japanese names meaning eternity

40 Japanese Names Meaning Eternity

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Here are Japanese Names Meaning Eternity. Read below to find out!

Eternity, a concept that has fascinated humanity for centuries, is often associated with immortality, timelessness, and the enduring nature of the universe. In Japanese culture, the concept of eternity is deeply ingrained in the language, art, and philosophy. 

Many Japanese names embody this concept, reflecting the values and beliefs of Japanese society.

Japanese Names Meaning Eternity

Here is a list of 40 Japanese names meaning eternity:

Chie (千恵)

  • Meaning: Eternity, wisdom
  • Description: A name that represents the enduring power of wisdom and knowledge.

Eiko (永子)

  • Meaning: Eternity, child
  • Description: A name that symbolizes the eternal innocence and purity of a child.

Haruka (遙)

  • Meaning: Eternity, distant
  • Description: A name that evokes a sense of vastness and timelessness, like the distant horizon.

Hisako (寿子)

  • Meaning: Eternity, long life
  • Description: A name that signifies longevity, prosperity, and a full life.

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Kazuyo (和代)

  • Meaning: Eternity, peace
  • Description: A name that represents harmony, tranquility, and the enduring nature of peace.

Kiyo (清)

  • Meaning: Eternity, purity
  • Description: A name that symbolizes cleanliness, innocence, and the everlasting beauty of purity.

Kiyoshi (清志)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure mind
  • Description: A name that represents a clear and unblemished conscience, reflecting the enduring power of virtue.

Kiyoshige (清重)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and noble
  • Description: A name that symbolizes nobility, purity, and the everlasting value of honor and integrity.

Kiyoshiko (清子)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure child
  • Description: A name that represents the innocence and purity of a child, enduring through the ages.

Kiyoshitsu (清室)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure room
  • Description: A name that symbolizes a sanctuary of peace and purity, a place of tranquility that transcends time.

Kiyoshizou (清少)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure youth
  • Description: A name that represents the innocence and vitality of youth, enduring through the ages.

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Kiyoshizuku (清澄)

  • Meaning: Eternity, clear and pure
  • Description: A name that symbolizes clarity, purity, and the everlasting beauty of unsullied nature.

Kiyoshizumi (清泉)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure spring
  • Description: A name that represents the purity and freshness of a spring, a source of life that endures through time.

Kiyotake (清武)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and brave
  • Description: A name that symbolizes bravery, purity, and the enduring spirit of a warrior.

Kiyotama (清玉)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure jade
  • Description: A name that represents the beauty and value of jade, a precious stone that endures through the ages.

Kiyotsuna (清綱)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and strong
  • Description: A name that symbolizes strength, purity, and the enduring power of righteousness.

Kiyotsune (清恒)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and constant
  • Description: A name that represents constancy, purity, and the enduring nature of truth and virtue.

Kiyoshi (清司)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure priest
  • Description: A name that symbolizes purity, devotion, and the enduring power of spiritual guidance.

Kiyoshige (清重)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and heavy
  • Description: A name that represents weight, importance, and the enduring value of integrity and honor.

Kiyoshiko (清子)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure daughter
  • Description: A name that represents the purity, innocence, and enduring love of a daughter.

Kiyoshimaru (清丸)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and complete
  • Description: A name that represents wholeness, purity, and the enduring power of perfection.

Kiyoshita (清下)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and below
  • Description: A name that symbolizes humility, purity, and the enduring power of selflessness.

Kiyoshizume (清住)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and dwelling
  • Description: A name that represents tranquility, purity, and the enduring peace of a serene home.

Kiyotaka (清高)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and noble
  • Description: A name that symbolizes nobility, purity, and the enduring value of honor and dignity.

Kiyotake (清竹)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure bamboo
  • Description: A name that represents resilience, purity, and the enduring spirit of a bamboo plant.

Kiyotama (清玉)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure jewel
  • Description: A name that represents beauty, purity, and the enduring value of precious gems.

Kiyotsune (清綱)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and straight
  • Description: A name that symbolizes uprightness, purity, and the enduring power of integrity.

Kiyoyasu (清保)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and safe
  • Description: A name that represents protection, purity, and the enduring peace of a secure home.

Kiyoyoshi (清吉)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and auspicious
  • Description: A name that symbolizes good fortune, purity, and the enduring blessings of a prosperous life.

Kiyoyuki (清雪)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure snow
  • Description: A name that represents purity, innocence, and the enduring beauty of unspoiled nature.

Kiyoyu (清優)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure and excellent
  • Description: A name that symbolizes excellence, purity, and the enduring power of achievement.

Kiyoyuri (清百合)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure lily
  • Description: A name that represents purity, grace, and the enduring beauty of a lily flower.

Kiyoyo (清代)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure generation
  • Description: A name that represents purity, continuity, and the enduring legacy of generations past.

Kiyoyoshi (清義)

  • Meaning: Eternity, pure righteousness
  • Description: A name that symbolizes righteousness, purity, and the enduring power of justice and virtue.

Yasutaka (恭孝)

  • Meaning: Eternity, respect and filial piety
  • Description: A name that symbolizes filial piety, respect, and the enduring power of family bonds.
  1. Kyoko (響子)
  • Meaning: Eternity, resonance
  • Description: A name that represents harmony, purity, and the enduring power of a lingering sound.

Kyōka (響香)

  • Meaning: Eternity, resonance and fragrance
  • Description: A name that represents beauty, harmony, and the enduring power of a sweet fragrance.

Hibiki Koi (響恋)

  • Meaning: Eternity, resonance and love
  • Description: A name that represents love, harmony, and the enduring power of a deep affection.

Hibiki Sora (響空)

  • Meaning: Eternity, resonance and sky
  • Description: A name that represents vastness, purity, and the enduring power of the sky that stretches endlessly above.


The names listed above represent a rich and diverse collection of Japanese names that embody the concept of eternity. These names reflect the values, beliefs, and cultural perspectives of Japanese society, highlighting the enduring significance of eternity in Japanese thought. Whether it is the purity of a child, the resilience of bamboo, or the vastness of the sky, each name carries a unique meaning and evokes a sense of timelessness that transcends the boundaries of human existence.

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