
How To Order Food In Japanese | 14 Easy Japanese Phrases For Ordering Food

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Do you want to learn How To Order Food In Japanese? Read further to learn some Japanese that will help you get your food! Consider this your Japanese restaurant guide.

If you have ever had the opportunity to visit the land of the rising sun, you would have definitely noticed all the little eateries scattered around. When in Japan, I’m sure you’ll visit Izakaya and wonder how to order in izakaya without knowing Japanese.

What are some easy Japanese for food ordering words?

Ordering food for one is quite easy in Japan. All you need to do is say "Kudasai" or "please" after the dish you wish to order. You can say “okaikei wo onegaishimasu” when asking for the bill and “arigatō gozaimashita” meaning thank you when you're leaving the restaurant.

It is absolutely tragic when you are looking forward to your favourite sushi or ramen and the ordering process is really working your patience because you do not speak the beautiful Japanese language.

As beautiful as the language is, it is also one of the more difficult languages to pick up if it is not your native tongue. This is mostly because the accents vary.

There are so many instances where people have walked away from a restaurant only because they had a language barrier and could not place their orders. Sometimes the menu is in Japanese kanji and it’s hard for you to read.

How To Order Food In Japanese
Source: Unsplash

 While placing your order at a Japanese restaurant, if you are not familiar with the language, you can use your hands to point all you want and use English words, but that can take you only so far. Consider this as a japanese restaurant guide that will help you.

It can lead to quite an unpleasant exchange between you and the staff at the restaurant when neither of you are able to understand what the other is saying. But don’t worry, I got you. Today I am here to give you a lesson on easy Japanese for food ordering.

Here's a list of Japanese phrases for you would use when ordering food in Japanese:

English Phrase Japanese Phrase
Excuse me. Sumimasen.
Hello. Konnichiwa.
Welcome. Irasshaimase.
Do you have a table available? Tabe hōshiki wa arimasu ka?
For one person. Hitori desu.
For two people. Futari desu.
Can I have a menu, please? Menyū o onegai shimasu.
I would like this, please. Kore o kudasai.
What do you recommend? Osusume wa nan desu ka?
Beer/Coffee/Soda, please. Biru/Kōhī/Sōda o kudasai.
Soy milk/Brown rice, please. Tōnyū/Genmai gohan o onegai shimasu.
Do you have curry? Karī ga arimasu ka?
Can I have some pepper? Koshō o kudasai.
No garlic, please. Ninniku o nuki de onegai shimasu.
This will be fine. Kore de yoroshii desu.
Can I have the bill, please? Okaikei o onegai shimasu.
Do you accept credit cards? Kreditto kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?
Thank you very much. Arigatō gozaimasu.
Goodbye. Sayōnara.
(Said before starting a meal) Itadakimasu.

How To Order Food In Japanese

Entering the Japanese Restaurant

This one is for all the people out there who, like me, have trouble picking up new languages.

Every time you enter a Japanese restaurant, you are probably hearing the word “irasshaimase” and wondering what it means. This is an easy Japanese for food ordering word that you can use.

It would be rude if you replied with an “eh”. So for future reference, when you are ordering from a Japanese restaurant and you hear the word “irasshaimase”, remember that it means welcome.

It can be quite frustrating when you are hungry and can’t place your order for food because your server can’t understand what you are saying. So before your next trip to a Japanese restaurant, grab a pen and sheet of paper and start taking down notes. 

After welcoming you into their restaurant, your host or server will mostly ask you how many people need to be seated.

You will hear them say “Nan mei sama desu ka?” which means “how many?” These are some easy Japanese for food ordering.

At this point, you can use English words or hold up your fingers to show them how many will be joining you. I am not going to tax you with a lesson on Japanese numbers, because that is a whole other mountain to get across.

Here's a quick summary

Certainly! Here's the updated table with the additional Japanese phrase and its meaning:

English Phrase Japanese Phrase
Welcome. Irasshaimase.
Hello. Konnichiwa.
Excuse me. Do you have a table available? Sumimasen. Tabe hōshiki wa arimasu ka?
I have arrived. Irasshaimashita.
Please. Onegaishimasu.
Can I have a menu, please? Menyū o onegai shimasu.
What do you recommend? Osusume wa nan desu ka?
I would like this, please. Kore o kudasai.
For two people. Futari desu.
Do you have a table available until tomorrow? Tabe hōshiki wa, ashita made arimasu ka?
How many people are there? (the staff will ask you before seating you and your group) Nan mei sama desu ka?
  • Nan mei sama desu ka?: How many people are there?

This additional phrase can be used to inquire about the number of people in your group when entering a restaurant. It will help the staff allocate an appropriate table size for your party.

Ordering Food

Here are some common phrases that will come in handy while you grab a bite to eat at a Japanese restaurant.

If you want to order a single item, in Japanese you would have to say [Food/drink name] + kudasai.

“Kudasai” is similar to saying please while asking someone for something.

Now this is for when you are ordering a single item off the menu. If you want to add more items, just add a ‘to’ in between the individual items.

Here is an example of how it is done. You can also ask for a small portion in japanese.

If you want to order ramen and tuna sushi, in Japanese you would have to say “Ramen to tuna sushi kudasai”. This is one of the most used words of easy Japanese for food ordering if you want ramen.

how to order in japanese
Source: Unsplash

Before you begin feasting on your delicious meal, in Japan it is a tradition to say “itadakimasu”.

This word literally means “receive”. It is also a kind way of expressing that you are grateful for the meal that you are about to eat. It's some easy Japanese for food ordering words.

Now you even know how to order multiple things in japanese, so don’t hesitate!

Here are some Japanese phrases with meaning you would use when ordering food:

English Phrase Japanese Phrase
Can I have a menu, please? Menyū o onegai shimasu.
What do you recommend? Osusume wa nan desu ka?
I would like this, please. Kore o kudasai.
For two people. Futari desu.
Do you have curry? Karī ga arimasu ka?
Can I have some pepper? Koshō o kudasai.
No garlic, please. Ninniku o nuki de onegai shimasu.
This will be fine. Kore de yoroshii desu.
Can I have the bill, please? Okaikei o onegai shimasu.
Do you accept credit cards? Kreditto kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?

Using these phrases, you'll be able to effectively order food, make specific requests, and ask for the bill at a Japanese restaurant. Remember to use polite language and express gratitude for the service provided.

Related: Here are some yummy options for you to try these snacks at 7-eleven in Japan!

Beginning Drink 

Now it is time for the drinks! It is considered polite to wait for everyone to get their drinks before you start drinking. When everyone has their glass in hand, it is time to say cheers.

How to say “Two beers please” in Japanese? Learn easy Japanese for food ordering words here!

small portion in japanese
Source: Unsplash

Since we are indulging ourselves in the Japanese culture, why not use the Japanese word while clinking your glasses?

In Japan, they say “kanpai!” and now you can take your first sip.

Related: Try the Osechi Ryori New Year Japanese cuisine, you’ll love how significant it is!

Asking for the Bill

When you are ready for the check, you can say, “okaikei wo onegaishimasu”, which translates to “please bring the bill”.

Easy Japanese for food ordering word to use is “Onegaishimasu which is similar to “kudasai”. It is also a polite way of asking for something in Japanese.

Related: Do you know why Japanese eat raw fish and love it? Check out here!

Leaving the Japanese Restaurant

When you are ready to leave, do not forget to thank your server or host for your meal. There are two ways of saying thank you to the staff at the restaurant and complimenting the food you have eaten. 

You could say “arigatō gozaimashita” or “gochisōsama deshita”. These are some commands in Japanese used as easy Japanese for food ordering words.

The first phrase is the usual way of saying “thank you” and can be used to thank people in pretty much every setting. The second phrase literally translates to “that was a feast”. This is just a way of saying that the meal was great and you enjoyed it. 

Related: Stop Tipping in Japan, it’s rude. Read here, why!

Ordering Japanese food over the phone

You have just had a long day at work and you do not want to cook yourself a meal and you most definitely do not want to deal with the dishes that come after. 

You are craving some really good Japanese food but you are also dreading the whole process of calling the restaurant to order because they almost never understand what you are saying. 

Easy Japanese for Food Ordering
Source: Unsplash

But fret not! We are here to help you out. We have put together a simple yet useful list of phrases and words of easy Japanese for ordering food over call.  

When you make your call to order in, you will probably hear the restaurant staff say “Hai, arigato gozaimasu. Gochumon o ukagaimasu.” It’s the word of easy Japanese for food ordering over phone.

This means “thank you for a call. Are you ready to order?” Start by asking if the dish you want to order is available for delivery.

In Japanese you will say “(name of food) no takuhaio onegai shimasu?”

If they say yes, go ahead and place your order just like mentioned before- “(name of food) to (name of food) kudasai.” It’s a word for easy Japanese for food ordering.

The staff at the restaurant will mostly also ask if you would like a drink with your order. For this, they may say “Onomimono wa yoroshii desuka?”

If you would like a drink with your order, say “Hai, (name of drink).” If you do not want anything to drink with your order, say “Irimasen / Kekkou desu.” This is a polite way of saying “no, thank you.”

Most of the time, they will repeat your order to check if they got it right.

They may say “Gochumon wa (name of food) to (name of food) de yoroshii desuka?” These are some words of easy Japanese for food ordering.

Listen for the name of the foods and drinks you have ordered. If you hear something you have not ordered for, you can say “Iie, (wrong food name) dewanaku (name of the food you want) o kudasai.”

This means “Not (wrong food name), but can I get (name of the food you want)?”

If they have got your order right, say “Hai soudesu.” This means yes. It’s a word for easy Japanese for food ordering if your order is right!

Once they have got your order down, it is time to give them your details. They usually ask for your address, name and contact number. You will hear the staff at the restaurant say “Onamae to renrakusaki o onegaishimasu.”

This means “Can I get your name, address and telephone number?”

Related: Check out this Japanese cookbook and make a delicious Ramen at home!

Your response will be “(your name) desu. Juusho wa (your address) desu. Denwa bango wa (your contact number) desu.”

The staff at the restaurant will also ask you at what time you would like your food to be delivered around. For this they will say “Nanji goro otodoke shimashouka?”

Your response will be “__ ji goro ni todokete kudasai.” This means ”Can you deliver it at around __ o’clock?”

Easy Japanese for food ordering words when telling you the total price on your bill, the staff will say “Onedan wa __en de gozaimasu.” This translates to “It is __yen in total.”

 Don’t forget to thank the staff at the restaurant once you are done with placing your order.  Again, here you can use “arigatō gozaimashita”. This is the most important word in easy Japanese for food ordering. 

Yes, this could seem quite overwhelming and you are probably wondering how you will be able to remember all of this. But a good suggestion to help you use these phrases effectively is to listen for particular phrases while the staff at the restaurant is talking. 

If you are having trouble remembering the entire phrase, pick up the main words and learn their meanings. Sometimes the staff at the restaurant may assume that you are well versed with the Japanese language and may speak quite fast. 

In this case, you can ask them to slow down by saying “Mousukoshi yukkuri hanashite kudasai.” If you did not hear what they said or want them to repeat something, you can say “Mo ichido itte itadakemasuka?” It’s another word for easy Japanese for food ordering.

Here's a list of Japanese phrases you would hear if you called a Japanese restaurant to order food:

English Phrase Japanese Phrase
Hello. Moshi moshi.
Thank you for calling (restaurant name). (Restaurant name) e o-denwa arigatōgozaimasu.
How can I assist you today? Kyō wa nanika o osagashi desu ka?
Would you like to place an order? Chūmon o onegai shimasu ka?
What would you like to order? Nani o chūmon shimasu ka?
Can you please provide your address? Jūsho o oshiete itadakemasu ka?
Is there anything else you would like to add? Mō nanika o tsuika shimasu ka?
Your total amount is (price). Gōkei kingaku wa (price) desu.
Your order will be delivered in approximately (time). Chūmon wa yoyaku (time) ni deribarī saremashita.
Thank you for your order. Chūmon arigatōgozaimashita.
Goodbye. Sayōnara.

Here's a list of Japanese phrases you would use when ordering from Japanese restaurant over the phone:

English Phrase Japanese Phrase
Hello. Moshi moshi.
May I place an order? Chūmon dekimasu ka?
I would like to order, please. Chūmon shimasu.
Can you deliver to my address? Watashi no jūsho ni deribarī dekimasu ka?
What are your specials today? Kyō no osusume wa nan desu ka?
I would like (dish name), please. (Dish name) o onegai shimasu.
Can you make it (spicy/mild), please? Karai/Amakunai yō ni dekimasu ka?
How long will it take for delivery? Deribarī made ikuraka kakarimasu ka?
Can I pay by credit card? Kurejitto kādo de shiharai dekimasu ka?
Thank you for taking my order. Chūmon o toriattatte, arigatōgozaimasu.
Goodbye. Sayōnara.

These phrases will help you navigate the process of ordering Japanese food over the phone. It's important to speak clearly and politely during the conversation, and don't forget to express gratitude for their assistance.

Japanese Phrases To order Food

Ordering food in Japanese just got a whole lot simpler with some easy Japanese for food ordering. You are welcome! These phrases will not only help you order your food without any trouble, but it also helps create a pleasing impression with the staff at the restaurant. 

You have to agree though, hearing someone interact with you in your native tongue automatically makes you feel good and appeals to you. So this is one way of ensuring that your food is safe. 

No more skipping out on your favourite Japanese restaurants only because of a language barrier. Now you can walk in and use your newly learned skills. 

Hope this article- easy Japanese for food ordering helped you!

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