12 Most Romantic Places To Propose In Yokohama

12 Most Romantic Places To Propose In Yokohama

Jun 06, 2024Jon Ng

Planning to propose to your girlfriend in Yokohama? Here are the most romantic places to propose in Yokohama to your girlfriend. Check it out! 

Yokohama is a beautiful city with many romantic locations that would be perfect for a marriage proposal. 

Which is the best place to propose in Yokohama?

After visiting all the romantic places in Yokohama to propose, we concluded that Sankeien Garden is the most romantic place in Yokohama to propose to your girlfriend. 

Sankeien Garden is the most romantic place in Yokohama to propose. It features stunning seasonal flowers, traditional architecture, and serene water features, making it a picturesque and peaceful location. You can propose at many scenic spots, such as the pond, hilltop pagoda, or rustic teahouse.

Just be sure to check the opening hours and admission fees in advance, and to respect the garden's rules and customs during your visit.

From stunning parks to traditional Japanese gardens and scenic observation decks, Yokohama has it all. Here are some of the best places to propose in Yokohama

Romantic Places To Propose in Yokohama

Yamashita Park

Yamashita Park is a popular park with beautiful scenery, including flower beds, monuments, and a fountain. It is also located near the harbor, which can add to the romantic atmosphere.

Here are some things to keep in mind if you are considering proposing at Yamashita Park:

  • The park can be crowded, especially on weekends and holidays. If you are looking for a more private proposal, you may want to consider proposing during the week or on a weekday evening.
  • The park is open from sunrise to sunset. If you are proposing at night, you will need to bring your own lighting.
  • There are no permits required to propose in the park. However, you should be respectful of other park visitors and avoid blocking any walkways or paths.

Here are some ideas for how to propose at Yamashita Park:

  • Propose near the fountain. The fountain is a popular spot for photos, so it can be a memorable location for your proposal.
  • Propose on the Rose Garden Terrace. The Rose Garden Terrace is a beautiful spot with a view of the harbor.
  • Propose on the Yamashita Park Pier. The Yamashita Park Pier is a long pier that extends into the harbor. It can be a romantic spot for a sunset proposal.
romantic places to propose in Yokohama
Yamashita Park

The park is a popular destination for couples and offers a beautiful waterfront location with views of the bay and nearby landmarks, such as the Hikawa Maru ocean liner. 

There are also several spots within the park where you can find a more secluded and romantic setting for your proposal. 

Yamashita Park

Contact: +81456713648  

Visit the site here

Address: 279 Yamashitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0023, Japan 

Sankeien Garden

This traditional Japanese garden is a hidden gem in Yokohama. It is a beautiful and serene Japanese garden with traditional landscaping, koi ponds, and teahouses.

The tranquil atmosphere and picturesque surroundings can create a romantic ambiance for your special moment.

Sankeien Garden

Here are some reasons why Sankeien Garden might be a suitable location for your proposal:

Sankeien Garden
  1. Scenic Beauty: The garden boasts stunning scenery, including koi ponds, waterfalls, bridges, and traditional Japanese architecture. The harmonious blend of natural elements and man-made structures creates a captivating backdrop for your proposal.
  2. Tranquility and Privacy: Sankeien Garden offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city, providing a serene setting for your proposal. The garden's expansive grounds and secluded areas allow for intimate moments amidst nature's beauty.
  3. Cultural Significance: Sankeien Garden embodies Japanese aesthetics and traditions, adding a touch of cultural richness to your proposal. Surrounded by symbols of harmony and tranquility, your proposal will carry a deeper meaning.
  4. Variety of Settings: The garden offers diverse settings for your proposal, from tranquil ponds to serene teahouses. Whether you prefer a picturesque lakeside proposal or a secluded spot under the shade of cherry blossoms, Sankeien Garden has the perfect setting for your special moment.
  5. Unique Experiences: Sankeien Garden hosts traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and seasonal events, providing opportunities to incorporate unique experiences into your proposal. You could propose during a tea ceremony or plan your proposal around a specific event, adding a touch of personalization and charm.

Contact: +81456210634

Visit site here

Address: 58-1 Honmokusannotani, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0824, Japan

Yokohama Landmark Tower

If you're looking for a unique proposal location, the Yokohama Landmark Tower is the place to be. 

romantic places in yokohama

This skyscraper is one of the tallest buildings in Japan located in the heart of the city with a beautiful observation deck on the 69th floor. 

most romantic place in yokohama

Here are some reasons why Yokohama Landmark Tower might be a suitable location for your proposal:

  1. Breathtaking Views: The tower's observation deck, Sky Garden, provides panoramic views of Yokohama and the surrounding cityscape, creating a breathtaking backdrop for your proposal. Imagine kneeling on one knee with the twinkling city lights as your witness.
  2. Romantic Atmosphere: The tower's elegant and sophisticated ambiance sets the stage for a truly romantic proposal. The soft lighting, plush seating, and stunning views create an intimate and unforgettable atmosphere.
  3. Private Dining Options: The tower offers private dining options at its restaurants, allowing you to propose in a private and intimate setting while enjoying exquisite cuisine and stunning views.
  4. Proposal Packages: The tower offers proposal packages that can simplify the planning process and add a touch of luxury to your special moment. These packages may include private dining, personalized decorations, and photography services.
  5. Surprise Element: The unexpected nature of proposing at a skyscraper can add an element of surprise and excitement to your proposal. Your partner will be mesmerized by the stunning views and may not even expect the proposal, making it a truly memorable moment.

Contact: +81452225015

Visit the site here 

Address: 2 Chome-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan 

Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse

The Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse is a popular tourist spot in Yokohama. The area around the warehouse is also picturesque and offers a great view of the harbor. 

The historic buildings have been converted into shops, restaurants, and event spaces. The warehouse has a romantic atmosphere, with brick walls and dim lighting. 


You can take a stroll along the waterfront and find a quiet spot to propose, or even book a private event space for a more elaborate proposal.

best places to propose in yokokhama

Contact: +81452272002

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Osanbashi Pier

Osanbashi Pier in Yokohama can be a romantic spot for a proposal, offering a picturesque waterfront backdrop, city lights, and unique experiences.

Osanbashi Pier

The pier's diverse settings, from bustling walkways to quieter corners, provide options for both lively and intimate proposals.

Osanbashi Pier

If Osanbashi Pier holds special meaning for you and your partner, it can add a personal touch to your special moment.

Contact: +81452112304

Visit site here

Address: Japan, 〒231-0002 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Naka Ward, Kaigandori, 1 Chome−1−4

Nogeyama Zoo

Nogeyama Zoo in Yokohama can be a great place to propose, offering a combination of natural beauty, romantic ambiance, and unique experiences.

  • Natural Beauty: The zoo's lush greenery, tranquil ponds, and diverse animal habitats provide a picturesque backdrop for your proposal. The serene atmosphere and close proximity to nature can create an intimate and romantic setting.
  • Unique Experiences: Nogeyama Zoo offers various opportunities to incorporate unique elements into your proposal. You could propose during an animal feeding session, ride the zoo's Ferris wheel together, or even rent a private animal encounter for an extra special touch.
  • Variety of Settings: The zoo's diverse areas, from bustling walkways to quieter corners near animal enclosures, provide options for both lively and intimate proposals. Whether you prefer a more public declaration of love or a secluded moment amidst nature, Nogeyama Zoo has the perfect setting for your special occasion.
  • Sentimental Value: If Nogeyama Zoo holds special meaning to you and your partner, such as a shared memory or a favorite animal encounter, it can add a personal touch and deepen the emotional significance of your proposal.

Contact: +81452311307

Visit Site here

Address: 63-10 Oimatsucho, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0032, Japan

Minato Mirai 21

Minato Mirai 21 in Yokohama can be an excellent place to propose, offering a combination of modern urban beauty, romantic ambiance, and unique experiences.

  • Modern Urban Beauty: The district's gleaming skyscrapers, vibrant waterfront, and captivating Ferris wheel provide a stunning backdrop for your proposal. The modern and sophisticated ambiance can create a memorable and sophisticated setting.
  • Romantic Ambiance: The district's waterfront promenade, with its twinkling lights and gentle sea breeze, sets the stage for a romantic proposal. The relaxed atmosphere and picturesque views can create an intimate and special moment.
  • Unique Experiences: Minato Mirai 21 offers various opportunities to incorporate unique elements into your proposal. You could propose during a special event, such as a concert or festival, or even arrange a private gondola ride for an extra special touch.
Minato Mirai 21

Address: Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan

Yokohama Bay Cruise

Yokohama Bay Cruise can be a great spot to propose, offering a combination of romantic ambiance, breathtaking views, and a unique experience that sets it apart from traditional land-based proposals.

romantic cruise in yokohama

Here are some reasons why a Yokohama Bay Cruise might be a suitable location for your proposal:

Yokohama Bay Cruise
  • Romantic Ambiance: The gentle swaying of the boat, the cool sea breeze, and the mesmerizing view of the illuminated cityscape create a truly romantic atmosphere. The intimate setting and the distraction-free environment allow you to focus on your partner and express your love in a truly special way.
  • Breathtaking Views: The panoramic views of Yokohama's skyline, the twinkling lights of the harbor, and the vast expanse of the ocean provide a breathtaking backdrop for your proposal. The ever-changing scenery and the sense of adventure can add an element of excitement and make the moment even more memorable.
  • Unique Experience: Proposing on a Yokohama Bay Cruise offers a unique and unforgettable experience that is sure to impress your partner. The combination of a romantic setting, stunning views, and the thrill of being out at sea creates a special atmosphere that will be cherished for years to come.

Contact: +81452112304

Visit Site here

Address: 1-1-4 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa,231-0002

Hikawa Maru

Hikawa Maru

Hikawa Maru in Yokohama can be a romantic and memorable spot for a proposal. The vintage ocean liner's elegant interior, rich history, and unique ambiance create a special setting to express your love.

Hikawa Maru
  • Elegant Interior: The ship's grand staircase, polished wooden decks, and charming dining rooms provide a sophisticated and romantic backdrop for your proposal. The timeless elegance and attention to detail can create an unforgettable atmosphere.
  • Rich History: Hikawa Maru's history as a luxury passenger ship adds a touch of nostalgia and romance to your proposal. Imagine kneeling on one knee amidst the ship's rich heritage, making your proposal even more meaningful.
  • Unique Ambiance: The ship's gentle rocking motion, the soft glow of period lighting, and the sounds of the sea create a unique and captivating ambiance. The sense of stepping back in time and the tranquil atmosphere can make your proposal truly special.

Kishamichi Promenade

Kishamichi Promenade in Yokohama can be a charming and romantic spot for a proposal. The scenic waterfront location, vibrant atmosphere, and diverse attractions offer a variety of settings and opportunities to make your proposal truly special.

Kishamichi Promenade

Here are some reasons why Kishamichi Promenade might be a suitable location for your proposal:

  • Scenic Waterfront Location: The promenade's picturesque views of Yokohama Bay, the sparkling lights of the harbor, and the gentle lapping of waves provide a stunning backdrop for your proposal. The combination of natural beauty and urban charm creates a captivating atmosphere.
  • Vibrant Atmosphere: The lively promenade, with its bustling crowds, street performers, and lively restaurants, offers an energetic and exciting setting for your proposal. The infectious energy and the sense of celebration can add an element of fun and excitement to your special moment.
  • Diverse Attractions: The promenade's numerous attractions, such as the Cosmo Clock 21 Ferris wheel, the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, and the Osanbashi Pier, provide different settings to match your personal preferences. Whether you prefer a private proposal by the water or a more public declaration of love amidst the crowd, Kishamichi Promenade has the perfect spot for your proposal.
Kishamichi Promenade

Visit site

Address: 2 Chome-9 Shinko, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0001, Japan 

Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise can be a unique and memorable spot for a proposal, offering a combination of marine wonders, romantic ambiance, and special experiences.

  • Enchanted Marine Atmosphere: The aquarium's mesmerizing underwater world, with its colorful fish, playful dolphins, and graceful sea turtles, provides a captivating backdrop for your proposal. The sense of wonder and the closeness to nature can create a truly special and memorable atmosphere.
  • Romantic Ambiance: The aquarium's dim lighting, soothing music, and tranquil ambiance set the stage for a romantic proposal. The intimate setting and the distraction-free environment allow you to focus on your partner and express your love in a truly special way.
  • Special Experiences: Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise offers various opportunities to incorporate unique elements into your proposal. You could propose during a dolphin show, arrange a private dining experience overlooking the aquarium, or even plan a special encounter with your partner's favorite marine animal.

Contact: +81457888888
Visit Site

Address: Hakkeijima, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0006, Japan 

Yokohama Kuan Ti Miao (Kanteibyo Temple)

Yokohama Kuan Ti Miao, also known as Yokohama Kantei Temple, can be a serene and meaningful spot for a proposal, offering a combination of cultural significance, spiritual ambiance, and unique experiences.

  • Cultural Significance: Yokohama Kuan Ti Miao is one of the oldest and largest Taoist temples in Japan, representing a rich cultural heritage and providing a unique backdrop for your proposal. The temple's tranquil atmosphere and the reverence for the deity Kuan Ti can add a touch of spirituality and significance to your special moment.
  • Serene Ambiance: The temple's tranquil gardens, incense-filled halls, and ornate statues create a peaceful and serene ambiance. The calming atmosphere and the sense of tranquility can set the stage for a heartfelt and intimate proposal.
  • Unique Experiences: Yokohama Kuan Ti Miao offers various opportunities to incorporate unique elements into your proposal. You could propose during a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, seek blessings from the temple monks, or even arrange a special message to be written on a fortune slip.

Contact: +81452262636

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Address: 140 Yamashitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0023, Japan

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