
japanese kanji for sword
Jun 05, 2024
The Japanese kanji for sword is 刀. Read below to learn the kanji for sword...
japanese kanji for samurai
Jun 05, 2024
The Japanese kanji for Samurai is 侍. Here’s how to say samurai in Japanese. Read...
japanese kanji for star|japanese kanji for star
Jun 05, 2024
The Japanese kanji for star is 星. Learn how to say star in Japanese. Read...
japanese kanji for soul
Jun 05, 2024
The Japanese kanji for soul is 魂. We learn the components that make up the...
japanese kanji for su
Jun 05, 2024
The Japanese kanji for sun is 日. Learn the whole breakdown of the kanji 日...
japanese kanji for respect
Jun 05, 2024
The Japanese kanji for respect is 尊. We break down the components of 尊 to...