
Is 4 Months Enough To Study For JLPT N2?

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Wondering is 4 months enough to study for JLPT N2? Read on to find out how to crack the JLPT N2 exams in 4 months!

Are you considering attempting the JLPT N2 exam with 4 months of preparation? If so then you’re probably wondering if it’s even a mission you can pull off so effortlessly. Every Japanese or non-Japanese student would state that N2 is one of the most challenging levels in JLPT and I don’t deny that. 

In fact, to appear for N2 after just a few months of preparation is even tougher. However, it’s not an unattainable task if you’ve got a diligent study plan that’ll guide you through and I ought to say that you most certainly will have to relinquish all your leisure time in order to pass the N2 exam. 

So without further ado, let’s find out how to prepare for JLPT N2 in 4 months.

Is 4 Months Enough To Study For JLPT N2?

Albeit 4 months seem like a very short period to study for JLPT N2, it’s certainly a task you can pull off if you’ve dedicated a load of time to studying the cores of JLPT N2 with a well-defined study schedule, and following online courses as well as intensely rehearsing through several practice books and papers.

What Is The JLPT N2 Exam About?

If you’re confident you can sit for the JLPT N2 exam within a couple of months of studying and rehearsing then you must have nailed the previous exam levels (N5, N4, N3). To sit for the JLPT N2 level exam, you must at least be at a near-professional tier in the Japanese language and be thoroughly proficient in all the subject matters like vocabulary, kanji reading, grammar, etc.  

Is 4 Months Enough To Study For JLPT N2

JLPT N2 is basically the intermediate or advanced stage where students are tested on a real-life scenario basis such as the everyday circumstances of an average Japanese person. 

Albeit, you’re not required to speak Japanese fluently for the JLPT N2 exam, you must be able to think in Japanese and come up with answers for the questions that make you sound no different than a Japanese individual.

Fundamentals you must be experienced in for the JLPT N2 exam

  • You must be able to read over 1000 kanji letters which will assist you to read advanced materials like newspapers, articles, magazines, and a miscellany of other advanced Japanese content. 
  • Read and comprehend narratives and topics as well as have a basic notion about what the writers are trying to convey such as the theme, emotion, and background.
  • Have the capacity to catch up with daily Japanese conversations at regular speed and possess the ability to comprehend other oral content like news, movies, and documentaries. 
  • Ability to write coherent mid-length sentences and passages about given topics that allow the readers to apprehend without a fuss. 
  • The JLPT N2 level also requires you to be thorough with an estimated number of 6000 Japanese vocabulary.

Sections On The JLPT N2 Exam

The JLPT N2 exam comprises two sections under which a collection of subject matters are tested. 

It’s best we familiarize ourselves with the sections and the subject contents under them thus we can prep a well-defined study plan for the JLPT N2 exam.

jlpt n2 exam

1st Section in The JLPT N2 Exam - Language Knowledge and Reading

The first and foremost JLPT N2 section is Language Knowledge and reading which contain grammar, passage readings, vocabulary, etc. Here’s a brief list of what comes under the Language Knowledge and Reading section.

  • Reading kanji letters (1000 kanji letters)
  • Spelling, punctuation, word breaks, hyphenation, etc (orthography)
  • Forming words
  • Forming sentences (short, mid-length, and long sentences)
  • Contextually defined statements
  • Paraphrasing
  • Sentential grammar level 1 (using the right participle and tenses)
  • Sentential grammar level 2 (composing coherent sentences)
  • Comprehension (short, mid-sized, and long passages)
  • Obtaining information from passages

2nd Section in The JLPT N2 Exam - Listening

Listening is a vital portion of the JLPT exams and since level N2 underscores the intermediate and advanced levels, this section can be quite tougher than the previous levels as it includes many intricate components.

  • Comprehension of tasks
  • Understanding the key points in conversations and discussions
  • Comprehension of general oral content
  • Understanding verbal expressions
  • Integrative comprehension
  • Quick responses and expressions to questions

Study Plan For The JLPT N2 Exam 

After glancing at the sections of the JLPT N2 course and what they hold, you’ll have a slight notion about how the exam is going to be and how you’re going to study all that in a few months. 

I must warn you that studying for the JLPT N2 exam isn’t a walk in the park yet simultaneously it’s also a daunting task that can be carried out if you have the willpower as well as the time for it.

Now that we’ve run through the sections and the subject contents each section consists of, it’s about time we prepare a pristine study schedule in order to excel at each subject matter within 4 months.

I‘ve prepped a separate study plan and also allocated a timeframe for each section. This will guide you to have a clear-cut vision of what you’ll be achieving over the course of months.

Study Plan For JLPT N2 Section 1 Language Knowledge and Reading Study Plan (2 months and 1 week)

  • Reading kanji letters, basic grammar such as punctuation, hyphenation, spelling, etc, and forming words should take you at least 2 weeks of preparation to be professional. 

This is because out of the 1000 kanji letters you must learn for JLPT N2, you’ll already be proficient with 650 kanji letters from the previous JLPT levels (N5 to N3). Similarly, basic grammar should also be at your fingertips hence 1 week would suffice to complete these subjects.

  • The second week is when you’ll be rehearsing to form words, sentences, and defined statements from short to long lengths. This will aid you to paraphrase and write coherent passages. I suggest taking two weeks to work through forming words and sentences.
  • Paraphrasing and sentential grammar would take at least 3 weeks to complete give or take. Sentential grammar is the most intricate part of the first section in JLPT N2, therefore I recommend spending more time mastering these subjects. During these 3 weeks, you ought to learn how to use the right tenses and participles in sentences as well as compose logical statements that bring out what you’re trying to convey.
  • Comprehension of passages and obtaining key points are quite the easiest portion of the JLPT N2 level. Taking 2 weeks to go through reading materials and understanding what they’re about will assist you to be prepared for this subject.

Study Plan For JLPT N2 Exam Section 2 - Listening (7 weeks)

The listening segment of the JLPT N2 course only comprises a few subjects. Nevertheless, you must make sure you’re studying each of the content in a proper conception. Since 7 weeks are what’s left of the 4 month study period for JLPT N2, I’ve devised a study schedule for the subjects accordingly. 

  • Task-based comprehension and understanding key points in conversations and discussions will be the first two subjects in the listening section. Since these subjects involve paying heed to a lot of oral content, it’s best to allocate 2 weeks for them. 
  • For the next three weeks, you’ll be spending learning how to understand general and regular oral content like news and other Japanese entertainment programs like movies and documentaries as well as attempting to catch up with verbal Japanese expressions.
  • The last 2 weeks are when you’ll be rehearsing to give quick responses to questions and walking through integrative comprehension which involves putting the subjects you learned into practice.

JLPT N2 Courses And Books For Studying In 4 Months

Studying for JLPT N2 within 4 months calls for professional assistance and in this case I’ve recommended a few online courses and study materials that can come in handy for an in-depth learning process. 

jlpt n2 course - Japanese Pod is a popular Japanese learning website where you can come across a number of Japanese courses. I encountered the JLPT N2 Master Course on Japanese Pod which includes over 100 lessons with a duration of nearly 25 hours. This course covers every subject matter of the JLPT N2 level. And what’s more impressive is, you can join the online course on Japanese Pod for absolutely free.

Udemy - Udemy is a renowned online education website that offers countless courses tutored by experts. I’d 100% recommend Udemy for learning JLPT courses as I myself have learned through this website. Udemy offers the JLPT N2 course that covers all 10 lessons including master vocabulary, reading and understanding articles, and everyday Japanese speech. Although Udemy is not a budget-friendly option, it’s hands down recommended if you’re seeking to pass your JLPT N2 exams within 4 months.

Try! JLPT N2 Grammar - This is a master Japanese grammar book that’s the go-to option for most JLPT students. Despite the title of the book suggesting only grammar, this book ultimately runs through listening, speaking, and reading as a means of highlighting that grammar is key in the Japanese language. 

It’s a perfectly orchestrated book that offers explanations for questions in both English and Japanese. It also comes with answer sheets and listening scripts. Since this textbook covers all the areas of the JLPT N2 course, it becomes resourceful in every instance. 

Shinkanzen Master JLPT N2 - If you’re aiming for a higher score on the JLPT N2 exam, then you should most certainly invest in a Shinkanzen Master JLPT N2 book. Although several JLPT students claim that this book is too intense, I’d say it’s best if you attempt complicated questions in order to be prepared for the exam. 

This book covers extremely advanced grammar lessons that might be tough for a lot of Japanese learners but it’s just to ensure you can be thorough with the grammar and vocabulary sections. This book also contains multiple exercises, intriguing questions, and a mock test that gives you the fundamental conception of a real JLPT N2 exam testing you on all the subject matters.

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