance the diving experience. The rugged coastline, with its cliffs, rock formations, and pristine beaches, offers breathtaking views both above and below the surface. 

Diving in Nemuro allows you to appreciate the stunning coastal scenery, adding to the sense of adventure and immersion in nature.

  • Unique Underwater Topography

Nemuro's underwater topography is diverse and fascinating. The region features submerged cliffs, underwater canyons, and interesting rock formations, creating an intriguing underwater landscape. 

Divers can explore these formations, swim through underwater arches, and discover hidden underwater nooks and crannies. The unique underwater topography of Nemuro adds excitement and discovery to your diving experience.

  • Remote and Tranquil Environment

One of the appeals of diving in Nemuro is the remote and tranquil environment. Being located on the easternmost point of Hokkaido, the area sees fewer tourists compared to more popular dive destinations. 

This allows divers to enjoy a sense of solitude and tranquility as they explore the underwater world. 

The remote location also contributes to a sense of adventure and discovery, as you dive in relatively unexplored waters.


Nemuro offers a remote and unspoiled diving experience with its pristine beauty, diverse marine life, scenic coastal landscapes, unique underwater topography, and tranquil environment.

Diving in this remote corner of Hokkaido allows you to immerse yourself in the natural wonders of the region and witness a diverse range of marine species in their natural habitat.

Explore the unexplored, appreciate the untouched beauty, and create unforgettable memories while diving in Nemuro.


Hokkaido's underwater realm is a well-kept secret awaiting exploration. From vibrant coral gardens to mysteriouscaves and encounters with magnificent marine creatures, scuba diving in Hokkaido promises unforgettable adventures for divers of all levels. 

Rebun Island, Rishiri Island, the Shakotan Peninsula, Otaru, and Rausu are just a few of the remarkable dive sites that showcase the island's natural wonders.

Whether you're a seasoned diver or a beginner, Hokkaido's diverse underwater ecosystems and unique marine life will leave you in awe. So, grab your diving gear, explore the depths, and immerse yourself in the captivating world that awaits beneath the surface of Hokkaido's pristine waters.

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