Are you looking for a guide on Japanese blood type theory? Well, here it is!
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What is the Japanese blood type theory?
Japanese believe that the blood type of a person determines their personality, temperament, and compatibility with others. It is a pseudoscientific belief in Japan and South Korea. A person’s blood type matters more than anything to the Japanese.
As far-fetched as it may sound, the Japanese strongly believe in this and upon conducting a survey, it was found that at least 29% of the male population and 45% of the female population believed in this theory.
But how did this come to be? Let’s dig deep into Japanese blood type theory.
Japanese Blood Type Theory
Type A: Organised Yet Anxious
This blood type constitutes the highest percentage of Japanese people. They are regarded highly because of their compassionate nature and their attention to detail. Sometimes they’re shy but that’s alright.
They make for excellent team players who listen to everyone’s opinion, but they get stressed out just as easily. If you’re going to date a Type A or be friends with them, take it slow. They are sensitive and get hurt easily but you gotta take the first step as they’re shy.
It is often found that Type A is most compatible with Type A because they understand how intensely their personalities work and find comfort in each others company. Their personality traits make them the perfect employee.
Their eye for detail, hard work and determination make them a model for how one should be in a workplace or otherwise, in any space. This is one of the most wanted blood type according to the Japanese blood type theory because of their traits.
Best Traits: Responsible, punctual, perfectionist, calm, patient, team player
Worst Traits: Obsessive, uptight, overcautious, self-conscious, stubborn, shy, anxious
Percentage in Japan: 40%
Type B: Creative Yet Irresponsible
By being passionate and creative, Type Bs want to carve their own paths, which might come across as selfish sometimes. They don’t follow rules and get bored easily and lose interest in something quite easily.
Being in a relationship with Type Bs can be quite a challenge, especially since they are ‘selfish’. With that, they’re also irresponsible but highly spirited.
While you can’t particularly define them as heart-breakers, they’re likely to move on quickly from a relationship if it has come to an end and try seeking a new relationship.
That’s why those with blood type O seem to gel most with B because they’re not intimidated by their carefree nature and self-worth but their self-esteem might take a toll sometimes.

Type Bs have their own way of doing things and that might come across as ‘difficult’ to some people as they like most of the things their way.
When it comes to problem-solving at work, their creative side activates and it is a piece of cake for them to solve it. However, type B’s selfishness and unreliability scare some people at work because they are usually labelled as deceitful people.
According to Japanese blood type theory, this type isn’t really appreciated and people often want to stay away from them.
Best Traits: Passionate, creative, self-worth, flexible, free-spirited
Worst Traits: Irresponsible, self-centred, forgetful
Percentage in Japan: 20%
Type AB: Rational Yet Indecisive
Even though this is a combination of blood types A and B, this is the rarest found blood type in Japan.
Since A and B are incredibly opposite, a combination of the two brings out a mysterious, yet amusing combo. Some call them odd, some call them cool and eccentric, it’s up to you to decide after your interaction.
They’re quite balanced but their sensitiveness gives birth to their empathy which in a way is great. They’re shy and confident at the same time.
They’re rational and keep it real, but that won’t stop them from chasing their dreams and being all cool about it.
There’s no beating around the bush with them because they don’t really appreciate it. If you like someone straightforward and with a no-nonsense attitude, a person with AB blood type is perfect for you.
They’ll understand all your quirks and you’ll never have a misunderstanding. Such a happening is rare, and so are people with blood type AB in Japan.
Since ABs are so leveled up and sorted, they make excellent diplomats and caregivers. They can do a great job if they’re teachers or lawyers.
According to the Japanese blood type theory, this is quite a rare type and only 10 percent of the population have this blood type.
Best Traits: Rational, empathetic, organized, cool, composed, spiritual
Worst Traits: critical, indecisive, aloof, unforgiving
Percentage in Japan: 10%
Type O: Optimistic Yet Insensitive
Type Os are great communicators and have strong opinions that they are not afraid to express even if they come across as rude or arrogant.
The Type Os have natural instincts to lead the group or take care of the ones who follow them or are younger than them.
But their opinionated nature doesn’t mean they’re not great listeners as they always value their opinion before others. They try to be flexible, accommodate everyone and just have a general likeable vibe when they’re around others.
Sometimes though, they consider their own opinion of the highest value and can come across as bad people but they’re actually just stating their own thoughts.
My better-half is a type O and she is undoubtedly ambitious and social but also insensitive at times. She’s also quite romantic otherwise. Although I don’t believe in Japanese blood type theory but it says a lot about people.
Although, their leadership qualities do make them excellent CEOs or top executives with their take-charge attitude. They keep their temperaments under control and don’t let the work stress get to them.
While in their everyday lives, they like to take charge, in a romantic relationship, they like to be spoiled and feel protected. They are hopeless romantics and will give their all to their partner.
Best Traits: Outgoing, ambitious, passionate, leadership, self-confident, social
Worst Traits: Insensitive, vain, jealous, ruthless, arrogant
Percentage in Japan: 30%
How The Blood Personality Type Obsession Began In Japan?

Well, in 1916, Dr Kimata Hara had written a paper that linked the blood types and their corresponding personalities.
But the theory opened to the public only when Takeji Furukawa, a professor wrote a paper called “The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type” and published it in a scholarly journal.
From that point on, there was no stopping. This theory spread crazily even though he had no expertise or even scientific credentials. All he put forth were his observations and people believed it blindly.
In fact, the Japanese military ordered a study in 1930 to “breed” soldiers based on their blood types to produce better soldiers based on their strengths and weaknesses.
The fad started to die as some people began questioning it but was revised back again 40 years later. Japanese blood type theory started gaining popularity.
In 1970, after World War II, journalist Masahiko Nomi, under the influence of Furukawa’s study wrote a book regarding relationships between blood types and personalities.
It became a bestseller and the theory was back in action to determine people’s personality type. The media started covering it as if it was some pop culture. Japanese blood type theory is quite bizarre but widely believed!
So, let’s get to know what the Japanese blood type theory has gotten the entire nation crazy?
Do You Know Your Blood Type?
If you’re planning on living in Japan or visiting for a few weeks, it is likely that someone will ask you your blood type and instantly judge on the basis of it.
About 90% of the people living in Japan know their blood type and sometimes feel uncomfortable sharing it with others due to the unsolicited judgments until their blood type says something good about them.

As soon as they know your blood type, it is as if they scan you with an X-ray vision and know what kind of person you are and interact with you with the predisposition in their minds about your nature.
Suddenly they have an explanation about why you’re behaving the way you’re behaving. You should know what they’re thinking and all that which might not be possibly true. So here’s a gist of Japanese blood type theory.
The Blood That Taunts
To draw a comparison in the real world context, let me tell you this: What astrology is to the Western culture, blood type theory is to Japan.
To make it more apparent, Japan’s daytime TV offers blood type ‘horoscopes’ every day.
Since there is no real scientific evidence, the horoscopes are really just self-fulfilling prophecies where the ‘predictions’ come true because of the strong beliefs of the people, steering them into taking actions that aid the possibility of it coming to be true.

The blood type bias runs in the Japanese’s blood now. It is quite common for employers to ask their prospective employees what their blood type is.
Sometimes, being a Type B means your name is at risk. Therefore, some people lie about their blood type, just so they can get a job.
Imagine being in a situation where you’re asked to donate blood to save someone’s life at work but you’re not that blood type at all because you lied about it to get a job?
You can’t really blame the Bs. They go through a lot.
What (not only the) Bs Face — Burahara
In other words, blood harassment. Most commonly faced by people who have blood type B. However, Japanese blood type theory always finds type A more attractive.
Like in any country, minorities face a struggle. This is not based on skin colour or gender, but it is just as bad. Being labeled B means people automatically assume you are selfish, ambitious and self-centered.
The good traits are completely ignored and only the bad ones are taken note of. If one unfavourable incident happens at work, a colleague says, “I knew you were a B, you’re such a B!”

Now ABs are minorities too, but there aren’t enough ABs to know whether they fit the whole no-nonsense stereotype. Sometimes, Type Os get harassed too.
When there is a normal act of aggression like opening a tight door or a stubborn pack of candy, they’re automatically asked if they were O.
It is not that common with Type A, but if a person with Type A blood doesn’t exactly fit the description that goes with it.
It does something that is “out of character”, people automatically say, “That’s not very A-like”, and then smirk.
Some Weird Things About Japanese Blood Type Theory

Japan has blood-type dating services where the app or the website asks you to list your blood type and find matches according to it. Exciting! Blood Type Goukon わくわく 血液型けつえきがた 合コン is one such site.
People often take assessments called Atari Masse for their personal blood types to get love and dating advice from automated survey-based responses.
Here, they get ‘consultation’ for all their worries and doubts about their romantic lives. Japanese blood type theory is one of the most unique things about Japan!

Finally, the blood type fad is so widespread, that for an exciting sex-life, you buy condoms according to your partner’s blood type.
On the wrapper, you’ll find some quirky advice about how exciting the journey is going to be for you based on the blood type pairing. Yes, you heard that right.
So if you’re heading to Japan, get a blood test, and know your blood type for the Japanese blood type theory is very important in Japan.
Blood Type Theory in Japan: FAQs
Why is blood type A big deal in Japan?
The Japanese believe that each blood type comes with different traits that match their personality. It also decides if people are a good match for each other, in romantic relationships, etc. Blood type A is supposedly kind and well organized so they are a big deal in Japan.
What blood type do most Japanese have?
In Japan, the blood groups are equally balanced, unlike in other countries. There are approximately 40% of type A, 30% of type O, 20% of type B and 10% of type AB.
What is the most desirable blood type in Japan?
Type “O” is considered to be the most desirable blood type because people with this blood type are optimistic, have leadership qualities, and are extremely realistic and flexible.
What do the Japanese say about blood type?
The Japanese have a strong interest in blood types, and their personality traits have been associated with their blood type. Each of the blood types has peculiar traits that are common amongst the same blood types.
Do Japanese discriminate based on blood type?
Many people have been discriminated against based on their blood type in Japan. Blood types are asked during school and even job interviews and split i