
japanese kanji for wife
05 June 2024
Japanese kanji for wife is 妻. We break down the components of 妻 and learn...
japanese kanji for how are you
05 June 2024
The Japanese kanji for how are you is お元気ですか?" (Ogenki desu ka?). Learn how to...
05 June 2024
The Japanese kanji for stop is 止. Read on to find out how to say...
japanese kanji for money
05 June 2024
The Japanese kanji for money is 貨幣. Learn the history of the kanji 貨幣 and...
japanese kanji for tree
05 June 2024
The Japanese kanji for tree is 木. We analyze the components of 木 and learn...
05 June 2024
The Japanese kanji for thank you is ありがとう. Learn about the components that make up...