The Japanese kanji for new is 新. Read on to find out more about the kanji 新. We also explain how to say ‘new’ in Japanese. Check it out!
The Japanese writing system is a rich and intricate amalgamation of characters, each with its own distinct meaning and significance.
Among these characters, known as kanji, lies a fascinating symbol representing the concept of "new."
This kanji, with its stroke order and historical context, encapsulates the essence of freshness, novelty, and renewal that the word "new" embodies.
The Japanese Kanji For New Is 新
The Japanese kanji for "new" is written as "新." The character consists of two distinct elements: the radical on the left, representing the concept of "tree," and the radical on the right, symbolizing "new" or "recent."

The combination of these two components imparts the meaning of something fresh or novel emerging from a previously established foundation.
Let's delve deeper into the deconstruction of the Japanese kanji for "new" (新) by exploring the individual components and their meanings:
- Radical on the Left (木)
"Tree" Radical The left side of the kanji "新" features the radical for "tree," represented by the kanji "木." In this context, the "tree" radical serves as a visual clue to the character's historical significance.
In Chinese characters, the "tree" radical often represents wood or something solid, rooted, and foundational. This element contributes to the idea of something established or existing.
- Radical on the Right (立)
"Stand" Radical The radical on the right side of the kanji "新" is derived from the character "立," which means "stand" or "stand up."
This radical signifies movement, action, and a sense of newness. When combined with the "tree" radical, it suggests the emergence or growth of something new from an established foundation.
Combining Radicals for "New" (新) The kanji "新" artfully combines these two radicals to create a holistic representation of the concept of "new."
The "tree" radical on the left symbolizes the foundational or existing element, while the "stand" radical on the right imparts the notion of renewal or emergence.
This composition captures the essence of novelty arising from an established base, beautifully reflecting the idea of "newness.
Breaking Down the Strokes: Stroke Order Of 新
To write the kanji "新," one must follow a specific stroke order. This order not only ensures proper formation but also facilitates fluid and efficient handwriting.
The kanji can be broken down into a few primary strokes:
- Horizontal Line (一): Begin by drawing a short horizontal line from left to right. This serves as the base for the rest of the character.
- Vertical Line (丨) - Left Radical (木, Tree): From the starting point of the horizontal line, draw a straight vertical line downward. This forms the left radical, which resembles the "tree" radical. It represents something established or existing.
- Hook-Like Stroke (丿): Following the vertical line of the left radical, create a small, hook-like stroke that extends to the right. This stroke contributes to the depiction of the "tree" radical, adding a distinctive element to it.
- Horizontal Line (一) - Right Radical (立, Stand): Starting from the end of the hook, draw a horizontal line to the right. This horizontal line forms the basis of the "stand" radical, representing movement or action. This radical contributes to the idea of something new or recent.
- Vertical Line (丨) - Right Radical (立, Stand): Next, draw a short vertical line downward from the middle of the horizontal line on the right. This vertical stroke completes the "stand" radical and connects it to the rest of the character.
By following this specific stroke order, you create the kanji character "新" (new) accurately.
The stroke order not only ensures that the character is visually balanced and recognizable but also helps in developing efficient and fluent handwriting.
The deliberate sequence of strokes aids in maintaining consistent proportions and maintaining the character's structural integrity.
How to Say 新 ('New') in Japanese?
新しい (Atarashii)
The most straightforward way to say "new" in Japanese is by using the word "新しい" (atarashii). This adjective can be used to describe objects, experiences, ideas, and more. Its versatile nature allows it to be incorporated into various sentences to denote freshness, novelty, or recentness. For example:
- 新しい本 (atarashii hon) - New book
- 新しい友達 (atarashii tomodachi) - New friend
新たな (Aratana)
The word "新たな" (aratana) serves a similar purpose as "新しい" but carries a slightly more formal or literary tone. It's often used in written or formal contexts to express a sense of newness, often emphasizing a fresh start or beginning. For instance:
- 新たな一歩 (aratana ippo) - A new step (metaphorically)
- 新たな始まり (aratana hajimari) - A new beginning
新型 (Shingata) and 新作 (Shinsaku)
For items that are new in terms of their type or creation, the terms "新型" (shingata) and "新作" (shinsaku) can be employed. "新型" often refers to new models or versions of products, while "新作" is commonly used to describe new works of art, literature, or creations. Examples include:
- 新型スマートフォン (shingata sumātofon) - New smartphone model
- 新作映画 (shinsaku eiga) - New movie
初めての (Hajimete no)
When referring to something experienced or done for the first time, the phrase "初めての" (hajimete no) is used. This implies both the sense of newness and the novelty of an initial encounter. For example:
- 初めての旅行 (hajimete no ryokō) - First-time trip
- 初めての経験 (hajimete no keiken) - First-time experience
新年 (Shinnen)
To express the concept of "new year," the term "新年" (shinnen) is used. This term is especially significant in Japanese culture, as the New Year is a time for renewal, reflection, and setting new goals.
- 新年おめでとう (shinnen omedetō) - Happy New Year
In conclusion, the Japanese language provides a spectrum of expressions to convey the idea of "new" in its diverse contexts.
Whether you're describing a novel experience, a fresh start, a new creation, or the changing seasons, the various terms and phrases for "new" in Japanese capture the essence of renewal, growth, and the continuous cycle of life.
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In conclusion
The Japanese kanji for "new" (新) is a testament to the intricate nature of the Japanese writing system.
It embodies the fusion of historical meaning and visual representation, offering a glimpse into the cultural values and beliefs of Japan.
By understanding the stroke order and the elements that compose the character, one can gain deeper insights into the rich tapestry of Japanese language and culture.
Just as the changing seasons bring forth new life, so too does the kanji "新" remind us of the perpetual cycle of renewal and the beauty of all things novel.