japanese kanji for good luck

What Is The Japanese Kanji For Good Luck? | How To Say Good Luck In Japanese?

05 June 2024Shopify API

The Japanese kanji for good luck is 幸運. Read on to find out the etymology and components of 幸運 below!

In the intricate world of Japanese calligraphy, each stroke carries profound meaning, giving birth to characters that embody deep cultural values and concepts. 

Among these characters, the Japanese kanji for "good luck" stands out as a beacon of positivity and hope. 

Known as "幸運" (kouun), this kanji is a visual representation of the desire for favorable outcomes and blessings. 

In this article, we will delve into the meaning, components, and cultural significance of the Japanese kanji for good luck.

Japanese Kanji For Good Luck Is 幸運

The kanji for good luck, "幸運," comprises two distinct characters:

幸 (Kou)

The character 幸 (kou) is a complex combination of two distinct elements: the radical 宀 (mian), which represents a "roof" or "shelter," and the character 羊 (yang), which means "sheep" or "lamb."

  • 宀 (Mian) Radical: This radical is reminiscent of a protective shelter, traditionally symbolizing the idea of a safe and secure home. It also carries connotations of comfort, well-being, and the feeling of being cared for under a roof.
  • 羊 (Yang) Character: The character 羊 represents sheep, which were historically considered valuable and provided sustenance through their wool, meat, and milk. In ancient times, a well-fed and healthy flock of sheep symbolized abundance, contentment, and prosperity.

The combination of 宀 (mian) and 羊 (yang) creates a synergy of meanings within the character 幸 (kou). 

It encapsulates the concept of happiness being rooted in a sense of security and the fulfillment of basic needs. 

Just as a sheltering roof provides protection and sustenance for a flock of sheep, so does it provide the foundation for human happiness.

運 (Un)

The character 運 (un) is comprised of two key components: the radical 辵 (chuo), representing "movement" or "journey," and the character 云 (yun), meaning "cloud."

  • 辵 (Chuo) Radical: The radical 辵 signifies movement, specifically the act of walking or progressing. In the context of 運 (un), this movement represents the journey of life, destiny, and the ever-changing nature of circumstances.
  • 云 (Yun) Character: The character 云 depicts a cloud. Clouds are dynamic and ever-shifting, constantly moving across the sky.

    In the context of luck and fortune, clouds symbolize the transient nature of these aspects. Just as clouds change shape and position, luck and fortune can ebb and flow throughout one's life.

When combined, 辵 (chuo) and 云 (yun) form 運 (un), a character that encapsulates the idea of luck and destiny as a journey filled with movement and change.

This character acknowledges that fortune is not static but rather subject to fluctuations over time.

How To Say Good Luck In Japanese?

There are several ways to say "good luck" in Japanese, each with slightly different nuances and levels of formality. Here are some common options, along with their pronunciations and explanations:

1. がんばって (ganbatte):

  • Pronunciation: "gahm-bah-teh"
  • Meaning: "Do your best!" or "頑張る" (gambaru) in its conjunctive form, making it sound less demanding.
  • Formality: Casual to semi-formal
  • Use: This is the most versatile and widely used expression for encouragement in Japanese. You can use it in almost any situation to cheer someone on.

2. 頑張ってください (ganbatte kudasai):

  • Pronunciation: "gahm-bah-teh koo-dah-sah-ee"
  • Meaning: "Please do your best!" (more polite than "ganbatte")
  • Formality: Polite
  • Use: Use this when you want to be more respectful or formal, such as with someone older or someone you don't know well.

3. ファイト (faito):

  • Pronunciation: "fy-toh"
  • Meaning: "Fight!" (loanword from English)
  • Formality: Very casual
  • Use: This is a more energetic and enthusiastic way to say "good luck," often used in sports or competition settings. It's best used with close friends or family.

4. 幸運を祈ります (kouun wo inorimasu):

  • Pronunciation: "koh-oon woh ee-noh-ree-mah-soo"
  • Meaning: "I pray for your good luck."
  • Formality: Formal
  • Use: This is a more formal and heartfelt way to wish someone good luck, often used in letters or speeches.

Cultural Significance Of 幸運

The kanji for good luck holds immense cultural significance in Japan. It is often found adorning various items and spaces, from traditional New Year's decorations to charms and amulets. 

These symbols are believed to bring positive energy and protection to individuals, families, and businesses.

  • New Year's Celebrations: The kanji for good luck is prominently displayed during New Year's celebrations in Japan.

    This practice stems from the belief that starting the year with positive intentions and invoking blessings can set the tone for a prosperous year ahead.
  • Charms and Amulets: Many Japanese people carry or place charms and amulets with the kanji for good luck to attract positive energy and ward off misfortune.

    These items are often given as gifts to express well wishes and hope for success in various endeavors.
  • Business and Commerce: In the realm of business, the kanji for good luck is frequently used in shop signage, advertisements, and promotional materials.

    This practice is rooted in the desire to attract customers, encourage prosperous transactions, and ensure the success of the business venture.

Sentence Examples For 幸運

  • 幸運が微笑んで、彼は大きな賞を獲得しました。
    (Kouun ga hohoende, kare wa ookina shou o kakutoku shimashita.)
    English: Luck smiled upon him, and he won a big prize.
  • 彼女は試験で幸運を手に入れて合格しました。
    (Kanojo wa shiken de kouun o te ni irete goukaku shimashita.)
    English: She obtained luck in the exam and passed.
  • その冒険は幸運を求める勇敢な冒険者たちによって始まりました。
    (Sono bouken wa kouun o motomeru yuukan na boukensha-tachi ni yotte hajimarimashita.)
    English: The adventure began with brave adventurers seeking for luck.
  • 幸運の女神が私に微笑んで、くじ引きで景品を獲得しました。
    (Kouun no megami ga watashi ni hohoende, kuji-biki de keihin o kakutoku shimashita.)
    English: The goddess of luck smiled upon me, and I won a prize in the lottery.
  • 彼の成功は完全に幸運に依存しているわけではありません。
    (Kare no seikou wa kanzen ni kouun ni izon shite iru wake dewa arimasen.)
    English: His success doesn't solely depend on luck.
  • 幸運を引き寄せるために、彼はポジティブなエネルギーを放出し続けました。
    (Kouun o hikiyoseru tame ni, kare wa pojitive na enerugī o hōshutsu shitsuzukemashita.)
    English: To attract luck, he kept emitting positive energy.
  • 幸運の星が輝いているようで、今日は素晴らしい日です。
    (Kouun no hoshi ga kagayaite iru you de, kyou wa subarashii hi desu.)
    English: It seems like the lucky star is shining; today is a wonderful day.
  • 幸運は努力と準備の結果として現れることがあります。
    (Kouun wa doryoku to junbi no kekka to shite arawareru koto ga arimasu.)
    English: Luck can sometimes appear as a result of effort and preparation.
  • そのチャンスを逃すことなく、彼は幸運を掴みました。
    (Sono chansu o nogasu koto naku, kare wa kouun o tsukamimashita.)
    English: Without letting that opportunity slip away, he seized the luck.
  • 幸運は時には予期せぬ形で現れることがあります。
    (Kouun wa toki ni wa yoki senu katachi de arawareru koto ga arimasu.)
    English: Luck can sometimes appear in unexpected forms.


The Japanese kanji for good luck, "幸運," transcends its visual representation and embodies a profound cultural ethos. Its intricate composition and rich symbolism reflect the Japanese perspective on happiness, fortune, and destiny. 

Whether it's adorning celebratory decorations, gracing amulets, or enhancing business prospects, this kanji stands as a testament to the Japanese people's enduring belief in the power of positive energy and the desire for a fortunate journey through life.

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