hakone vs kawaguchiko

Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko - Which Is The Better Tourist Destination?

Jun 05, 2024Shopify API

Hakone vs Kawaguchiko: which is worth adding to your Japan itinerary. Check it out!

When it comes to exploring the natural beauty and cultural wonders of Japan, two destinations that often come to mind are Hakone and Kawaguchiko. 

Both located in close proximity to Tokyo, these picturesque locations offer breathtaking views of Mount Fuji, hot springs, traditional Japanese architecture, and much more. But which one should you choose for your next adventure? 

In this article, we will compare Hakone and Kawaguchiko across various factors to help you decide which destination suits your preferences and travel goals.

Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko

Proximity To Tokyo Of Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko

Hakone and Kawaguchiko are both conveniently located within reach of Tokyo, making them popular day trip or weekend getaway options for visitors to the capital city.

  • Hakone

Situated approximately 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, Hakone is easily accessible from the city. 

The journey from Tokyo to Hakone typically takes around 2 hours by train. Travelers can take the Odakyu Romancecar express train from Shinjuku Station directly to Hakone-Yumoto Station, which serves as the gateway to Hakone. 

This direct connection provides a convenient and seamless travel experience for those looking to explore Hakone's natural beauty and attractions.

  • Kawaguchiko

Located to the northwest of Tokyo, Kawaguchiko offers another captivating view of Mount Fuji and is easily accessible from the city. 

The journey from Tokyo to Kawaguchiko takes approximately 2.5 hours by either train or bus. Travelers can take the Fuji Excursion Limited Express from Shinjuku Station to Kawaguchiko Station. 

Alternatively, there are direct buses available from Tokyo Station or Shinjuku Station to Kawaguchiko, offering a more scenic and comfortable option for travel.

In terms of proximity, Hakone holds a slight advantage as it is slightly closer to Tokyo compared to Kawaguchiko. 

However, both destinations are within a reasonable distance and can be easily reached for a day trip or a short getaway.

Accessibility Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko

Both Hakone and Kawaguchiko have well-developed transportation networks, allowing visitors to explore the area with relative ease.

  • Hakone

Once you arrive at Hakone-Yumoto Station, you can access various modes of transportation within Hakone, including buses, trains, cable cars, and ropeways. 

The Hakone Tozan Railway takes you through the scenic mountains, and the Hakone Ropeway offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. 

Buses connect different attractions and provide access to Lake Ashi, where you can enjoy a relaxing boat ride.


Additionally, the Hakone Free Pass is a popular ticket option that covers unlimited travel on transportation within Hakone, making it convenient for visitors to explore the area's attractions.

  • Kawaguchiko

Kawaguchiko is served by Kawaguchiko Station, and from there, visitors can access the local bus network to explore the area. Buses connect various attractions, including Lake Kawaguchi, the Fuji-Q Highland amusement park, and other points of interest.

The Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus, known as the "Retro Bus," is a charming way to travel around the area and experience the local atmosphere.

While Hakone boasts a more extensive transportation system with a variety of modes available, Kawaguchiko offers a reliable bus network to help visitors navigate the region. 

Both destinations provide adequate transportation options to make your exploration convenient and enjoyable.

In summary, both Hakone and Kawaguchiko are easily accessible from Tokyo, with Hakone being slightly closer. Both destinations offer well-connected transportation networks, allowing visitors to move around and explore the attractions with ease. 

Whether you choose Hakone or Kawaguchiko, you can look forward to a seamless travel experience and convenient access to the natural wonders and cultural delights of each destination.

Comparing Natural Beauty Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko

  • Hakone

Hakone is renowned for its diverse and captivating natural landscapes, offering visitors a rich and immersive experience. One of the highlights is the majestic Mount Fuji, which can be seen from various vantage points around Hakone. 

The iconic view of Mount Fuji reflecting on the tranquil waters of Lake Ashi is particularly breathtaking and a must-see sight.

In addition to Mount Fuji, Hakone is home to several other natural wonders. The region is dotted with picturesque mountains, including Mount Hakone, Mount Komagatake, and Mount Kamiyama, which provide fantastic hiking opportunities. 

The Hakone Ropeway offers a thrilling aerial view of the surrounding mountains and the Owakudani volcanic valley, known for its active sulfur vents and hot springs.

Another enchanting feature of Hakone is its abundant hot springs or onsen. The area is known for its therapeutic waters, and soaking in a traditional hot spring is a popular activity for visitors. 

The soothing warmth of the water, combined with the serene natural surroundings, offers a rejuvenating experience.

  • Kawaguchiko

Kawaguchiko, located on the northern side of Mount Fuji, provides a different perspective of the iconic mountain. 

The area is famous for its picturesque Lake Kawaguchi, which offers stunning views of Mount Fuji. The calm and reflective waters of the lake create a captivating scene, especially during sunrise or sunset.

Visitors to Kawaguchiko can explore the lake on a boat cruise, rent bicycles to ride around its shores, or simply relax at one of the lakeside parks. 

Oishi Park, in particular, is known for its seasonal flower displays, including cherry blossoms in spring and vibrant autumn foliage.

These natural elements add to the beauty of the landscape and create a serene atmosphere.

Furthermore, Kawaguchiko offers opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking and nature walks. There are several trails in the area that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the natural surroundings and appreciate the beauty of the region up close.

In summary, Hakone and Kawaguchiko both offer stunning natural beauty, with Mount Fuji as the centerpiece. 

Hakone showcases a diverse range of landscapes, including mountains, lakes, and volcanic valleys, while Kawaguchiko focuses on the captivating view of Mount Fuji reflected in Lake Kawaguchi. 

Whether you prefer the variety of Hakone's natural scenery or the serene ambiance of Kawaguchiko's lakeside setting, both destinations offer captivating natural beauty that will leave you in awe.

Attractions and Activities 

  • Hakone

Hakone offers a plethora of attractions and activities that cater to various interests and preferences.

Here are some notable ones:

  • Hakone Shrine: Located on the shores of Lake Ashi, Hakone Shrine is a picturesque Shinto shrine that dates back to the 8th century. Visitors can explore the beautiful grounds and admire the traditional architecture while enjoying views of the surrounding mountains and the lake.
  • Lake Ashi: A boat cruise on Lake Ashi is a popular activity in Hakone. The scenic lake offers stunning views of Mount Fuji and the surrounding landscapes. Taking a leisurely boat ride allows visitors to soak in the natural beauty and capture memorable photographs.
  • Hakone Open-Air Museum: Art enthusiasts will appreciate the Hakone Open-Air Museum, which features an extensive collection of sculptures and artworks by renowned artists. The museum is set amidst lush gardens and offers a unique blend of nature and art.
  • Owakudani: Located in the volcanic valley, Owakudani is known for its active sulfur vents and hot springs. Visitors can take a cable car ride to reach this area and enjoy panoramic views of the volcanic landscape. Owakudani is also famous for its black boiled eggs, which are said to grant longevity and good fortune to those who eat them.
  • Hakone Ropeway: The Hakone Ropeway is a thrilling aerial cable car ride that offers stunning views of Mount Fuji, Lake Ashi, and the surrounding mountains. It connects several points in Hakone and provides a unique perspective of the natural beauty of the region.

Kawaguchiko: Kawaguchiko offers a range of attractions and activities that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and cultural charm of the area.

Here are some highlights:

  • Kawaguchiko Music Forest: This enchanting museum showcases various mechanical music instruments and hosts live performances of classical music. Visitors can enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere and experience the melodies produced by these intricate instruments.
  • Fuji-Q Highland: Adventure seekers will be thrilled to visit Fuji-Q Highland, a popular amusement park known for its exhilarating roller coasters and attractions. It offers a wide range of rides and entertainment options, including the world-famous Fujiyama roller coaster.
  • Oishi Park: Located on the northern shore of Lake Kawaguchi, Oishi Park is known for its beautiful flower fields. Cherry blossoms in spring and vibrant autumn foliage make this park a sight to behold. It provides an ideal setting for picnics and leisurely walks.
  • Itchiku Kubota Art Museum: This museum showcases the mesmerizing art of Itchiku Kubota, a renowned Japanese textile artist. Visitors can admire his intricate works of art, particularly his exquisite kimono dyeing techniques.
  • Outdoor Activities: Kawaguchiko offers opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and fishing. There are several hiking trails, including the popular Lake Kawaguchi Natural Living Center trail, which allows visitors to explore the beautiful natural surroundings.

Both Hakone and Kawaguchiko offer a wide array of attractions and activities to cater to different interests. 

Whether you prefer exploring art and cultural exhibitions, embarking on thrilling adventures, or simply enjoying the serene natural landscapes, both destinations provide ample opportunities for memorable experiences.

Onsen (Hot Springs)

  • Hakone

Hakone is renowned for its abundance of natural hot springs, or onsen, which offer visitors a unique and relaxing experience. Here are some key points about the onsen culture in Hakone:

  • Traditional Onsen Ryokans: Hakone is home to numerous traditional Japanese inns, known as ryokans, many of which have their own private hot spring baths. Staying at a ryokan provides an authentic and immersive experience, allowing guests to indulge in the therapeutic properties of the hot springs while experiencing Japanese hospitality and cultural traditions.
  • Day-use Onsen Facilities: In addition to ryokans, there are also day-use onsen facilities available in Hakone. These facilities often have multiple types of baths, including indoor and outdoor options. Some onsen establishments offer various bathing styles, such as natural rock baths, sulfur baths, and even sand baths. Each type of bath is believed to have unique health benefits.
  • Mixed-Gender Onsen: Hakone is known for its few mixed-gender or co-ed onsen experiences. These are rare in Japan but can be found in certain establishments in Hakone. Visitors can enjoy the rejuvenating hot springs while socializing with friends or family of different genders.
  • Etiquette and Customs: When visiting an onsen in Hakone, it's essential to be aware of the onsen etiquette and customs. Before entering the bathing area, visitors are required to wash their bodies thoroughly in the provided shower area. It is customary to be fully nude when bathing in onsen, although some establishments offer private baths for those who prefer more privacy.
  • Kawaguchiko

Kawaguchiko also offers onsen experiences, albeit on a smaller scale compared to Hakone. 

Here's what you need to know about the onsen scene in Kawaguchiko:

  • Ryokans with Onsen: Similar to Hakone, there are ryokans in Kawaguchiko that offer onsen facilities for both overnight guests and day visitors. These ryokans provide a tranquil setting where guests can unwind in the healing waters while enjoying the serene views of Mount Fuji or Lake Kawaguchi.
  • Public Onsen: Kawaguchiko has a few public onsen facilities that are open to both locals and tourists. These communal bathing facilities provide separate bathing areas for men and women and often feature indoor and outdoor baths. It's an opportunity to mingle with the local community and experience the onsen culture in a more casual setting.
  • Foot Baths: Along the streets of Kawaguchiko, you can find foot baths, known as "ashiyu," where visitors can soak their feet in hot spring water while taking in the scenic surroundings. These foot baths offer a more relaxed and informal onsen experience, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of the hot springs without fully immersing yourself.

Whether in Hakone or Kawaguchiko, the onsen experience is highly regarded for its relaxation and therapeutic qualities. 

Soaking in the hot springs not only offers physical rejuvenation but also provides an opportunity to unwind and connect with nature. 

Regardless of the destination you choose, indulging in an onsen experience is a quintessential part of visiting these regions and immersing yourself in the rich cultural tradition of Japan.

Cultural Experiences In Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko 

  • Hakone

Hakone offers several opportunities to immerse yourself in Japanese culture and traditions. 

Here are some notable cultural experiences in Hakone:

  • Traditional Tea Ceremonies: Hakone is known for its tea culture, and you can partake in traditional tea ceremonies at various tea houses or gardens. These ceremonies provide a chance to appreciate the art of tea preparation, learn about tea etiquette, and savor the flavors of matcha (powdered green tea) while enjoying the serene surroundings.
  • Hakone Checkpoint Museum: As a former checkpoint on the historic Tokaido Road, Hakone has a rich samurai heritage. The Hakone Checkpoint Museum showcases the history and significance of the checkpoint during the Edo period. Visitors can learn about the samurai culture, see artifacts, and explore reconstructed buildings, giving them a glimpse into Japan's feudal era.
  • Hakone Sekisho (Hakone Barrier): Another cultural attraction related to Hakone's samurai history is the Hakone Sekisho, a reconstructed barrier station. Here, visitors can witness demonstrations of samurai swordsmanship and gain insights into the life of samurais during the Edo period.
  • Hakone Yosegi Zaiku: Yosegi Zaiku is a traditional woodcraft technique unique to Hakone. Visitors can observe skilled artisans creating intricate patterns by assembling different types of wood. The finished products, such as puzzles, boxes, and decorative items, make for unique souvenirs that represent the local craftsmanship.
  • Kawaguchiko

Kawaguchiko offers its own cultural experiences, allowing visitors to engage with the local traditions and heritage. Here are some notable cultural experiences in Kawaguchiko:

  • Fujisan World Heritage Center: The Fujisan World Heritage Center is an informative museum dedicated to Mount Fuji and its cultural significance. Visitors can learn about the history, geology, and mythology associated with the iconic mountain. Interactive exhibits and displays provide a deeper understanding of Mount Fuji's importance in Japanese culture.
  • Kimono Rental and Dress-up: Kawaguchiko provides an opportunity to dress up in a traditional Japanese kimono. Several shops offer kimono rental services, allowing visitors to experience wearing this elegant attire. Walking around in a kimono enhances the cultural immersion and provides excellent photo opportunities.
  • Local Festivals and Events: Kawaguchiko hosts various local festivals and events throughout the year, showcasing traditional arts, music, and performances. These events offer a chance to witness Japanese folklore, music concerts, fireworks displays, and other cultural celebrations, providing a glimpse into the local traditions and customs.
  • Fuji Shibazakura Festival: Held during the spring season, the Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a vibrant display of pink moss phlox (shibazakura) fields near Lake Motosu. Visitors can stroll through the colorful flower carpets, enjoy local food stalls, and witness traditional performances, creating a festive and cultural experience.

Engaging in these cultural experiences in Hakone and Kawaguchiko allows visitors to delve deeper into the rich heritage and traditions of Japan. 

Whether it's partaking in tea ceremonies, exploring samurai history, appreciating traditional crafts, or participating in local festivals, these cultural encounters provide a unique perspective and a deeper connection to the destinations.

Seasonal Attractions In Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko

  • Hakone

Hakone offers a range of seasonal attractions that showcase the beauty and charm of each season. 

Here are some notable seasonal attractions in Hakone:

  • Cherry Blossoms: In spring, Hakone is adorned with cherry blossoms, known as sakura. Various parks and gardens, such as Hakone Gora Park and Onshi Hakone Park, burst into a sea of delicate pink and white blossoms. Visitors can take leisurely walks or enjoy hanami (flower viewing) picnics under the cherry trees, immersing themselves in the ephemeral beauty of the season.
  • Autumn Foliage: As autumn sets in, Hakone transforms into a colorful landscape as the leaves change into vibrant hues of red, orange, and gold. The Hakone Open-Air Museum and Lake Ashi are particularly renowned for their stunning autumn foliage. Taking a scenic boat cruise on Lake Ashi during this time provides a picturesque view of the mountains painted in autumnal colors.
  • Winter Illuminations: During the winter months, Hakone dazzles with enchanting light displays and illuminations. The Hakone Winter Fireworks Festival, held over Lake Ashi, is a popular event where visitors can witness a spectacular fireworks show against the backdrop of the snow-covered mountains. Additionally, some parks and gardens, such as Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, feature captivating light displays that create a magical ambiance.
  • Kawaguchiko

Kawaguchiko also offers captivating seasonal attractions that highlight the beauty of each season. Here are some notable seasonal attractions in Kawaguchiko:

  • Shibazakura Festival: Held in spring, the Fuji Shibazakura Festival showcases vast fields of pink moss phlox (shibazakura) near Lake Motosu. The colorful carpets of flowers create a stunning sight, and visitors can enjoy strolling through the fields, taking photographs, and indulging in local food stalls.
  • Lavender Fields: In summer, Kawaguchiko is known for its lavender fields in the Yagizaki Park and Oishi Park areas. The aromatic lavender blooms create a picturesque scene, and visitors can immerse themselves in the fragrant ambiance while enjoying panoramic views of Mount Fuji.
  • Autumn Leaves: As autumn arrives, Kawaguchiko reveals its captivating autumn foliage. The Maple Corridor at Lake Kawaguchi Natural Living Center and the Momiji Tunnel at the Kawaguchiko Museum of Art are popular spots to witness the vibrant colors of the season. Visitors can take leisurely walks, capture stunning photographs, and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds them.
  • Winter Activities: In winter, Kawaguchiko offers various winter activities, including ice skating on Lake Kawaguchi, snowshoeing, and snow-capped Mount Fuji views. The pristine white landscape against the backdrop of the iconic mountain creates a serene and picturesque setting.

Exploring these seasonal attractions allows visitors to experience the unique beauty and atmosphere of each season in Hakone and Kawaguchiko. 

Whether it's the delicate cherry blossoms in spring, the vibrant autumn foliage, the captivating winter illuminations, or the colorful flower festivals, each season offers its own charm and spectacle, providing visitors with unforgettable moments and memories.

Tourist Crowds in Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko?

  • Hakone

Hakone is a popular tourist destination, and as such, it can experience significant crowds, particularly during peak seasons. 

Here are some key points regarding tourist crowds in Hakone:

  • Weekends and Holidays: Weekends and national holidays tend to be the busiest times in Hakone, as both local residents and tourists flock to the area for leisure and relaxation. If you plan to visit during these times, expect larger crowds at popular attractions and longer waiting times for transportation and services.
  • Cherry Blossom Season and Autumn Foliage: During the cherry blossom season in spring and the autumn foliage season, Hakone attracts a considerable number of visitors. The parks and gardens known for their sakura or autumn leaves can become crowded, especially on weekends when people come to admire the natural beauty.
  • Golden Week: Golden Week, a series of national holidays in late April to early May, is one of the busiest periods in Japan, including Hakone. Many locals take advantage of the consecutive holidays to travel, and popular attractions in Hakone can be crowded during this time.
  • Hakone Tozan Railway: The Hakone Tozan Railway, a scenic train route that connects Hakone-Yumoto with Gora, can experience high passenger volumes, especially on weekends and holidays. Trains may be crowded, so it's advisable to plan accordingly and be prepared for potential queues.
  • Kawaguchiko

Kawaguchiko, being in close proximity to Mount Fuji, also attracts a significant number of tourists throughout the year. Here are some key points regarding tourist crowds in 

  • Mount Fuji Climbing Season: During the official climbing season of Mount Fuji, which typically runs from July to early September, Kawaguchiko becomes a bustling hub for climbers and outdoor enthusiasts. Accommodations and popular tourist spots can be crowded, especially at the base of the mountain.
  • Summer Vacation: The summer vacation period, particularly in August, sees an increase in visitors to Kawaguchiko. Families, students, and tourists take advantage of the pleasant weather to enjoy the scenic beauty and outdoor activities. Popular attractions and recreational areas may have larger crowds during this time.
  • Weekends and Public Holidays: Similar to Hakone, weekends and public holidays in Kawaguchiko can experience higher tourist numbers. Many people plan day trips or weekend getaways to enjoy the natural landscapes, leading to larger crowds at popular spots.
  • Winter Skiing and Snowboarding: During the winter months, Kawaguchiko attracts visitors for skiing and snowboarding activities in the nearby resorts. While the crowds may not be as intense as during other seasons, it's still advisable to expect more people during weekends and holidays.

It's important to note that both Hakone and Kawaguchiko can experience variations in tourist crowds depending on the specific time of year, weather conditions, and ongoing events. 

Planning your visit during weekdays, outside of peak seasons, or considering early morning or late afternoon visits can help avoid the larger crowds and provide a more serene experience.

Accommodation and Infrastructure In Hakone Vs Kawaguchiko

Hakone: Hakone offers a wide range of accommodation options, ensuring that visitors can find a suitable place to stay. 

Here are some key points regarding accommodation and infrastructure in Hakone:

  • Ryokans and Hotels: Hakone is known for its traditional Japanese inns, called ryokans, which provide a unique cultural experience. These ryokans often feature hot spring baths, traditional tatami rooms, and multi-course kaiseki meals. Additionally, there are also Western-style hotels and resorts available, catering to different preferences and budgets.
  • Onsen Resorts: Many accommodations in Hakone are dedicated onsen resorts, offering a range of hot spring facilities and amenities. These resorts often provide stunning views of nature, including Mount Fuji, Lake Ashi, or surrounding mountains. They offer a comprehensive experience with spacious rooms, dining options, and relaxation areas.
  • Accessibility: Hakone has a well-developed transportation system, making it easy for visitors to navigate the area. The Hakone Tozan Railway, cable cars, ropeways, and boats connect different parts of Hakone, allowing visitors to explore various attractions conveniently. Buses also provide transportation within Hakone, offering access to different points of interest.
  • Dining and Shopping: Hakone boasts a variety of dining options, ranging from traditional Japanese cuisine to international fare. Visitors can enjoy local specialties such as Hakone soba noodles, freshwater fish dishes, and hot spring steamed dishes. Additionally, there are shopping areas, including souvenir shops and boutiques, where visitors can find unique local crafts, art, and traditional goods.

Kawaguchiko: Kawaguchiko provides a range of accommodation options, catering to the needs of different travelers. Here are some key points regarding accommodation and infrastructure in Kawaguchiko:

  • Ryokans, Hotels, and Guesthouses: Kawaguchiko offers a mix of traditional ryokans, modern hotels, and cozy guesthouses. Visitors can choose from a variety of accommodations, depending on their preferences and budget. Some accommodations provide stunning views of Mount Fuji or Lake Kawaguchi, enhancing the overall experience.
  • Onsen Facilities: Many accommodations in Kawaguchiko feature their own onsen facilities, allowing guests to relax and unwind in hot spring baths while enjoying the beautiful surroundings. These onsen options range from private baths to communal bathing areas, providing a quintessential Japanese experience.
  • Infrastructure and Accessibility: Kawaguchiko has a well-developed infrastructure to cater to tourists. The Kawaguchiko Station is a transportation hub, offering convenient connections to nearby areas and attractions. Buses and taxis are available for local transportation, ensuring easy access to various points of interest.
  • Dining and Amenities: Kawaguchiko offers a range of dining options, including restaurants, cafes, and food stalls. Visitors can savor local specialties such as Hoto noodles (a hearty noodle dish) and Fujiyama Beer (locally brewed craft beer). The area also features amenities like convenience stores, supermarkets, and souvenir shops, providing convenience and shopping opportunities for visitors.

Both Hakone and Kawaguchiko have a well-established infrastructure to accommodate tourists. Whether you prefer traditional ryokans with hot springs or modern hotels with panoramic views, both destinations offer a variety of options to suit different preferences and budgets. 

Additionally, the accessible transportation systems in both areas make it easy to explore the attractions and enjoy the local culture and cuisine.


Choosing between Hakone and Kawaguchiko ultimately depends on your personal preferences and travel goals. If you seek a wider range of activities, a vibrant art scene, and a diverse natural landscape, Hakone may be the ideal choice. 

On the other hand, if you prioritize a more serene and intimate experience with Mount Fuji, along with a countryside ambiance, Kawaguchiko might be the better fit. 

Regardless of your choice, both destinations promise memorable experiences, stunning views, and a taste of Japan's rich culture and natural beauty.

Both Hakone and Kawaguchiko offer unique and captivating experiences for tourists, making it difficult to declare one as definitively superior to the other. However, here are a few additional factors to consider when making your decision

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