
Why Is Japan So Advanced? | 9 Reasons Why Japan Is One Of The Advanced Countries In The World

10 de March, 2024Shopify API

Read on to find out how and why is Japan so advanced. Here we learn about Japan’s raising capitalism, growth of Japanese electronics, and research & development and more.

Japan's reputation as a beacon of technological advancement and innovation is no accident. From robotics to bullet trains, this nation's forward-thinking approach is rooted in a unique blend of tradition and modernity.

Uncover the secrets behind Japan's progress and how it continues to shape a futuristic global landscape.

Why Is Japan SO Advanced?

Japan prioritises education, fostering a skilled workforce. They heavily invest in research, with companies collaborating to constantly improve and innovate (Kaizen). This focus, along with strong infrastructure, fuels Japan's technological edge.

The Fall Of The Japanese Military

This probably wouldn’t sound like great news to most nations but the fall of Japan’s military forces did more good to Japan than bad.

After Japan surrendered during World War II, the United States and Japan signed a security treaty in 1951 which would allow the United States military forces to be stationed in Japan to deal with any international war threats.

This made way for other opportunities for the Japanese government and people as they need not spend a part of their national income on the military and defense system.

The huge sum which would be funded for the military was rather spent on building Japan’s economy by providing funds for businesses, industries, etc.

Acceptance Of Capitalism By The Government

Capitalism is an economic system where the industries of a country are owned and run by private companies with the sole aim of making profits. 

The Japanese government and the private industries in Japan had an understanding relationship which led to the government funding industries to work on profitable and innovative markets. 

This was when Japanese industries began working on improving their electronic sector by coming up with the best quality electronic products such as computers, phones, air conditioners, washing machines, gaming consoles, and whatnot. 

Some of the Japanese electronic brands that still stand to this day as pioneers of the electrical empire are Sony, Sharp, Hitachi, Toshiba, Panasonic, and Nintendo.

The Japanese government also welcomed start-up companies to the industry by providing low-interest rate loans and tax benefits. It also went to great lengths to protect the domestic industries by imposing trade barriers against imported electrical products.

The rapid growth of Japanese industries encouraged more exports to foreign countries hence resulting in higher national income which paved the way for economic and infrastructure developments.

The Growth of Japanese Electronics And Automobile Industries

Japan is widely known for its innovative and top-quality electronic products and motor vehicles as well. The surge in worldwide demand for electronic goods and vehicles helped Japanese industries to increase their production. 

As a result, the number of Japanese exports grew exponentially which resulted in a surplus in Japan’s balance of payments.


The Japanese automobile industries were able to provide high-quality motor vehicles for a reasonable price than their European counterparts.

This attracted several customers worldwide to rely on Japanese motor vehicle companies like Toyota and Honda.

As of 2020, Japan exported nearly 3.74 million vehicles and 3.41 million vehicles to North America alone.

Similarly, the electronics industry in Japan experienced a boom in demand for consumer electronics such as televisions, air conditioners, washing machines, etc, especially from American consumers. 

Japanese electrical industries like Sony, Panasonic, Nintendo, and Canon enjoyed huge profits due to excessive sales. As a result, this helped such companies to fund research and development of cutting-edge, fast, and consumer-friendly electronics. 

The growth of these industries also led to the companies moving into international markets and competing with overseas companies. Sony has made its way to one of the top largest electronics companies in the world with over $80.9 billion in revenue as of 2020.

Japanese Government Funding Education Sectors

A country is nothing without a reliable education system and Japan is definitely one of those countries that give great significance to education. Japan spent almost 5.4 trillion yen on education and science projects as of 2021.

The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum is one of the following curriculums by the Japanese students. With substantial state-provided funds, the Japanese education sector was able to produce intelligent graduates who would aid in the improvement of the country’s economy. 

Japan boasts tech-savvy students who have played a major role in coming up with artistic ideas to create robots, innovative AI technology, high-end machines, develop space rockets, etc. 

Statistically, Japanese students have performed the first rank in Science and the second rank in Mathematics among 34 OECD countries.

Japan’s Dexterous Labor Force

To have a developing economy, a nation must have a stable employment rate and a strong and skilled labor force. 

Only with an active labor force, the resources can be used efficiently to produce goods and services and Japan’s labor force is one of the major reasons for the constant development of the nation. 


It’s a worldwide known fact that Japan’s labor force has more working hours than most countries in the world. This has helped Japan to increase its national production levels in its thriving electronics and automobile markets and ultimately resulting in higher exports. 

Every student in Japan is encouraged to become contributing citizens to the economy and the Japanese culture seems to praise hard work a lot. 

Hence, why the Japanese workforce is still standing strong and willing to develop their skills and knowledge to make Japan a progressive country.

Japan’s Incentivized Research and Development

Continuous research and development in many departments in Japan have been essential since the early 1970s. 

The government of Japan was keen to spend a lump sum of their money on developing cutting-edge technology and also funding science projects as well. 

The Japan Science and Technology Agency became quite invested in funding research programs and by 1986 Japan became a nation that was “technologically independent”. 

This meant that Japan never had to rely on any other nation for technological support. Thanks to the Japanese government, R&D is still prioritized in several departments in Japan, and more engineers have dedicated their skills and time to participate in new research projects.

Japan’s Futuristic State-Of-The-Art Technology

With a dedicated workforce, and funded education and research programs, Japan became a nation with avant-garde technology seen unlike anywhere in the world. 

Japan took a huge leap in its electronic field by switching to technology that not just looked fancy but made lives simpler. 

The era of robotics began in Japan and is still growing day by day. Japan has introduced over 300,000 robots to its industries where the toughest jobs are undertaken by them. 

Robotic technology has helped humans undoubtedly and has made work-life much more convenient. Japan has also made arrangements to use robots to perform surgeries in the impending years to come.

Apart from robots, Japan also began the bullet train project and boasts some of the fastest bullet trains in the world that are able to reach 320 km/h.

Traveling in a bullet train in Japan feels like traveling through time. The ambiance, seats, and the services provided in the bullet trains are out of this world.

In addition, Japan has also renewed outdated technology like vending machines and made them more appealing. If you visit Japan, you’re likely to find vending machines on every corner of the street that provide everything from freshly prepared food to beverages.

Japan’s Dependence on Nuclear Energy

When a nation becomes a superpower it’s quite the norm to adapt to nuclear energy. Japan’s decision to become a self-reliant nation led it to rely on renewable nuclear energy for power and to reduce imported fuels for electricity gradually. 


Unfortunately, a leak in the Fukushima nuclear power plant caused a tremendous disaster that caused the closures of nearly 20 nuclear reactors. However, Japan is currently working on developing nuclear reactors that can help the nation to get back on track. 

Japan’s Thriving Space Program

Space Programs are becoming quite popular in several first-world countries and Japan is no stranger to innovative and well-designed space programs. Using its futuristic and groundbreaking technology Japan was able to achieve its goals in space too. 

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is the prominent space agency in Japan that’s responsible for aviation research and the manufacturing of satellites and rockets. 

Currently, JAXA has planned to begin new missions such as exploring asteroids and humans in the deep space. Japan has also joined hands with the US and NASA with their new Artemis moon program. 


With an unmatched rival for their technology, it’s certain that Japan would likely achieve more in the fields of science and technology.

Why Japan Is So Advanced: FAQs

Is Japan the most advanced country?

Japan is one of the most advanced countries that’s ranked 12th according to the HDI arithmetic of the most advanced nations. The progress of Japan began shortly after the end of the 2nd World War when Japan began to repair its reputation by focusing more on improving its economy through industrialization. This helped Japan to produce countless industries and become the leader in the world electronics market.

Is Japan technologically advanced?

Japan is a tech-savvy nation that showcases its love for technology by improving existing technology and also developing unprecedented technology. If you’ve been to Japan you’ll know how fancy vending machines are popular in the nation and the widespread use of robotics in industries and hospitals is increasing day by day. From high-speed bullet trains to innovative toilets, Japan has proved to the world that it’s indeed a technologically advanced nation.

Is Japan futuristic?

Japan is one of the nations that has countless futuristic aspects to it. The development of AI technology and robotics has taken Japan several steps forward. Japan is also a technologically independent country that’s still working on heavy research and development to come up with state-of-the-art technology unlike seen anywhere in the world.

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