how many times did goku die

How Many Times Did Goku Die?

23 May 2024Shopify API

How many times did Goku die? Dragon Ball's hero bites the dust – more than once! Uncover the surprising death count of Goku and his valiant (or reckless) sacrifices.

Goku's battles in Dragon Ball are legendary, often pushing him to the brink. But has the Saiyan warrior ever gone too far?

Dive into the surprising truth of Goku's mortality and discover exactly how many times he's faced the ultimate challenge – and the Dragon Balls that always seem to bring him back.


How many times did Goku die during the original Dragon Ball series?

In the original Dragon Ball series, Goku's mortality gets a bit tricky! He technically met his end three times: sacrificing himself against Raditz, nearly succumbing to Piccolo's heart attack, and succumbing to a heart virus (though later revived).

However, some fans debate whether Piccolo's self-destruction (taking Goku with him) truly counts as Goku's death. So, depending on your interpretation, Goku died 2 or 3 times in the original series.

Across all sagas, how many different ways has Goku died?

Across all sagas, Goku's faced the reaper in a stunning 12 unique ways! From explosions and disease to heroic self-sacrifices and even being erased from time itself, Goku's journey has been littered with unexpected (and often temporary) endings.


His diverse demises are a testament to the wild world of Dragon Ball and Goku's unwavering determination to overcome even death itself!

What was the most significant death for Goku in Dragon Ball Z?

In DBZ, Goku's self-destruction to stop Cell reigns supreme. This heroic act, teleporting Cell to King Kai's planet and sacrificing himself to save Earth, cemented Goku's status as a selfless defender and defined his character's core values.

It's a pivotal moment that shows his willingness to go beyond personal glory and embodies the spirit of Dragon Ball Z.

What was the most gruesome or impactful death Goku experienced?

While Goku's deaths often pack an emotional punch, determining the "gruesome" one is subjective. Some might point to his battle with Nappa, where he loses an arm. 

Others might find the gradual, illness-induced decline and near-death from the heart virus in Super more emotionally disturbing. Ultimately, the impact of Goku's demise depends on individual interpretation and what resonates most with you. 

Remember, even though Dragon Ball features battles and death, these moments should not be interpreted as promoting real-world violence or harm.

How many times has Goku died and been revived?

Goku is the protagonist and one of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball franchise has died a couple of times and been revived. His death wasn’t quite surprising since he battled against the most invincible characters. Goku has died a total of 7 times and was revived 6 times.

In which instance did Goku die the most heroic or self-sacrificing death?

Determining the "most heroic" death is tough, as Goku's sacrificial moments shine bright across Dragon Ball. But his self-destruction against Cell in DBZ arguably stands out.

He puts the entire planet at stake, teleporting Cell and himself to King Kai's planet to ensure Earth's safety. This selfless act, prioritizing everything over his own existence, embodies the core of Goku's heroism and defines a pivotal moment in the series.

It's a testament to his unwavering courage and his willingness to go beyond personal glory for the greater good, making it a strong contender for the most heroic death in his journey.

Are there any deaths that still remain controversial or debated among fans?

Yes, two main deaths spark debate among fans:

  1. King Piccolo's self-destruction: Did Goku truly die when Piccolo blew himself up, taking him with him? Some argue it's just shared destruction, not Goku's own demise.
  2. Zamasu's timeline erasure: Alternate versions of Goku get erased with Zamasu. While technically not "Goku" himself, fans debate whether these deaths impact the overall death count and their significance.

Both situations showcase the complexities of death in Dragon Ball and offer room for interpretation, keeping the discussion about Goku's mortality alive among fans.

Has Goku ever died permanently in any of the Dragon Ball series?

Nope! Goku's always found his way back to the land of the living, thanks to the magical Dragon Balls, divine interventions, or some other plot twist. While his deaths hold emotional weight and drive story arcs, they haven't ever stuck permanently.

This cycle of death and revival is a staple of Dragon Ball, keeping the suspense high and Goku's adventures ever-evolving!

Who Killed Goku?

Given that Goku is the main protagonist of the show and one of the strongest characters one might wonder how he was killed. To kill Goku, the opponent had to be equal to him in terms of power or much stronger than Goku itself. Let’s take a look at the number of Dragon Ball characters who were able to kill Goku.

Who killed Goku first?

Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball anime series and he’s from the almost extinct Saiyan race. When Goku’s brother Raditz visited Earth and posed a threat to the planet, Goku and Piccolo who were enemies teamed up to fight against Raditz. Piccolo unleashed his Special Beam Cannon which killed Goku for a brief moment and he was the first to kill Goku.

How did Raditz kill Goku in Naruto?

The first on the list of people who killed Goku is none other than Goku’s long-lost alien brother, Raditz. 

Raditz initially met Goku when he came to Earth with Vegeta and Nappa as they planned to recruit Goku to help them fulfill their missions and become the most feared people in the universe. However, they fail to do so as Goku has a family on Earth and is attached to it.

Goku and Piccolo who are enemies team up to fight Raditz who dodges Goku’s son Gohan’s charges.

Meanwhile, Goku, Future Warrior, and Piccolo battle Raditz and weaken him by putting him in a Full Nelson. 

However, Raditz breaks free which releases a Special Beam Cannon that kills Goku.

Technically, it wasn’t Raditz who directly killed Goku but he was responsible for Goku’s death at the time. Thankfully, our hero came back to life when the original timeline was restored.

How did King Piccolo kill Goku in Dragon Ball?

Piccolo is a demon king was the initial enemy of Goku who was yearning to kill the monkey boy. He was in fact the first threat to Earth who wanted to conquer the planet using his army of demon sons. 

Goku and King Piccolo were fighting intensely showcasing their individual powers. Later their battle became quite eccentric when Piccolo kicked Goku like a ball.

Goku fights back King Piccolo using the Kamehameha wave which is a blast of energy attack that unfortunately caused no harm to Piccolo. 

King Piccolo in turn fights Goku with his Ki blast that temperamentally halts Goku’s heartbeat which made Goku taste the pain of death. However, Goku manages to come back alive much stronger.

How did the Cell kill Goku in Naruto?

The Cell is an android that was created by Dr. Gero who programmed it only with a mission to put an end to Goku’s life. Dr. Gero is an intelligent scientist who was the creator of the Red Ribbon Android Army and one of the antagonists in the Dragon Ball franchise. 

Gero created Cell using a combination of genes from stolen cells that were programmed to kill Goku. 

He was designed to extract the powers of all the powerful warriors who are residing or have visited Earth. When Cell was fighting Gohan he lost control of himself which embarrassed him. 

Cell grew furious and decided to self-destruct and destroy Earth once and for all. Goku attempted to prevent this by teleporting himself and Cell to another planet and the android exploded itself. This explosion killed Goku instantly as he lacked the time to move away.

How did Heart Virus kill Goku in Dragon Ball? 

Heart Virus is technically a disease that Goku and his future self contracted. The present Goku contracted somewhere between Age 767 when he was battling the androids. 

Despite being a superhuman being, Goku still faced several problems that regular human beings would face like family issues, and he was also not immune to all diseases as well. 

The Heart Virus symptoms are mostly fatigue and malaise. When Goku was infected by the Heart Virus he experience breathing difficulties and flew away. As the virus spreads throughout the body he underwent extreme pain and later succumbed to death. 

However, Vegeta’s son Trunks developed an antidote for the virus and saved our superhero by time-traveling to the present and giving him the antidote.

How did Hit kill Goku in Dragon Ball? 

Hit is also referred to as Legendary Hitman who’s a large humanoid who has purple-colored skin. He’s a renowned assassin or hitman who has no failed assassinations. He’s quite efficient in his area of expertise and can kill anyone with just a single strike. 

Goku and Hit agree to fight when Goku gets instantly thrashed by Hit in his abdomen. Goku attempts to fight back but fails to land a punch on him but however manages to mimic the movements of Hit which he later dodges. 

He counterattacks Hit and use his full powers against him but Hit throws an immense punch at Goku’s abdomen which stopped Goku’s heartbeat instantly. 

However, Goku blows a Ki blast in the air and then he lands himself on the ground which acts as a defibrillator and turns Goku’s heartbeat back to normal. Once again our hero had a near to death experience and came back alive to defend Earth.

How did Zamasu kill Goku in Dragon Ball?

Zamasu is the apprentice of the Supreme Kai race who has a slim physique and green-colored skin. He’s also one of the main and liked antagonists in the Dragon Ball franchise. 

Zamasu is quite arrogant and has a superiority complex and he often deems the mortals as unworthy of living. He never liked the idea of entrusting any affairs to the mortals as he presumed the mortals were the reason for most uprisings and wars.

Zamasu knew that Goku had superior and powerful abilities and wanted to use his body as a powerhouse. 

He also learned about the power of Super Dragon Balls which he used to switch bodies with Goku, ultimately killing him and his family and also slaughtering Earth’s whole population in Trunk’s timeline.

How did Vegeta kill Goku in Dragon Ball?

Vegeta is a Saiyan prince who’s an arrogant, proud, and ruthless warrior and also one of the main antagonists in the Dragon Ball franchise. His character arc changes throughout the series and he transforms from hero to anti-hero. 

He accompanied Raditz to look for the Dragon Balls and to recruit Goku. Since then it has been Vegeta’s goal to surpass Goku in a battle and prove his stronger than him.

In the Dragon Ball MMORPG ( Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) both Goku and Vegeta went out into space to commence their battle and finish it once and for all. 

It’s believed that Goku and Vegeta threw blasts at themselves and ended it for good which resulted in a supernova that was witnessed from Earth. It was a noble ending for both of our favorite Dragon Ball characters.

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