japanese names meaning snake

40 Japanese Names Meaning Snake

05 June 2024Shopify API

Japanese names often carry deep meanings and connections to nature. In this list, we explore names that evoke the spirit and characteristics of snakes, revered in Japanese culture for their symbolism of transformation, protection, and wisdom.

Discover the rich tapestry of these names and their profound significance.

Japanese Names Meaning Snake

蛇 (Ja) 


蛇之介 (Janosuke) 

Help of the snake: A name that signifies the assistance or protection of a snake.

蛇足 (Jasoku) 

Snake's leg: This name is often used metaphorically to mean an unnecessary addition or surplus, like a snake's leg, which it doesn't actually have.

蛇吼 (Jakō) 

Snake's roar: Implies a powerful or intimidating presence, akin to the sound of a snake's roar.

蛇矛 (Jamō)

Snake spear: Suggests a weapon or a warrior's spirit associated with a snake.

蛇舞 (Jabu) 

Snake dance: Could imply gracefulness or agility, akin to the movements of a snake.

蛇寿 (Jaju) 

Longevity like a snake's: Suggests a wish for a long, healthy life, akin to the perceived longevity of snakes.

蛇郎 (Jarō) 

Snake son: Could signify a strong familial bond or inheritance associated with snakes.

蛇骨 (Jakotsu) 

Snake bones: Could imply strength or endurance, as in the sturdy bones of a snake.

蛇王 (Jaō) 

Snake king: Implies a position of power or leadership, akin to a king among snakes.

蛇影 (Ja'ei) 

Snake shadow: Suggests a mysterious or elusive presence, akin to a snake's shadow.

蛇皇 (Jaō) 

Snake emperor: Similar to "snake king," implying a position of supreme authority among snakes.

蛇竜 (Jaryū) 

Snake dragon: Could suggest a hybrid or powerful creature, combining the attributes of both snakes and dragons.

蛇頭 (Jatō) 

Snake head: Could imply leadership or being at the forefront, akin to the head of a snake.

蛇尾 (Ja'bi) 

Snake tail: Could imply being at the end or conclusion, akin to the tail of a snake.

蛇神 (Jashin) 

Snake god: Implies a divine or revered status, akin to a deity associated with snakes.

蛇女 (Jajo) 

Snake woman: Could imply a feminine or alluring quality associated with snakes.

蛇虎 (Jakō) 

Snake tiger: Suggests a hybrid or powerful creature, combining the attributes of both snakes and tigers.

蛇眼 (Jayen) 

Snake eye: Could imply keen observation or perception, akin to the eyes of a snake.

蛇毒 (Jadoku) 

Snake venom: Implies a poisonous or dangerous quality, akin to the venom of a snake.

蛇妖 (Jayō) 

Snake demon: Suggests a supernatural or menacing quality associated with snakes.

蛇心 (Jashin)

Snake heart: Could imply a courageous or strong-willed nature, akin to the heart of a snake.

蛇瞳 (Jatō) 

Snake pupil: Could imply keen insight or perception, akin to the pupils of a snake.

蛇姫 (Jahime) 

Snake princess: Suggests a royal or noble quality associated with snakes.

蛇影 (Jaei) 

Snake shadow: Suggests a mysterious or elusive presence, akin to a snake's shadow.

蛇腹 (Jafuku) 

Snake belly: Could imply vulnerability or weakness, akin to the soft underbelly of a snake.

蛇髪 (Jahatsu) 

Snake hair: Could imply a wild or untamed quality, akin to the appearance of a snake's body.

蛇祭 (Jasai) 

Snake festival: Implies a celebratory or festive occasion associated with snakes.

蛇窟 (Jakutsu) 

Snake cave: Suggests a mysterious or dangerous place, akin to a cave inhabited by snakes.

蛇洞 (Jadō) 

Snake hole: Similar to "snake cave," suggesting a place associated with snakes.

蛇尾 (Jabi)

Snake tail: Could imply being at the end or conclusion, akin to the tail of a snake.

蛇牙 (Jaga) 

Snake fang: Could imply a sharp or dangerous quality, akin to the fangs of a snake.

蛇音 (Jain)

Snake sound: Could imply a hissing or slithering sound, akin to the sound of a snake.

蛇魂 (Jakon) 

Snake spirit: Suggests a spiritual or intangible quality associated with snakes.

蛇蛻 (Jaseki) 

Snake shedding: Implies a process of renewal or transformation, akin to the shedding of a snake's skin.

蛇穴 (Jaketsu) 

Snake hole: Similar to "snake cave" and "snake hole," suggesting a place associated with snakes.

蛇丸 (Jamaru) 

Snake circle: Could imply a cyclical or continuous nature, akin to the shape of a snake.

蛇蝶 (Jachō) 

Snake butterfly: Suggests a hybrid or imaginative creature, combining the attributes of both snakes and butterflies.

蛇眉 (Jabī) 

Snake eyebrow: Could imply a distinctive or expressive quality, akin to the eyebrows of a snake.

蛇血 (Jaketsu) 

Snake blood: Could imply a familial or inherited quality, akin to the bloodline of a snake.


Exploring Japanese names meaning 'snake' reveals a fascinating blend of cultural reverence and symbolic depth. Each name reflects not just the serpent's physical attributes but also its spiritual and mythological significance. 

These names remind us of the intricate relationship between humans and nature, offering a glimpse into Japan's rich cultural heritage.

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