japanese names meaning divine

40 Japanese Names Meaning Divine

05 de June, 2024Shopify API

In Japanese culture, names often carry profound meanings, reflecting beliefs, aspirations, and cultural values.

Names that evoke the divine are particularly meaningful, symbolizing a connection to the sacred and the spiritual.

This article explores 40 Japanese names that directly mean divine or contain kanji associated with divinity, offering insight into Japan's rich linguistic and spiritual heritage.

Japanese Names Meaning Divine

神威 (Shin'i) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "majesty" or "awe" (威), reflecting a sense of divine majesty or awe-inspiring presence.

神秘 (Shinpi) 

Comprising the characters for "divine" (神) and "mystery" (秘), this name suggests a sense of divine mystery or profoundness.

神聖 (Shinsei) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "holy" or "sacred" (聖), this name conveys the idea of divine holiness or sacredness.

神楽 (Shinra) 

Combining "divine" (神) and "music" or "dance" (楽), this name is associated with divine music or dance, often referring to traditional Shinto music and dance.

神明 (Shinmei) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "bright" or "clear" (明), suggesting a sense of divine light or brightness.

神風 (Kamikaze) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "wind" (風), this name is famously associated with the "divine wind" that protected Japan from invasion by Mongol fleets in ancient times.

神祇 (Shingi) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "spirit" or "deity" (祇), this name refers to divine spirits or deities in Shintoism.

神韻 (Shin'in) 

Combining "divine" (神) and "charm" or "grace" (韻), this name suggests a sense of divine charm or gracefulness.

神足 (Kamitari) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "foot" or "speed" (足), indicating divine speed or agility.

神速 (Shinsoku) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "speed" or "rapidity" (速), this name also suggests divine speed or swiftness.

神霊 (Shinrei) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "spirit" or "soul" (霊), this name refers to divine spirits or souls.

神珠 (Shinju) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "jewel" or "pearl" (珠), suggesting something precious or divine like a jewel.

神月 (Shingetsu) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "moon" (月), this name suggests a divine connection to the moon or the lunar cycle.

神影 (Shinkei) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "shadow" or "presence" (影), this name conveys a sense of divine presence or influence.

神代 (Jindai) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "age" or "era" (代), suggesting a connection to a divine or ancient era.

神声 (Shinsei) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "voice" or "sound" (声), this name suggests a divine or enchanting voice.

神道 (Shindou) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "way" or "path" (道), this name refers to the "way of the gods," reflecting the principles of Shintoism.

神意 (Shini) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "will" or "intention" (意), suggesting divine will or intention.

神域 (Shin'iki) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "realm" or "domain" (域), this name suggests a divine realm or sacred space.

神魂 (Shinkon) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "soul" or "spirit" (魂), this name refers to a divine soul or spirit.

神葬 (Shinzou) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "funeral" or "burial" (葬), suggesting a divine or sacred funeral or burial.

神使 (Shinshi) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "messenger" or "envoy" (使), this name refers to a divine messenger or envoy.

神水 (Shinsui) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "water" (水), this name suggests sacred or divine water.

神明 (Shinmei) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "bright" or "clear" (明), suggesting a sense of divine light or brightness.

神薫 (Shinkun)

Comprising "divine" (神) and "fragrance" or "scent" (薫), this name suggests a divine or sacred fragrance.

神使 (Shinshi) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "messenger" or "envoy" (使), this name refers to a divine messenger or envoy.

神算 (Shinsan) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "calculation" or "estimation" (算), suggesting divine calculation or wisdom.

神権 (Shinken) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "authority" or "power" (権), this name suggests divine authority or power.

神宝 (Shinhou) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "treasure" or "wealth" (宝), this name suggests a divine treasure or precious possession.

神炎 (Shinen) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "flame" or "blaze" (炎), suggesting a divine or sacred flame.

神徳 (Shintoku) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "virtue" or "merit" (徳), this name suggests divine virtue or moral excellence.

神麗 (Shinrei) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "beautiful" or "lovely" (麗), this name suggests divine beauty or loveliness.

神化 (Shinka) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "transformation" or "change" (化), suggesting divine transformation or change.

神観 (Shinkan) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "view" or "perspective" (観), this name suggests a divine or profound perspective or viewpoint.

神楽 (Kagura) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "entertainment" or "music" (楽), referring to a traditional Shinto theatrical dance.

神喜 (Shinki) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "joy" or "delight" (喜), this name suggests divine joy or happiness.

神舞 (Shinbu) 

This name combines the kanji for "divine" (神) and "dance" (舞), suggesting a divine or sacred dance.

神愛 (Shin'ai) 

Comprising "divine" (神) and "love" (愛), this name suggests divine love or affection.

神亜 (Shin'a) 

Made up of "divine" (神) and "Asia" (亜), this name suggests a divine or superior connection to Asia or the Asian region.

神文 (Shinbun) 

This name contains the characters for "divine" (神) and "writing" or "literature" (文), suggesting divine writing or literary works.


The names highlighted in this article reveal the deep reverence for the divine in Japanese culture, showcasing how language can encapsulate spiritual concepts and beliefs. 

Whether through direct references to the divine or subtle allusions, these names offer a glimpse into the spiritual landscape of Japan, where the sacred is intertwined with everyday life.

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