Japanese Names Of Characters From Haikyu

Japanese Names Of Characters From Haikyu

12 February 2025Ava Sato

Fan of the Haikyu anime? Here’s a list of all the Japanese names of characters from Haikyu anime. Check it out!

Spike into the action-packed realm of “Haikyu” with our guide to the Japanese names of its dynamic characters.

From the determined Shoyo Hinata to the strategic Tobio Kageyama, each name resonates with the power and spirit of high school volleyball. Get to know the players who make this sports anime a smash hit.

Japanese Names Of Characters From Haikyu

Japanese Names Of Characters From Haikyu

Shōyō Hinata (日向ひなた 翔陽しょうよう Hinata Shōyō)

Shoyo Hinata is the main protagonist of the series. He is a young 15 year old boy with a cheerful personality. At the start of the series, he is enrolled as a first year student at Karasuno High School.

His small physical structure doesn’t stop him from being a good volleyball player. While he has always wanted to be the ace, like his idol- the previous Karasuno ace, he learns to appreciate his role as a middle striker.

Shoyo is often referred to as the “greatest decoy” because of his ability to trick his opponents.

Hinata Shōyō

His incredible stamina, speed, and vertical jump earn him a spot on the regular lineup. His tireless practice helps him to grow quickly as a player.

Previously, the Karasuno volleyball team had earned themselves the reputation of “Fallen Champs” and “Flightless Crows”. However, within no time, Shoyo restored the team to its former glory.

Tobio Kageyama (影山かげやま 飛雄とびお Kageyama Tobio)

Tobio is another main character in the series. He is the starting setter for his team and is also considered one of the two prodigy players from Karasuno.

He has earned the nickname of “King of the Court” for his sets and leadership qualities.

In the beginning, he is seen as not caring much for the needs of his fellow teammates. He is so focused on winning that he often disregards his teammates while on the court.

Kageyama Tobio

After his team abandoned him during one of the matches because of his behaviour, he makes an effort to be better and take into account the needs of his teammates.

Tobio is well known in other schools as well. His pinpoint setting accuracy and the strong pairing between him and Shoyo have gained him much popularity.

Daichi Sawamura (澤村さわむら 大地だいち Sawamura Daichi)

Daichi is the captain of the boys’ volleyball team at Karasuno High School. He plays as a starting wing spiker.

He is a third year student at the school. In the series, it is seen that he is a good leader and treats his teammates in a firm yet kind way.

Sawamura Daichi

In the series, it is seen that his fellow players settle down when they hear that Daichi is coming. This is because while he is good to them, he can be a little scary.

Daichi is mature and very responsible. He even takes on the role of coach when the original coach had to be hospitalized.

Yū Nishinoya (西谷にしのや 夕ゆう Nishinoya Yū)

Yu Nishinoya is a remarkable volleyball player. He is a second year student at Karasuno High School.

He plays the role of libero for the team and is a defensive specialist. His impressive skills have earned him the title of “Karasuno’s Guardian Deity”.

Nishinoya Yū

Yu is considered one of the two prodigy players of Karasuno, along with Tobio. He is the shortest player on the team, being even shorter than Shoyo. However, he is one of the best players and the backbone of the team.

Yu is portrayed as an energetic and loud character. He is straightforward but surprisingly shy when he has to talk to girls.

Ryūnosuke Tanaka (田中たなか 龍之介りゅうのすけ Tanaka Ryūnosuke)

Ryunosuke is a second year student at Karasuno High School and plays the role of starting wing spiker on the boys’ volleyball team.

While he is loud and comes off as aggressive, Ryunosuke has a deep regard for his seniors and looks out for his juniors.

Tanaka Ryūnosuke

He is incredibly talented and is thought of as the team’s up and coming ace. His temper and aggression lead him to pick fights often.

Kōshi Sugawara (菅原すがわら 孝支こうし Sugawara Kōshi)

Koshi Sugawara is the vice captain of the boys’ volleyball team and a third year student at Karasuno High School. Before being replaced by Tobio, he played the role of starting setter for the team.

He is cheerful and kind and has a nurturing attitude to those around him. However, when he gets irritated or angry, he can be quite intimidating.

His consideration and support for his teammates make him one of the pillars of the team.

Kei Tsukishima (月島つきしま 蛍けい Tsukishima Kei)

Kei Tsukishima is a middle blocker on the team and is also a first year student at Karasuno High School.

He is the tallest player in Karasuno and is also an important part of the defence. He comes off as arrogant but it’s just his inferiority complex and his disliking of elite players.

He has a cheeky way of being polite and condescending at the same time. This only angers those around him even more.

Tadashi Yamaguchi (山口やまぐち 忠ただし Yamaguchi Tadashi)

Tadashi Yamaguchi is another player on the boys’ volleyball team at Karasuno High School and he is also a first year student here. At the beginning of the series, he played the role of middle blocker and pinch server. But as the series progressed, he became team captain in his third year.

Tadashi is close friends with Kei Tsukishima. He often joins him in teasing Hinata and Kageyama. He also tends to defend Tsukishima when he is insulted by others.

Tadashi is shy and reserved. He was bullied and this led to him having a lowered self esteem. He often doubts himself and his abilities, but he soon gains confidence while working with his mentor, Shimada.

Asahi Azumane (東峰あずまね 旭あさひ Azumane Asahi)

Asahi Azumane is the ace of the boys’ volleyball team at Karasuno High. He is a third year student at the school and is also one of the wing spikers on the team.

Asahi is physically the strongest player on the team. He acts as a pillar of attack for the team.

He is close to Daichi, Koshi, and Yu. He is timid and struggles with low self confidence. However, he is an incredibly gifted player and can spike the ball even from behind the line.

Other characters from Haikyu and their Japanese names:

  • Chikara Ennoshita (縁下えんのした 力ちから Ennoshita Chikara)
  • Hisashi Kinoshita (木下きのした 久志ひさし Kinoshita Hisashi)
  • Kazuhito Narita (成田なりた 一仁かずひと Narita Kazuhito)
  • Kiyoko Shimizu (清水しみず 潔子きよこ Shimizu Kiyoko)
  • Hitoka Yachi (谷や地ち 仁ひと花か Yachi Hitoka)
  • Ittetsu Takeda (武田たけだ 一鉄いってつ Takeda Ittetsu)
  • Keishin Ukai (烏養うかい 繋心けいしん Ukai Keishin)
  • Ikkei Ukai (烏養うかい 一繋いっけい Ukai Ikkei)
  • Hidemi Tashiro (田代たしろ 秀水ひでみ Tashiro Hidemi)
  • Hiroki Kurokawa (黒川くろかわ 広樹ひろき Kurokawa Hiroki)
  • Tenma Udai (宇内うだい 天満てんま Udai Tenma)
  • Akiteru Tsukishima (月島つきしま 明光あきてる Tsukishima Akiteru)
  • Makoto Shimada (嶋田しまだ 誠まこと Shimada Makoto)
  • Yūsuke Takinoue (滝たきノ上うえ 祐輔ゆうすけ Takinoue Yūsuke)
  • Yukinari Mori (森もり 行成ゆきなり Mori Yukinari)
  • Hidenori Uchizawa (内沢うちざわ 英紀ひでのり Uchizawa Hidenori)
  • Yui Michimiya (道宮みちみや 結ゆい Michimiya Yui)
  • Mao Aihara (相原あいはら真緒まお Aihara Mao)
  • Sudō Kikuchi (須藤すどう 凛子りんこ Sudō Rinko)
  • Moe Kikuchi (菊池きくち 萌もえ Kikuchi Moe)
  • Manami Aoki (青木あおき 真奈美まなみ Aoki Manami)
  • Nozomi Watabe (渡部わたべ 希のぞみ Watabe Nozomi)
  • Chizuru Sasaki (佐々木ささき 千鶴ちずる Sasaki Chizuru)
  • Natsu Hinata (日向ひなた 夏なつ Hinata Natsu)
  • Saeko Tanaka (田中たなか 冴子さえこ Tanaka Saeko)
  • Madoka Yachi (谷地やち まどか Yachi Madoka)
  • Miwa Kageyama (影山かげやま 美羽みわ Kageyama Miwa)
  • Kazuyo Kageyama (影山かげやま 一与かずよ Kageyama Kazuyo)
  • Mineo Nishinoya (西谷にしのや 節男みねお Nishinoya Mineo)
  • Tetsurō Kuroo (黒尾くろお 鉄朗てつろう Kuroo Tetsurō)
  • Nobuyuki Kai (海かい 信行のぶゆき Kai Nobuyuki)
  • Morisuke Yaku (夜久やく 衛輔もりすけ Yaku Morisuke)
  • Taketora Yamamoto (山本やまもと 猛虎たけとら Yamamoto Taketora)
  • Kenma Kozume (孤爪こづめ 研磨けんま Kozume Kenma)
  • Shōhei Fukunaga (福永ふくなが 招平しょうへい Fukunaga Shōhei)
  • Sō Inuoka (犬岡いぬおか 走そう Inuoka Sō)
  • Tamahiko Teshiro (手白てしろ 球彦たまひこ Teshiro Tamahiko)
  • Lev Haiba (灰羽はいば リエーフ Haiba Riēfu)
  • Yūki Shibayama (芝山しばやま 優生ゆうき Shibayama Yūki)
  • Yasufumi Nekomata (猫又ねこまた 育史やすふみ Nekomata Yasufumi)
  • Manabu Naoi (直井なおい 学まなぶ Naoi Manabu)
  • Tōru Oikawa (及川おいかわ 徹とおる Oikawa Tōru)
  • Issei Matsukawa (松川まつかわ 一静いっせい Matsukawa Issei)
  • Takahiro Hanamaki (花巻はなまき 貴大たかひろ Hanamaki Takahiro)
  • Hajime Iwaizumi (岩泉いわいずみ 一はじめ Iwaizumi Hajime)
  • Shigeru Yahaba (矢巾やはば 秀しげる Yahaba Shigeru)
  • Shinji Watari (渡わたり 親治しんじ Watari Shinji)
  • Sadayuki Mizoguchi (溝口みぞぐち 貞幸さだゆき Mizoguchi Sadayuki)
  • Yūtarō Kindaichi (金田一きんだいち 勇太郎ゆうたろう Kindaichi Yūtarō)
  • Akira Kunimi (国見くにみ 英あきら Kunimi Akira)
  • Kentarō Kyōtani (京谷きょうたに 賢太郎けんたろう Kyōtani Kentarō)
  • Nobuteru Irihata (入畑いりはた 伸照のぶてる Irihata Nobuteru)
  • Tatsuki Washio (鷲尾わしお 辰生たつき Washio Tatsuki)
  • Yamato Sarukui (猿杙さるくい 大和やまと Sarukui Yamato)
  • Kōtarō Bokuto (木兎ぼくと 光太郎こうたろう Bokuto Kōtarō)
  • Keiji Akaashi (赤葦あかあし 京治けいじ Akaashi Keiji)
  • Akinori Konoha (木葉このは 秋紀あきのり Konoha Akinori)
  • Shūichi Anahori (穴掘あな ほり 秀一しゅういち Anahori Shūichi)
  • Haruki Komi (小見こみ 春樹はるき Komi Haruki)
  • Wataru Onaga (尾長おなが 渉わたる Onaga Wataru)

Japanese names of characters from Haikyu: FAQs

Who is Shoyo Hinata’s idol?

Shoyo Hinata’s idol is Tenma Udai also known as “Small Giant”.

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