haunted spots in japan

10 Scary Haunted Spots In Japan That Will Creep You Out! 

Jan 14, 2025Shopify API

Wanna explore some eerie haunted spots in Japan? Well, we have curated 10 haunted spots in Japan that gave us the creeps! 

An avid traveler to Japan can find numerous advantages and destinations to explore. Tourists may be perplexed and overwhelmed when deciding on the best places to visit in Japan.

But, What if I told you that there are so many haunted locations in Japan to explore?

The Japanese are very much in love with their fascination for ghost stories and haunted locations. There are numerous haunted spots in Japan but many people appear to be confused about which haunted spots are the most frightening.

Keep on reading to discover some ghost stories in these haunted places in Japan.

Haunted Spots In Japan

Okiku’s Well – The Shrieking Banshee

Okiku’s Well in Ako, Japan is the stuff of nightmares. It is said that the well is home to a ghostly figure—a banshee, forever screaming out into the night in search of her lost love. 

The story behind the well and its residents is nothing short of tragic. Centuries ago, a young samurai named Aoyama Tessan served the Asano Naganori daimyo, the regional lord of Ako Province. Tessan had a beautiful daughter named Okiku who Aoyama loved dearly.

One day, the master of the house, Lord Asano, called upon Tessan to perform a task – he was to deliver Lady Wakasa’s five precious plates, which had been given as a gift, to a man in Edo. Tessan entrusted his daughter Okiku with this workload, believing her to be capable and responsible. 

The plates were a representation of the samurai’s loyalty, so the task was not taken lightly. Hence, Okiku took the plates and delivered them to their destination. But upon returning home, Okiku had terrible news - one of the plates was missing.

With the guilt of breaking his oath weighing heavily on his shoulders, Aoyama resorted to a drastic decision. Unbeknownst to his daughter, he blamed Okiku for the missing plate and threw her into the family well as punishment. He then had his servants fill the well with stones to hide his own grim deed.


However, the truth was uncovered when Okiku’s ghostly spirit began to inhabit the well, continuously crying out into the night. According to the locals, if one listened carefully enough, they could hear her cries echoing through the night, seeking her lost love. 

Okiku’s spirit has been seen emerging from the well, restless and searching. But even more eerie, it is said that if one places nine stones into the well, her spirit will go berserk, screaming and wailing in a menacing fury. It is a sight to make the bravest of hearts quiver. 

To this day, Okiku’s Well—once a sorrowful symbol of injustice—has become a landmark of terror in Japan. Whenever someone passes by late at night, it is said that they can still hear her screaming, eternally seeking her beloved—the one thing she was never able to find.

Oiran Buchi – The Wailing Women

Oiran Buchi is one of Japan's most terrifying haunted spots and is said to be the location of the wailing remnants of a long-ago tragedy. 

Located in Miyagi Prefecture, the place earned its name due to a tragic incident that occurred centuries ago. The event haunts the place and it is rumored that the wailing of the Oiran (courtesans) are still heard to this day.

The legend states that during the Edo period, a group of Oiran traveled to this spot to entertain the shogun when they found themselves stuck in a raging storm.

 The storm became so fierce that the Oiran had no choice but to take shelter in a nearby cave. Unfortunately, the mist and fog of the mountainous area proved to be too much for the Oiran, and soon all of them perished in the cave. 

They have since been cursed to wander the site in an attempt to find their way back.

Despite the area's macabre history, visitors who dare to venture to Oiran Buchi are in for a couple of chilly surprises. As the legend states, it is said that the haunting wails of the Oiran can still be heard in the night. 

Many have also reported seeing a silhouette of a woman in the corner of their eyes. Some visitors have even declared that the ghost of an Oiran is roaming around the cave, reaching out to them with her hands.

Although the stories behind Oiran Buchi may sound scary, many consider it a sacred place. While it's true that the stories may be wrapped up in supernatural forces, they also make a statement against wanton cruelty and ignorance. 

What couldn't be prevented by the Oiran's wisdom will now be remembered throughout this magical place. It's wise to observe the area with the utmost respect, as the Oiran are said to be the protectors of Oiran Buchi. 

Oiran Buchi is almost assuredly one of Japan's most chilling locations and if you happen to be brave enough to pay a visit, keep in mind that the legends of the cursed Oiran are no laughing matter. The haunting sobs of those women will never be forgotten, and the echo of mystery can be felt all around.

Round Schoolhouse

Situated in Hokkaido, Japan, the Round Schoolhouse is a truly haunting sight - and strangely enough, it's still standing despite its age. 

haunted spot in japan

Built over a hundred years ago, the school has borne witness to a mysterious past. It's said that students of the schoolhouse were often pushed to their limits by the unrelenting bullying and strict discipline that was the norm in its walls. 

round shool house in japan

The mistreatment of the students was so severe that they eventually resorted to vengeful pranks such as covering the walls with graffiti and setting fires.

This historic building is certainly no stranger to the paranormal; the cries of tormented souls have been heard echoing within its formidable walls.


Stories of apparitions have also been shared by visitors, including a phantom headmaster and the shadowy silhouettes of other former students. 

Many of the former students that frequent the building are said to have died tragically within the school's walls. tales which further adds to the eerie atmosphere.

The Round Schoolhouse has been abandoned for decades, but its haunting aura still draws brave visitors from all corners of Japan. It's a popular destination for those interested in supernatural events, and for the more adventurous, a nighttime visit is not for the faint of heart. 

The surroundings of the Round Schoolhouse is pitch-black, and while people have reported vivid feelings of being watched throughout the night, none have managed to get a good look at whatever might lurk there.

Aside from the obviously supernatural air surrounding this forgotten landmark, the building has one more unique feature - its unique shape. 

The Round Schoolhouse is, as the name suggest, built in the form of a circle. Some argue that the architecture was intentional, as the circular form was thought to ward off negative energy and demons. 

It is true that the schoolhouse has managed to stand tall for over a century, despite its age - another testament to the haunted aura which surrounds it.

The Round Schoolhouse in Hokkaido is a truly remarkable sight to behold. The tragic tales of students gone by, the supernatural events that seem to linger in its walls, and the overwhelmingly imposing atmosphere make it a fascinating destination for anyone interested in the paranormal. 

While its architectural oddity fails to answer all of the questions surrounding the mysterious building, one thing is certain - it retains an unworldly aura which few can deny.

Camp Hansen – The Lone Soldier

Camp Hansen, located in the Okinawan Prefecture of Japan, is known as one of the most haunted locations in the country. 

Its long history is marked by tragedy and throughout the years, many visitors of the site have reported paranormal activity, making it a popular destination for thrill-seekers and ghost hunters alike.


The camp has been named for its first inhabitant, Corporal Hansen, a lone American soldier stationed there during World War II. 

It is said that Corporal Hansen had a passion for exploring and soon became obsessed with the legend of an ancient temple located in the mountains near the camp.


One foggy night, the Corporal decided to venture out alone in search of the temple, and he was never seen or heard from again.

The people of the area believe Corporal Hansen’s spirit forever remains within the camp and his presence is still felt by those brave enough to venture there in the dead of night. 

Visitors to Camp Hansen have reported strange occurrences ranging from eerie sounds such as footsteps, murmurs, and whispers to apparitions materializing out of the shadows. 

Others have reported feeling an oppressive wave of sadness overwhelm them as soon as they step onto the grounds, though the source of the feeling remains a mystery.

The camp has become a quiet ode to the unknown soldier's tale of an untimely demise, and a pilgrimage to the site is thought to be a way of paying tribute to the memory of Corporal Hansen - an adventurer taken too soon. 

For many, the terror associated with Camp Hansen serves a reminder that every passing moment should be savored and that life, like ghosts, can be fleeting and unpredictable. 

For those who yearn for an otherworldly adventure, Camp Hansen is a destination that must be experienced, if one dares. 

It is here that natural mysteries, old-world traditions, and spiritual forces can be felt in full force and where a visit to the afterlife, however brief, feels very much within reach.

Himuro Mansion

Himuro Mansion is one of the most notorious haunted spots in Japan. It is located in the city of Tokyo and made headlines in the early 1990s due to its grisly murders. Accounts say that a custodian of the estate, along with his four children, were slaughtered in a gruesome manner.


It is believed that the murders were preceded by an ancient Japanese ceremony known as "Mumyou Jyutai". Even today, the mansion is known for its aura of dread, and it is no wonder why locals and thrill-seekers alike recognize Himuro Mansion as one of the most haunted places in Japan.

Legend holds that the custodian's four children were subjected to a ritual of binding and eventual slaying. 

This was meant to be a sacrifice to appease the Himuro Shrine, which was located just behind the Mansion. It is said that the binding was done in order to contain the immense power within the four children, and to prevent it from spilling out and wreaking havoc. 

Once bound, the children had to be killed since it was believed that letting them go would unleash the immense power they contained. 

The ritual and the murders that followed have been the source of many stories and superstitions in the nearby area. 

Locals reported hearing screams emanating from the mansion, and many believed that these came from the slaughtered children. 

Some believe that the murders were never revealed because the custodian and his children were believed to be cursed, and any who discovered the truth were cursed in turn. 

The gory murders at Himuro Mansion made it one of the most haunted spots in Japan. The mansion stands today, still eerily quiet and unsettling, a testament to the horrifying stories that made it one of the country's eerie places. 

It has remained empty and abandoned, offering rare visits to thrill-seekers looking for the ultimate ghostly experience. Many brave visitors to the mansion report experiencing unexplained noises and strange sightings, making Himuro Mansion one of the most notorious haunted places in Japan.

Nakagusuku Hotel

Nakagusuku Hotel may be the most haunted spot in Japan, home to a multitude of spirits that linger within its ruins. Located in Okinawa, visitors passing by this creepy old place are met with an eerie silence, interrupted only by the sound of shrill cicadas and wailing wind.

The remnants of Nakagusuku can be found nestled among ancient banyan trees and vines. What used to be a four-storey hotel stands tall against the dark night sky, its eerie facade holding secrets of its past life.

Nakagusuku Hotel

Legend has it that this hotel was once occupied by the Yamada family, husband and wife who ran the hotel together. 

Unfortunately, they had an argument that led to a violent end. It is said that the wife was pushed by the husband and she crashed into an electric pole outside the hotel, dying instantly.


Since then, locals who have ventured near the hotel on a full moon night have reported seeing sudden flashes of light, mysterious screams, and apparitions of a woman in white running around the area. 

Some people have also described seeing the shape of a man standing in the windows of the hotel, staring out into the night.

The sight of Nakagusuku Hotel in ruins is certainly a sad one. However, it is a reminder of how the memories of its past are never forgotten. 

It serves as a reminder of how human erratic emotions, if uncontrolled, can cause irreparable damage, and can leave a sinister residue on any building or area. 

Those who dare enter Nakagusuku Hotel, beware. It is a place filled with an array of fearful and unexplainable phenomena, where the living and dead co-exist. It is a gateway to a realm of a thousand unknowns, and is a dreadful place that one must never take lightly.

Old Inunaki Tunnel

Tunnels can be more frightening even without the presence of ghosts and ghouls! 

Dingy and gloomy tunnels are ideal for any wrongdoing, as a young girl discovered a few decades ago.

It is considered one of Japan's three most haunted locations. When the perpetrators discovered the incident, they took the man deep into the forest, beat him even more, poured gasoline over his head, and set him ablaze.

Despite his efforts, the man made it to the tunnel's entrance, where he collapsed.

Old Inunaki Tunnel

People who visited the site reported strange occurrences such as "I felt like someone was calling from inside the tunnel," "The car engine suddenly stopped working," and "There was a child's handprint on the car, and many more.


And I was shaken to discover that this location inspired a video game and a film directed by the critically acclaimed Ju-on (2000).

You can judge the creepiness of the spot after knowing that it is ranked first among Japan's most haunted spots. I was totally creeped out when I visited this spot and don’t think I would ever want to go there again.

Old Sashiki Tunnel

One of Kumamoto Prefecture's most haunted places is Sashiki Tunnel. It has been reported that several people died during construction because of a cave-in accident.

It sounds terrifying, and anyone who hears it is devastated.

The tunnel is so narrow that only a car of moderate size can pass through it, and it runs for 434 meters (1,424 feet) in complete darkness.

This old tunnel is the birthplace of many terrifying stories of vengeful spirits roaming at night and people mysteriously disappearing into its depths.

These mystical stories can frighten even the most courageous person.

Awashima Shrine

The famed Awashima Shrine holds a memorial service for 20,000 dolls every year, and it is said that the hair of the memorialized dolls grows.

No one ever imagined in a dream that dolls could be so frightening. Dolls are usually associated with fun and enjoyment, in this case, the opposite applies.


There are numerous stories about abandoned dolls found in shrines. It has been featured in many television shows and is a well-known haunted location. 

History has numerous stories about abandoned dolls found in shrines.

Inanimate objects, especially those that resemble humans, develop souls over time, according to Shinto beliefs. To avoid their wrath, unwanted or unused dolls must be disposed of in a shrine using a special ritual.

Awashima Shrine

Hearing that hair grows on non-living dolls gives me goosebumps.

Yawata no Yabushirazu

Yawata no Yabushirazu is a popular name for a forest in Yawata, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. It is a well-known haunted location with folk tales.

Yawata's forbidden forest, which translates as "Yawata no Yabushirazu" in Japanese, has also become an idiom for "to get lost."

Yawata no Yabushirazu

Locals believe that this forest is haunted and that anyone who enters it will have their spirit disappear.

Yawata no Yabushirazu (sometimes just Yawata) is said to be one of Japan's most haunted places, and that's saying a lot.

Yawata's stories revolve around the belief that anyone who enters the forest is spirited away (just like in the movie) and never seen again.

It's as if I'm listening to a horror movie story about a person who mysteriously vanishes. Listening to true stories now deeply disturbs me.

According to many, the forest is haunted by both samurai ghosts and poisonous gasses. No matter how true these stories are, locals take them seriously - a fence surrounds Yawata to keep people at bay.

Yawata no Yabushirazu became famous as a forbidden place where if you step inside the grove, you'll never return. 

Yubetsu Coal Mine (Kushiro Coal Mine)

The Kushiro Coal Mine is one of Japan's five most haunted locations. It is the largest coal mine in Japan and the country's last remaining underground coal mine.

This largest coal mine is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It was a coal mine that operated from 1919 to 1970 and was also known as the Kushiro Coal Mine due to its location in Kushiro City.

As history says, A large number of people died between 1933 and 1969, and the building was eventually demolished from 1970 onwards. 

Therefore, this location is considered the most dangerous and haunted location in Hokkaido.

Kewpie House

It is a haunted location whose existence has been documented since the 1970s, and it is so named because numerous Kewpie dolls and other baby dolls are hanging here.

It is said that this is the location of the closure of a shrine or temple that was supposed to console Mizuko's spirit or conceive a child.

It's strange to me that the majority of Japan's haunted locations are associated with dolls. This is unconvincing.

Yakebe Pond (Tacchan Pond)

Yakebe Pond, in Higashiyamato City, Saitama Prefecture, is also known as "Tacchan Pond". 

It is said that in 1925, a boy nicknamed "Tacchan" slipped and fell into the pond while playing. According to folklore, the boy drowned.

As a result, the pond has been named after him. There have been reports that white hands emerge from the water's surface.

Aokigahara Jukai

In Japan, Aokigahara Jukai is well known as a haunted suicide spot. Getting lost in the forest is dangerous but it is safe to explore the trails.

This forest has a plethora of large trees that are sometimes referred to as the sea of trees and are truly a masterpiece of nature.

Aokigahara Jukai

Unfortunately, this forest has quite a sad history to accompany all of this beauty. You've most likely heard about this forest due to the scandal that occurred several years ago when Logan Paul and his team went into this forest to film a video and came across a dead body.


The thick twisted forest of Aokigahara is eerily silent, and even sunlight struggles to make its way through the canopy.

There have been hundreds of suicides in the "suicide forest" over the years, so the government has posted suicide prevention information everywhere.

It was extremely frightening. 

Aokigahara Jukai haunted spot in japan

Ohh, ghosh! This place was as terrifying as a horror film. I felt like I was in a horror movie myself when I visited this forest! Don’t think I’ll be visiting this place anytime soon. 

Iwaki Sai-no-Kawara

As per Japanese Buddhist mythology, Sai no Kawara (Sainokawara) is a riverbed in the netherworld where the souls of departed children do penance.

Sai-no-Kawara is considered to be the bank area of a river that flows between life and the heaven.

Iwaki Sai-no-Kawara

Children who die before their parents are said to be reborn in this riverbed.

I did some research on social media and discovered that there is a high likelihood of encountering ghosts, and it is the most haunted location in Fukushima.

Hotel Celine

The Hotel Celine was formerly a hotel (motel) in Shinanomachi, Nagano Prefecture, and is said to be haunted. 

It became famous for its creepiness and drawings depicting a pregnant woman. 

There are rumors that a young woman was raped by several men here, became pregnant, and wandered around the hotel after committing suicide.

There are many terrifying rumors about this hotel, which restricts me from exploring it.


Japan not only has a diverse range of culture, traditions, food, statues, and castles, but it also has a plethora of haunted locations. Sometimes willingness and strength to fulfill can't coexist.

You have a strong desire to visit these locations, but your fear of death or inner fear has prevented you from doing so because your life is so uncertain.

If you want to explore and dig deeper into these places to find out the truth, I must say you are incredibly brave.

So, what have you decided? Would you like to be haunted by these places?

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