japanese names meaning joy

40 Japanese Names Meaning Joy

Jun 05, 2024Shopify API

Choosing a name for your child is a momentous task, especially in Japanese culture where names carry profound meanings.

This article presents 40 beautiful Japanese names that mean "joy" or contain the kanji for joy, ensuring your child's name embodies happiness and positive energy.

Japanese Names Meaning Joy

Etsuko (悦子)

  • Etsu (悦): Joy, delight.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child of joy or delight.

Nozomi (希)

  • Nozomi (希): Hope, wish, joy.
  • Meaning: Hope or wish, representing the joy of aspirations.

Yoriko (頼子)

  • Yori (頼): Rely, joy, trust.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child who brings joy and can be relied upon.

Kiyomi (清美)

  • Kiyo (清): Pure, clean.
  • Mi (美): Beauty.
  • Meaning: Pure beauty, symbolizing the joy found in purity and beauty.

Sakiko (幸子)

  • Saki (幸): Happiness, joy.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child of happiness and joy.

Yoshiko (喜子)

  • Yoshi (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child of joy.

Related: Japanese Names Meaning Happy

Megumi (恵)

  • Megumi (恵): Blessing, grace, joy.
  • Meaning: A blessing, representing the joy of receiving grace.

Emiko (笑子)

  • Emi (笑): Smile, laughter, joy.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child who brings smiles and joy.

Haruki (春喜)

  • Haru (春): Spring.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: The joy of spring, representing renewal and happiness.

Reiko (礼子)

  • Rei (礼): Gratitude, manners, joy.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child who embodies gratitude and joy.

Misaki (美咲)

  • Mi (美): Beauty.
  • Saki (咲): Bloom, blossom.
  • Meaning: Beautiful blossom, symbolizing the joy of blooming.

Yuki (雪喜)

  • Yuki (雪): Snow.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: The joy of snow, representing purity and happiness.

Riko (理子)

  • Ri (理): Truth, logic, joy.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child of truth and joy.

Akiyo (秋代)

  • Aki (秋): Autumn, joy.
  • Yo (代): Generation, world.
  • Meaning: Joy of autumn, symbolizing maturity and harvest.

Miyuki (美雪)

  • Mi (美): Beauty.
  • Yuki (雪): Snow.
  • Meaning: Beautiful snow, representing pure joy.

Sayuri (小百合)

  • Sa (小): Small.
  • Yuri (百合): Lily.
  • Meaning: Little lily, symbolizing delicate joy and purity.

Takara (宝)

  • Takara (宝): Treasure, joy.
  • Meaning: Treasure, representing something precious and joyful.

Chiemi (千恵美)

  • Chie (千恵): Wisdom.
  • Mi (美): Beauty.
  • Meaning: A thousand wisdoms and beauty, symbolizing the joy of intellect and aesthetics.

Tomoko (友子)

  • Tomo (友): Friend, joy.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child who is a friend, bringing joy through companionship.

Keiko (恵子)

  • Kei (恵): Blessing, joy.
  • Ko (子): Child.
  • Meaning: A child who is a blessing and brings joy.

For Boys

Yoshi (喜)

  • Yoshi (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Meaning: Joy, embodying pure happiness.

Kiyoshi (清喜)

  • Kiyo (清): Pure, clean.
  • Shi (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Meaning: Pure joy, symbolizing untainted happiness.

Haruki (春樹)

  • Haru (春): Spring.
  • Ki (樹): Tree, joy.
  • Meaning: Spring tree, representing growth and joy.

Yorihiko (頼彦)

  • Yori (頼): Rely, joy, trust.
  • Hiko (彦): Boy.
  • Meaning: A boy who brings joy and can be trusted.

Kazuki (和喜)

  • Kazu (和): Peace, harmony.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: Harmony and joy, symbolizing peaceful happiness.

Yoshinori (喜則)

  • Yoshi (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Nori (則): Rule, law.
  • Meaning: Joyful rule, representing the joy of order and balance.

Hiroki (弘喜)

  • Hiro (弘): Broad, expansive.
  • Ki (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Meaning: Expansive joy, symbolizing wide-reaching happiness.

Takumi (巧)

  • Takumi (巧): Artisan, skillful, joy.
  • Meaning: Skillful artisan, representing joy in craftsmanship.

Masaki (正喜)

  • Masa (正): Correct, just.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: Righteous joy, symbolizing happiness in justice.

Yuta (裕太)

  • Yu (裕): Abundant, rich.
  • Ta (太): Big, great.
  • Meaning: Abundant joy, representing great happiness.

Koki (幸喜)

  • Ko (幸): Happiness.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: Happiness and joy, embodying complete joyfulness.

Satoru (悟)

  • Satoru (悟): Enlightenment, wisdom, joy.
  • Meaning: Enlightenment, representing the joy of understanding.

Yoshito (喜人)

  • Yoshi (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • To (人): Person.
  • Meaning: A person of joy.

Kenji (健喜)

  • Ken (健): Healthy, strong.
  • Ji (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Meaning: Healthy joy, symbolizing the happiness of well-being.

Ryoki (良喜)

  • Ryo (良): Good, excellent.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: Excellent joy, representing superior happiness.

Shunki (俊喜)

  • Shun (俊): Talented, excellent.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: Talented joy, symbolizing the happiness of talent.

Taiki (大喜)

  • Tai (大): Great, big.
  • Ki (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Meaning: Great joy, representing immense happiness.

Yoshihiro (喜宏)

  • Yoshi (喜): Joy, happiness.
  • Hiro (宏): Prosperous, expansive.
  • Meaning: Prosperous joy, symbolizing abundant happiness.

Kiyohiko (清彦)

  • Kiyo (清): Pure, clean.
  • Hiko (彦): Boy.
  • Meaning: Pure joy, representing the happiness of purity.

Seiki (正喜)

  • Sei (正): Correct, righteous.
  • Ki (喜): Joy.
  • Meaning: Righteous joy, symbolizing the happiness of justice.


These 40 Japanese names symbolize joy and positive aspirations, making them perfect choices for your child. By selecting one of these names, you bestow upon your child a legacy of happiness and a bright, joyful future.

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