basic japanese words to use

100 Basic Japanese Words To Use To Have Easy Conversations

12 February 2025Ava Sato

Moving to Japan or just touring? Gain an advantage amongst the local Japanese people by learning these basic Japanese words to use in common conversations in Japanese.

Learning some basic Japanese words to frame sentences will help you go around Japan without a problem!

Not a lot of Japanese local stores’ salespeople can speak fluent English. And being able to talk basic Japanese with the Japanese salesperson might even get you a sweet discount! Discount or not, the Japanese people surely do appreciate it when a gaijin or foreigner greets them in Japanese and can understand and talk a little bit of their language.

So here are basic Japanese words to use that will make your time much easier in Japan. Check it out!

Basic Japanese Words To Use

English Words Basic Japanese Words To Use Pronunciation Japanese Words
Good morning Ohayou gozaimasu おはようございます
Hello/good afternoon Konnichiwa こんにちは
Good evening Konbanwa こんばんは
Goodnight Oyasuminasai おやすみなさい
Thank you Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます
Excuse me/ sorry Sumimasen すみません
Sorry Gomennasai ごめんなさい
Yes Hai はい
No Iie いいえ
I/me Watashi わたし
You Anata あなた
Mother Okaasan お母さん / おかあさん
Father Otousan お父さん / おとうさん
Grandfather Ojiisan お爺さん / おじいさん
Grandmother Obaasan お婆さん / おばあさん
Uncle Ojisan おじさん
Aunt Obasan おばさん
Older brother Oniisan お兄さん / おにいさん
Older sister Oneesan お姉さん / おねえさん
Younger brother Otouto 弟 / おとうと
Younger sister Imouto 妹 / いもうと
Months of the year
January Ichigatsu 一月 , いちがつ
February Nigatsu 二月 , にがつ
March Sangatsu 三月 , さんがつ
April Shigatsu 四月 , しがつ
May Gogatsu 五月 , ごがつ
June Rokugatsu 六月 , ろくがつ
July Shichigatsu 七月 , しちがつ
August Hachigatsu 八月 , はちがつ 
September Kugatsu 九月 , くがつ 
October Juugatsu 十月 , じゅうがつ 
November Juuichigatsu 十一月 , じゅういちがつ 
December Juunigatsu 十二月 , じゅうにがつ 
One Ichi 一 , いち
Two Ni 二 , に
Three San 三 , さん
Four Shi/yon 四 , し/よん 
Five Go 五 , ご
Six Roku 六 , ろく
Seven Shichi/nana 七 , しち/なな
Eight Hachi 八 , はち
Nine Kyuu 九 , きゅう 
Ten Juu 十 , じゅう
Days of the week
Monday Getsuyoubi 月曜日 , げつようび
Tuesday Kayoubi 火曜日 , かようび
Wednesday Suiyoubi 水曜日 , すいようび
Thursday Mokuyoubi 木曜日 , もくようび
Friday Kinyoubi 金曜日 , きんようび
Saturday Doyoubi 土曜日 , どようび
Sunday Nichiyoubi 日曜日 , にちようび
Times of the Day
Yesterday Kinou 昨日 , きのう
Today Kyou 今日 , きょう
Tomorrow Ashita 明日 , あした
Morning Asa 朝 , あさ
Noon Hiru 昼 , ひる
Evening Yuugata 夕方 , ゆうがた
Night Yoru 夜 , よる
Food Tabemono 食べ物 , たべもの 
Drinks Nomimono 飲み物 , のみもの 
Rice/meal Gohan ご飯 , ごはん 
Water/cold water Mizu 水 , みず 
Hot water Oyu お湯 , おゆ 
Meat Niku 肉 , にく 
Vegetable Yasai 野菜 , やさい 
Fish Sakana 魚 , さかな 
Ramen Ra-men ラーメン
Sushi Sushi 寿司 , すし 
Onigiri Onigiri おにぎり
Common verbs
To do Suru する
To see Miru 見る , みる 
To listen Kiku 聞く , きく 
To talk/speak Hanasu 話す , はなす 
To say Iu 言う , いう 
To write Kaku 書く , かく 
To eat Taberu 食べる , たべる 
To drink Nomu 飲む , のむ 
To walk Aruku 歩く , あるく 
To run Hashiru 走る , はしる 
To sit Suwaru 座る , すわる 
To stand Tatsu 立つ , たつ 
Common adjectives
Happy Tanoshii 楽しい , たのしい 
Sad Kanashii 悲しい , かなしい 
High/expensive Takai 高い , たかい 
Low Hikui 低い , ひくい 
Cheap Yasui 安い , やすい 
Fast/early Hayai 早い , はやい 
Slow Osoi 遅い , おそい 
Busy Isogashii 忙しい , いそがしい
Delicious Oishii 美味しい , おいしい 
Awful Mazui 不味い , まずい 
Sweet Amai 甘い , あまい 
Salty Shoppai 塩っぱい , しょっぱい
Sour Suppai 酸っぱい , すっぱい
Bitter Nigai 苦い , にがい
Hot/ spicy Karai 辛い , からい 
Hot Atsui 熱い , あつい 
Warm Atatakai 暖かい , あたたかい 
Cold Tsumetai 冷たい , つめたい 
Bright Akarui 明るい , あかるい 
Dark Kurai 暗い , くらい 

First we’ll start with common Japanese greetings

Basic Japanese Greetings

Ohayou gozaimasu

Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Good Morning

Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます) is a formal way of saying good morning. You can use this with co-workers, elders, strangers, or even superiors. With friends and family you can simply say Ohayou, which means ‘morning’ – this is a more casual way of greeting someone in the morning.


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Hello or Good Afternoon

Konnichiwa (こんにちは) can be used to say hello or good afternoon. You can use this Japanese greeting with anybody and pretty much in any situation. But use this greeting when the sun is still up! Because the next greeting is said as the sun goes down.


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Good Evening

Konbanwa (こんばんは) is again a more formal greeting and is used to greet someone in the evening time.


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Good Night

Oyasuminasai (おやすみなさい) is a basic Japanese greeting to say good night. You can say it to someone who’s going to bed or you can use the greeting when you’re going to bed. A more casual form of this greeting would be Oyasumi! (which means ‘Night!’)

Some other common Japanese phrases

Arigatou gozaimasu

Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Thank You

Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) is the most polite way of saying thank you in Japanese. You can use this to thank anybody. A slightly more casual version of this basic Japanese phrase is Arigatou or domo


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Excuse Me or Sorry

Sumimasen (すみません) can mean sorry or excuse me depending on context. If you’re in a busy street and somebody is blocking your way, ‘Sumimasen’ is a polite way of requesting someone to give you way – just like how you’d say ‘excuse me’. Or if you bump into someone on the street by mistake, you can Sumimasen and move on – just like how you’d say sorry! Think of it as a casual way of apologising to a stranger.


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say I’m Sorry

Gomennasai (ごめんなさい) is used to apologise and means ‘I’m Sorry’. A more casual way of apologising is ‘gomen ne’ which translates to sorry.


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Yes

Hai (はい) is a more formal and polite term for Yes. You can also say ‘Hai’ when you answer a phone call. A more casual term for this is Un


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say No

Lie (いいえ) is a formal way of saying no. But you may not hear many people use this in a formal setting as it may come off as too direct. UUn is a more casual way of saying no.

Japanese words related to people

Japanese Pronouns


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say I/me

Watashi わたし is a basic Japanese word to say me. For example, “watashi no namae wa…’ = my name is… However, a more casual and natural way of saying ‘my name is’ = namae wa


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say You

Anata あなた means you in Japanese. You can use it in a sentence like ‘Anata wa īdesu’ which translates to you are nice!


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Mother

Okaasan お母さん translates to mother or mom (おかあさん). For example, Okāsan ni denwa shite translates to ‘call your mum’


Basic Japanese Words To Use To Say Father

Otousan お父さん translates to father or dad

Japanese words for days different time of the day

Time in Japan


Kinou (きのう) is Japanese translates to yesterday.


Kyou (きょう) in Japanese translates to today


Ashita (あした) in Japanese translates to tomorrow


Asa (あさ) in Japanese translates to morning


Hiru (ひる) in Japanese translates to noon


Yuugata (ゆうがた) in Japanese translates to evening


Yoru (よる) in Japanese translates to night

Basic Japanese Adjectives


Basic Japanese words to use to say expensive or high

Takai (たかい) translates to high or expensive.


Basic Japanese words to use to say Cheap

Yasui (やすい), in English, translates to cheap. For example, Kore wa yasuidesu – this is cheap


Basic Japanese words to use to say early

Hayai (はやい) translates to early in English. For example, Hayai jikan ni kimasu translates to come early


Basic Japanese words to use to say Slow

Osoi (おいしい) translates to slow in English. For example, Osoi yo (=You are slow)


Isogoshii is a basic Japanese word that means Busy.


Oishii (おいしい) in Japanese can be translated to delicious. For example, if you want to say ‘Ramen is delicious’ – men ga oishī


Amai (あまい) in Japanese can be translated to sweet. For example, if you want to say – “You are sweet” in Japanese you say, Anata wa amai


Shoppai (しょっぱい ) in Japanese can be translated to salty.


Suppai (しょっぱい ) in Japanese can be translated to Sour. For example, to say ‘The soup is sour’, you can translate it to Sūpu wa suppai


Nigai (にがい ) in Japanese can be translated to bitter. For example, to say, ‘The orange in bitter’, you can say – Orenji wa nigai


Karai (からい) is a basic Japanese words to use to say spicy or hot. For example, Karaimono ga daisuki.


Atsui (あつい) is a basic Japanese word to use hot. For example, the ramen is hot in Japanese would be Rāmen wa atsui


Atatakai (あたたかい) is a Japanese term for the word warm. For example, the ramen is warm in Japanese would be Rāmen wa attakai


In Japanese, Tsumetai (つめたい) means cold. So if you wanted to say ‘The rice is cold’ in Japanese, it would be – Gohan wa tsumetai


Akarui (あかるい) is a basic Japanese words to use for bright


Kurai (くらい) is a basic Japanese word for dark. If you want to say ‘It is dark’ in Japanese, you say Sore wa kuraidesu

Basic Japanese Food Vocabulary


Probably the most common Japanese food in the Western world, sushi is raw fish or vegetables rolled in rice and seaweed.


Thin slices of raw fish served alone, without rice and seaweed.


Deep-fried vegetables or seafood.


Thick wheat noodles served either hot or cold in soup.


Grilled skewered chicken served with teriyaki sauce.


A Japanese noodle soup dish, served with a variety of ingredients such as seaweed, pork, eggs, and vegetables.


Simple rice balls, typically filled with salted salmon, pickled plum, or other things, and wrapped in seaweed.


Rice bowl dish topped with various ingredients such as egg, beef, or chicken.


Japanese dumplings filled with pork and vegetables.

Miso Soup (味噌汁)

A savory soup made with miso paste, dashi, and usually a few ingredients like seaweed, tofu, or vegetables.

Natto (納豆)

Fermented soybeans, usually served as a side dish or topping for onigiri.


This phrase translates to “I humbly accept” and is used before eating a meal to show respect.

Gochisou-sama deshita

This phrase translates to “It was a feast” and is used to thank the chef for the meal after it is finished.


This phrase translates to “Sake” and is a popular Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice.

O-miso shiru

This phrase translates to “Miso soup” and is a traditional Japanese soup made from fermented soybean paste.


This phrase translates to “snacks/appetizers” and is often served as an accompaniment to sake or other alcoholic beverages.

Itadakimasu (いただきます)

This phrase is a polite expression used before meals to show appreciation to whoever prepared the meal.

Oishi (おいしい)

This is the basic word for “delicious”, which is useful for expressing how much you enjoyed your meal.

Gochisōsama (ごちそうさま)

This phrase is used after meals to express one’s appreciation for the meal.

Arigatō (ありがとう)

This expression is used to express one’s gratitude and is often used after a meal.

Irasshaimase (いらっしゃいませ)

This phrase is used by restaurant staff upon the entrance of a customer and is the equivalent of “welcome to the restaurant”.

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu

The Japanese equivalent of “Thank you very much,” one of the most important restaurant words you should know and use when dining out.

Gochisousama Deshita

a phrase of appreciation following a meal.

O-saki Ni

Translated to “I’m leaving first,” this phrase politely signals it’s time to leave the table.


The expression for “check please,” signaling you’re done with your meal and ready for the bill.

These were some of the basic Japanese words to use in everyday conversations. Learn these basic words before your trip to Japan so you can build a decent rapport with the Japanese people there!

Also Read:

  1. Easy Japanese For Food Ordering

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