scuba diving in naha

Where To Go Scuba Diving In Naha? | 7 Amazing Scuba Diving Spots In Naha

05 de June, 2024Shopify API

Planning scuba diving in Naha? I have curated a list of places where you can go scuba diving in Naha. Check it out!

Naha, the vibrant capital city of Okinawa Prefecture in Japan, is not only famous for its rich history, culture, and delicious cuisine but also for its stunning underwater world. 

With its crystal-clear waters, abundant marine life, and impressive coral reefs, Naha offers a scuba diving paradise for both beginners and experienced divers. 

If you're planning a trip to this enchanting city and want to explore the depths of its oceans, here are some of the top scuba diving destinations in Naha that should be on your radar.

Scuba Diving In Naha

Kerama Islands

The Kerama Islands are a group of picturesque islands located west of Naha, Okinawa. Consisting of four main islands—Kerama, Tokashiki, Zamami, and Aka—the Kerama Islands offer some of the most stunning scuba diving experiences in the region.

Here's a closer look at these captivating islands:

  • Kerama Island

Kerama Island, the largest among the group, is known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery. The island is surrounded by vibrant coral reefs that are home to an incredible diversity of marine life. 

Divers can explore breathtaking dive sites such as Gishippu, Nishibama, and Kanibu, where they'll encounter colorful corals, schools of tropical fish, and fascinating critters like nudibranchs and seahorses.

  • Tokashiki Island

Tokashiki Island is another popular destination within the Kerama Islands group. It offers a range of dive sites suitable for divers of all levels. 

The island's waters are renowned for their exceptional visibility, making it an ideal place for underwater photography. 

Divers can explore dive sites like Tokashiku-nada, Aharen, and Tokashiku Reef, where they can discover vibrant coral gardens, encounter sea turtles, and possibly spot manta rays and whale sharks during the appropriate seasons.

  • Zamami Island

Zamami Island, often referred to as the gateway to the Kerama Islands, is famous for its stunning beaches and incredible marine biodiversity.

Divers flock to Zamami to experience its impressive dive sites, including Ama Beach, Furuzamami Beach, and Akajima Island.

These sites offer an opportunity to explore healthy coral reefs, encounter numerous species of tropical fish, and potentially spot humpback whales during their migration season.

  • Aka Island

Aka Island, the smallest of the four main islands, is a hidden gem in the Kerama Islands. It offers a serene and secluded diving experience with stunning underwater landscapes. 

Divers can explore dive sites such as Nishibama, Nakanoshima, and Geruma, where they'll find vibrant coral formations, encounters with sea turtles, and a variety of marine life including butterflyfish, angelfish, and moray eels.

The Kerama Islands are not only renowned for their underwater beauty but also for their commitment to marine conservation. 

In 2014, the Kerama Islands were designated as a national park to protect their pristine ecosystems and maintain their natural beauty for generations to come.

To explore the Kerama Islands' underwater wonders, it is advisable to join a guided dive tour or hire a local dive operator who can provide the necessary equipment, expertise, and knowledge of the best dive sites based on your skill level and interests. 

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, the Kerama Islands offer an unforgettable scuba diving experience with their remarkable marine biodiversity and stunning underwater landscapes.

Maeda Point

Maeda Point, also known as Blue Cave, is a popular scuba diving spot located on the west coast of Okinawa Island, just a short drive from Naha. 

Here's a closer look at what makes Maeda Point a unique and exciting diving destination:

  • The Blue Cave

The highlight of diving at Maeda Point is the mesmerizing Blue Cave. The cave gets its name from the ethereal blue hue that fills its interior, created by the sunlight filtering through the water. 

As you enter the cave, you'll be captivated by the enchanting play of light and shadows, creating a magical atmosphere. 

The Blue Cave is relatively shallow, with depths ranging from 5 to 15 meters, making it accessible to divers of various skill levels.

  • Underwater Rock Formations

Beyond the Blue Cave, Maeda Point offers a diverse underwater topography, characterized by fascinating rock formations. 

As you explore the dive site, you'll come across an array of underwater cliffs, crevices, and canyons. These geological features create an intricate and captivating underwater landscape, providing divers with exciting swim-throughs and passages to navigate.

  • Abundant Marine Life

Maeda Point is home to a rich variety of marine life, offering divers the opportunity to encounter a wide range of species. Among the coral reefs and rock formations, you'll come across colorful tropical fish, including angelfish, butterflyfish, and clownfish. 

Keep an eye out for other fascinating creatures such as moray eels, lionfish, and octopuses.

Additionally, if you're lucky, you might spot larger marine species like turtles and reef sharks in the area.

  • Suitable for All Diving Levels

One of the advantages of diving at Maeda Point is its suitability for divers of all levels of experience. 

The Blue Cave itself is relatively shallow, making it an excellent location for beginners or those looking to try scuba diving for the first time. The calm waters and easy entry and exit points make it a comfortable and safe diving environment.

However, for more experienced divers, there are deeper areas and nearby dive sites that offer greater depth and opportunities for exploration.

  • Snorkeling Opportunities

Maeda Point is not limited to scuba diving alone. It is also a popular spot for snorkeling due to its clear waters and the enchanting Blue Cave, which can be accessed from the surface. 

Snorkelers can witness the beauty of the cave and its underwater surroundings without the need for scuba gear, making it an accessible option for all water enthusiasts.

When planning a dive at Maeda Point, it is advisable to check the tides and currents to ensure safe diving conditions.

It's also recommended to dive with a certified dive operator who is familiar with the area and can guide you through the best routes and provide any necessary equipment.

Maeda Point's unique Blue Cave, stunning rock formations, and abundant marine life make it a must-visit diving destination for those exploring the waters around Naha. 

Prepare to be mesmerized by the beauty that awaits beneath the surface of this remarkable dive site.

Sunabe Seawall

Sunabe Seawall is a renowned scuba diving location located in the Chatan area, just a short distance from Naha. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes Sunabe Seawall an interesting and accessible diving spot:

  • Man-Made Barrier

Sunabe Seawall is a man-made concrete barrier constructed along the coast to prevent erosion. Stretching for approximately four kilometers, the seawall runs parallel to the shoreline, creating a unique diving environment. 

The structure itself serves as an artificial reef, attracting a wide variety of marine life and offering fascinating underwater exploration.

  • Diverse Dive Sites

The length of the Sunabe Seawall is dotted with multiple entry points, leading to various dive sites along the barrier. 

Each entry point offers a different diving experience, allowing divers to choose according to their preferences and skill levels. Some popular dive sites along the seawall include Sunabe Caves, Fish Head Point, and Miyagi Caves.

  • Marine Life

Sunabe Seawall is teeming with marine life, thanks to the presence of the artificial reef and its proximity to other natural habitats. Divers can encounter a wide range of marine species, including colorful tropical fish, nudibranchs, moray eels, and crustaceans.

The site is also known for occasional sightings of sea turtles and eagle rays.

  • Shallow Depths and Calm Currents

One of the advantages of diving at Sunabe Seawall is the relatively shallow depths, ranging from 5 to 10 meters, making it suitable for divers of all skill levels. 

The calm currents along the seawall provide a comfortable diving experience, allowing divers to explore at a leisurely pace and take in the underwater beauty.

  • Underwater Photography

The clear waters and diverse marine life of Sunabe Seawall make it an excellent location for underwater photography. 

Whether you're a beginner capturing your first underwater shots or a seasoned photographer looking for unique subjects, the vibrant coral formations, schools of fish, and intriguing creatures offer ample opportunities for stunning underwater imagery.

  • Accessibility and Amenities

Sunabe Seawall is easily accessible, with ample parking spaces and dive shops in the vicinity. The area is well-equipped with facilities to cater to divers' needs, including gear rental, air fills, and professional dive services. 

After your dive, you can also find a range of dining options and accommodations in the nearby Chatan area.

It's important to note that Sunabe Seawall can be busy with divers and snorkelers, especially on weekends and during peak seasons. 

Practicing good diving etiquette and respecting the marine environment is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Whether you're a beginner looking to explore shallow depths or an experienced diver seeking diverse marine encounters, Sunabe Seawall offers a convenient and fascinating scuba diving experience near Naha. 

Dive into its waters and discover the wonders that await beneath the surface.

Cape Manza

Cape Manza, located on the northwest coast of Okinawa Island, is a captivating diving destination near Naha. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes Cape Manza a thrilling and adventurous place to go scuba diving:

  • Dramatic Rock Formations

Cape Manza is known for its dramatic and striking rock formations that extend both above and below the water's surface. 

These towering cliffs and rugged underwater landscapes create a unique and awe-inspiring diving environment. 

As you explore the dive sites around Cape Manza, you'll encounter impressive swim-throughs, caverns, and crevices carved out by the sea, offering divers a thrilling and adventurous underwater experience.

  • Underwater Tunnels and Caves

One of the highlights of diving at Cape Manza is the opportunity to explore underwater tunnels and caves.

These natural formations, formed by years of wave erosion, provide an enchanting setting for divers to navigate through.

The tunnels and caves are often adorned with colorful corals and sponges, creating a visually stunning underwater landscape. Exploring these hidden passageways adds an element of excitement and discovery to your diving adventure.

  • Abundance of Marine Life

Cape Manza is home to a rich and diverse marine ecosystem. The underwater cliffs and rocky areas serve as habitats for a wide range of marine species. 

As you dive around Cape Manza, you can encounter an array of marine life, including tropical fish, crustaceans, moray eels, and colorful reef dwellers. 

The area is also known for occasional sightings of larger marine creatures, such as barracudas, eagle rays, and even reef sharks.

  • Pristine Visibility

The waters surrounding Cape Manza boast excellent visibility, allowing divers to fully appreciate the underwater beauty. With clear waters, you'll be able to admire the vibrant corals, intricate rock formations, and the diverse marine life that thrives in this area. 

The visibility also enhances the overall diving experience and provides an opportunity for stunning underwater photography.

  • Thrilling Currents

Cape Manza is known for its dynamic currents, which can vary depending on tides and weather conditions. While these currents require divers to have some experience and appropriate training, they also contribute to the unique diving experience. 

The currents bring nutrient-rich waters, attracting a greater variety of marine life and making Cape Manza an exciting destination for drift diving.

It's important to note that due to the challenging conditions at Cape Manza, diving at this location is generally recommended for experienced divers or those accompanied by experienced guides. 

It's advisable to check the current conditions, plan dives according to your skill level, and follow proper safety protocols to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Cape Manza offers a thrilling and captivating diving experience near Naha, with its dramatic rock formations, underwater tunnels, diverse marine life, and dynamic currents. 

Immerse yourself in the underwater world of Cape Manza and prepare for an adventure that will leave you in awe of nature's wonders.

Sesoko Island

Sesoko Island is a small yet captivating island located northwest of Naha, Okinawa. It is a popular destination for scuba diving due to its stunning underwater landscapes and rich marine biodiversity. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes Sesoko Island a fantastic place to go scuba diving:

  • Vibrant Coral Reefs

Sesoko Island is renowned for its vibrant and healthy coral reefs. Diving around the island allows you to explore colorful coral gardens that are home to a plethora of marine life. 

The reefs boast an array of hard and soft corals, including branching corals, table corals, and vibrant sea fans. 

These coral formations provide a stunning backdrop for your underwater adventure and attract a variety of tropical fish and other fascinating creatures.

  • Abundance of Marine Life

The waters surrounding Sesoko Island are teeming with diverse marine life. As you dive, you'll encounter an impressive array of species, including schools of colorful reef fish, such as butterflyfish, angelfish, and parrotfish. 

You may also spot octopuses, moray eels, lionfish, and various species of crustaceans. Sesoko Island is also known for sightings of larger marine creatures, including sea turtles, reef sharks, and rays.

  • Suitable for All Experience Levels

Sesoko Island offers dive sites suitable for divers of all skill levels, making it an ideal destination for both beginners and experienced divers. 

The calm and clear waters around the island make it an excellent place for introductory dives or for those looking to gain more confidence in their diving skills.

The variety of dive sites ensures that there's something for everyone, from shallow coral gardens to slightly deeper areas with more challenging features.

  • Unique Dive Sites

Sesoko Island features several unique dive sites that offer different experiences for divers.

For example, the Sesoko Paradise site is known for its extensive coral formations, while the Sesoko Sea Turtle Paradise is a popular spot to encounter these gentle creatures.

The presence of underwater caves and swim-throughs adds excitement and exploration opportunities for divers who enjoy navigating through natural formations.

  • Crystal-Clear Waters

One of the notable characteristics of diving around Sesoko Island is the exceptional visibility. The waters are renowned for their clarity, allowing for excellent visibility and optimal conditions for observing the underwater world. 

With good visibility, you can fully appreciate the vibrant colors of the corals and marine life, enhancing your overall diving experience.

When planning a scuba diving trip to Sesoko Island, it is advisable to connect with local dive operators or dive shops who can provide guided tours and equipment rentals. 

They can also offer valuable insights into the best dive sites and conditions based on the time of year and your skill level.

Sesoko Island's stunning coral reefs, diverse marine life, and clear waters make it a must-visit destination for scuba diving enthusiasts in Naha. 

Immerse yourself in the underwater wonderland of Sesoko Island and prepare for a memorable diving adventure.

Minna Island

Minna Island, also known as "Minnajima," is a picturesque island located off the coast of Okinawa, near Naha.

Known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life, Minna Island is a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling.

Here's an elaboration on what makes Minna Island a fantastic place for underwater exploration:

  • Stunning Beaches and Turquoise Waters

Minna Island boasts stunning white sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters that are perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and diving. 

The island's beaches are often uncrowded, providing a tranquil and relaxing environment for visitors.

The calm and inviting waters around Minna Island make it an ideal spot for water activities, especially for those seeking a serene diving experience.

  • Abundant Marine Biodiversity

Minna Island is home to a diverse range of marine life, making it an excellent location for underwater exploration. The surrounding coral reefs host a variety of tropical fish species, such as angelfish, butterflyfish, clownfish, and many others. 

As you dive, you'll also have the chance to encounter fascinating creatures like sea turtles, moray eels, octopuses, and various species of colorful reef dwellers. 

The island's underwater ecosystem is a delight for marine enthusiasts and photographers alike.

  • Snorkeling and Shallow Diving

Minna Island is an ideal destination for both snorkelers and divers, particularly those who prefer shallow dives or snorkeling in calm waters. 

The waters around the island are relatively shallow, with depths ranging from a few meters to around 10 meters.

This makes it suitable for beginners and those looking to enjoy underwater exploration without venturing into deeper depths.

  • Coral Gardens

The coral gardens surrounding Minna Island are a sight to behold. Divers and snorkelers will be treated to vibrant and healthy coral formations, including hard corals, soft corals, and sea fans.

These coral gardens create a colorful underwater landscape and provide shelter for a diverse range of marine life.

Exploring the coral gardens is a fantastic opportunity to witness the intricate beauty of these underwater ecosystems.

  • Snorkeling Trails and Guided Tours

Minna Island offers well-marked snorkeling trails that allow visitors to easily navigate through the underwater world and explore the island's marine treasures. 

Additionally, guided snorkeling and diving tours are available, providing visitors with expert guidance and insights into the marine life and underwater features of Minna Island. 

Joining a guided tour ensures a safe and enriching experience, especially for those who are new to snorkeling or diving.

When planning a visit to Minna Island, it is advisable to check the weather conditions and the availability of snorkeling and diving tours.

It's also important to adhere to responsible snorkeling and diving practices, such as respecting the marine environment and not touching or damaging the coral reefs.

Minna Island's idyllic beaches, stunning coral reefs, and diverse marine life make it a must-visit destination for snorkelers and divers in Naha. 

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Minna Island's underwater world and prepare for a memorable aquatic adventure.

Zamami Island

Zamami Island is a picturesque island located in the Kerama Islands, just a short ferry ride from Naha. Known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, Zamami Island is a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving. 

Here's an elaboration on what makes Zamami Island a fantastic place for underwater exploration:

  • Marine Park and Protected Area

Zamami Island is part of the Kerama Islands National Park, a designated marine park and protected area. As a result, the marine ecosystem surrounding the island remains largely untouched and teeming with diverse marine life. 

The protected status ensures the preservation of the island's underwater treasures, creating an ideal environment for snorkelers and divers.

  • Vibrant Coral Reefs

Zamami Island is renowned for its vibrant and healthy coral reefs. The island's waters are home to a variety of hard and soft corals, creating a colorful underwater landscape. 

Snorkelers and divers can explore the coral gardens, which are inhabited by an array of tropical fish species, including angelfish, butterflyfish, clownfish, and many more. 

The stunning corals and abundant marine life make Zamami Island a paradise for underwater photography.

  • Humpback Whale Watching

One of the unique attractions of Zamami Island is the opportunity for humpback whale watching. From January to March, humpback whales migrate to the waters around Zamami Island to breed and give birth. 

Joining a whale-watching tour allows you to witness these majestic creatures up close, breaching, tail slapping, and displaying other fascinating behaviors. It's a truly awe-inspiring experience and a highlight for nature enthusiasts visiting the island.

  • Diverse Marine Life

The waters surrounding Zamami Island are teeming with diverse marine life. Apart from the colorful reef fish, you may encounter sea turtles, moray eels, rays, and various species of crustaceans. 

The island's rich biodiversity ensures that every snorkeling or diving excursion offers the opportunity to discover new and fascinating underwater species.

  • Snorkeling and Scuba Diving

Zamami Island offers excellent snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities for visitors of all skill levels. 

The island has multiple dive sites suitable for beginners, as well as more advanced sites for experienced divers. The calm and clear waters make it easy to explore the underwater world and appreciate the beauty of the marine life and coral formations. Snorkelers can enjoy swimming alongside the reefs and observing the marine creatures from the surface.

  • Dive Shops and Facilities

Zamami Island has a range of dive shops and facilities that cater to snorkelers and divers. These shops provide equipment rentals, guided tours, and certification courses for those looking to enhance their diving skills. 

The experienced dive instructors and guides ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the waters surrounding the island.

Visiting Zamami Island offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Kerama Islands and explore the wonders of the underwater world. 

Whether you choose to snorkel or scuba dive, Zamami Island promises a memorable experience with its vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and the chance to witness humpback whales in their natural habitat.


Naha, with its close proximity to captivating dive sites, provides scuba diving enthusiasts with a remarkable opportunity to explore the underwater wonders of Okinawa. 

Whether you choose to dive in the Kerama Islands, delve into the Blue Cave at Maeda Point, explore the marine life along the Sunabe Seawall, or venture around Cape Manza, each dive site offers its own unique charm and promises an unforgettable experience. 

So, grab your scuba gear, dive into the pristine waters of Naha, and prepare to be amazed by the breathtaking beauty that lies beneath the surface. Happy diving!

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