
60 Cool Japanese Names Associated With Winter Season | Winter Japanese Names You'll Love!

Jan 10, 2025Shopify API

Looking for Japanese names associated with winter season? We curated a list for amazing winter Japanese names you can choose from! 

The Japanese word for winter is fuyu and the kanji for it is 冬. This represents cycles being closed. Sounds cool and has a deep meaning to it. So of course it would be pretty cool to incorporate this in names! 

Japanese Names Associated With Winter Season

When you think of winter, you almost always think of snow as well. Snow covers most of Japan during the winter season.

While there are more than 100 different words for the different kinds of snow, the most common kanji for snow is 雪 and it is pronounced as yuki. Names for children born during winter in Japan often contain this kanji.

Something else that is often associated with the season of winter in Japan is a holly tree. The kanji for holly 柊 is a combination of the kanji for tree and winter. 

Here is a list of some Japanese names that are associated with the winter season!

Japanese Names Associated With Winter Season

Fuyuki 冬樹 (Male) 

Pronunciation: Foo yoo kee

This is one of my favorite Japanese names meaning winter. The exact meaning of this Japanese name is: wintry tree

Fuyuhito 冬仁 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo hee toh

The next name on the list of Japanese names that mean winter are Fuyuhito and the meaning for this Japanese name is: winter and benevolence

Fuyuhiro 冬洋 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo hee roh

From Japanese for winter and ocean

Fuyuhiko 冬彦 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo hee koh

From Japanese for winter and boy or prince

Fuyutake 冬竹 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo tah kay

From Japanese for winter and bamboo

Fuyuta 冬太 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo tah

From Japanese for winter and thick or big

Fuyuichirou 冬一郎 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo ee chi roh

From Japanese for winter and one and son

Shuuto 柊冬 (Male)

Pronunciation: SHAYUWTow 

From Japanese meaning holly and winter

Shuuji 柊司 (Male) 

Pronunciation: shu·u·ji

From Japanese meaning holly + govern or rule

Shuuka 柊歌 (Female) 

Pronunciation: shu-ka

From Japanese meaning holly song

Shizuo 静央 (Male) 

Pronunciation: Sh-izuo

From Japanese meaning quiet, silent center

Shuuta 柊汰 (Male) 

Pronunciation: SHAYUWTow

From Japanese meaning holly scour

Shizuya 静哉 (Male)

Pronunciation: Shi-zu-ya

From Japanese meaning quiet silent beginning

Seiji 静治 (Male)

Pronunciation: say-jee

From Japanese meaning quiet, silent + govern

Shizue 静枝 (Female) 

Pronunciation: Sh-izue

From Japanese meaning quiet silent branch

Shizuyo 静夜 (Female)

Pronunciation: Sh-izuyo

From Japanese meaning quiet silent night

Sayaka 静弥香 (Female) 

Pronunciation: SAA-Yaa-Kaa

From Japanese meaning  quiet, silent + more and more + scent

Touji 冬至 (Male)

Pronunciation: Toh jee

From Japanese for the winter solstice

Touki 冬季 (Male)

Pronunciation: Toh kee

From Japanese for winter

Touwa (Male)

Pronunciation: Toh wa

From Japanese for winter 冬 or wisteria 藤 and feathers羽 or peace and harmony 和

Touma (Male)

Pronunciation: Toh ma

From Japanese for horse 馬, truth 真, polish or shine 磨, hemp or flax 麻, dance 舞

Touya (Male)

Pronunciation: Toh ya

From Japanese for increase 弥, evening or night 夜, or 也, 哉 or 耶 which are phonetic kanji

Fuyuka 冬佳 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo kah

From Japanese for winter and good or excellent

Yukiha (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee ha

From Japanese for feather 羽 or leaf 葉

Fuyukiku 冬菊 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo kee koo

From Japanese for winter and chrysanthemum 

Fuyune 冬音 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo nay

From Japanese for winter and sound

Fuyume 冬芽 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo may

From Japanese for winter and bud, sprout or shoot

Chifuyu 千冬 (Female)

Pronunciation: Chee foo yoo

From Japanese for thousand and winter

Fuyuhi 冬姫 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo hee

From Japanese for winter and princess or empress

Fuyuhime 冬姫 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo hee may

From Japanese for winter and princess

Fuyuko 冬子 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo koh

From Japanese for winter and child

Fuyuna 冬菜 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo nah

From Japanese for winter and vegetable or greens

Fuyumi 冬美 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo mee

From Japanese for winter and beauty

Mifuyu 深冬 (Female)

Pronunciation: Mee foo yoo

From Japanese for deep and winter

Yukiya 雪矢 (Male) 

Pronunciation: Yoo kee yah

Yukiya is one of the Japanese names that mean snow and arrow.

Yukinari 雪成 (Male)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee nah ree

From Japanese for snow and become

Teruyuki 輝雪 (Male)

Pronunciation: Teh roo yoo kee

From Japanese for shine and snow

Koyuki 恋雪 (Female)

Pronunciation: Koh yoo kee

From Japanese for romantic love and snow

Yukime 雪夢 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee may

From Japanese for snow and dream

Fuyuto 冬登 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo toh

From Japanese for winter and ascend or rise

Yukina 雪那 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee nah

From Japanese for snow and many or beautiful

Yukine 雪寧 (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee nay

From Japanese for snow and calm

Yukiharu 雪栄 (Male)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee ha roo

From Japanese for snow and glory

Fuyuyoshi 冬善 (Male)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo yo she

From Japanese for winter and virtue

Shuto 柊冬 (Male)

Pronunciation: Sha toh

From Japanese for holly and winter

Shuta 柊汰 (Male)

Pronunciation: Sha tah

From Japanese for holly and scour

Shuji 柊司 (Male)

Pronunciation: Shu jee

From Japanese for holly and govern or rule

Fuyuka 冬花 (Female)

Pronunciation: Foo yoo kah

From Japanese for winter and flower

Shugo 柊悟 (Male)

Pronunciation: Shu goh

From Japanese for holly and realize or to become aware

Youkito (Male)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee toh

From Japanese for fly or soar 翔, person 人, or shrine grove 杜

Shuhei 柊平 (Male)

Pronunciation: Shu hay

From Japanese for holly and even, level or peaceful

Asahi 朝柊 (Female)

Pronunciation: Uh saa hee

From Japanese for morning and holly

Youkina (Female) 

Pronunciation: Yoo kee nah

From Japanese for greens 奈, 那, 菜, calm or lull 凪, name 名, seven 七, or 花/華/

Haruhi 晴柊 (Female)

Pronunciation: Ha roo hee

From Japanese for clear or fair and holly

Yudzuki 雪月 (Male and female)

Pronunciation: Yoo zoo kee

From Japanese for the moon

Hisae 柊沙恵 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hee saa ee

From Japanese for holly and sand and blessings

Yukino (Female)

Pronunciation: Yoo kee noh

From Japanese for a possessive particle 乃 and field 野/埜

Hime 柊女 (Female)

Pronunciation: Hee may

From Japanese for holly and woman

Miyuki 深雪 (Female)

Pronunciation: Mee yoo kee

From Japanese for deep and snow

Shuka 柊歌 (Female)

Pronunciation: Shu kah

From Japanese for holly and song

 Kazuyuki 和雪 (Male)

Pronunciation: Kuh zoo yoo kee

From Japanese for peace and snow

Japanese names Meaning Winter: FAQs

What Japanese name means winter?

There are many different Japanese words for the various types of snow, but the most commonly used kanji for winter is fuyu. Most Japanese names that are associated with winter use this kanji.

What is the Japanese name for cold?

In Japanese, Samui means cold. It is often used for winter. Many Japanese names that are associated with the winter season use this kanji.

What Japanese girl name means winter?

Fuyuka 冬花 is a beautiful Japanese girl name that means winter.

What Japanese name means white snow?

For males, the Japanese name Kazuyuki 和雪 means white snow. Miyuki 深雪 is a female Japanese name taht means snow.

What is a Japanese girl name that means ice?

Kori Kori is Japanese name that means ice. It's a sweet sounding name and sounds feminine as well. Hika Hika is another Japanese name that means ice petal.

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