What Is The Japanese Kanji For Stop? | How To Say Stop In Japanese? 

Mar 06, 2025Shopify API

The Japanese kanji for stop is 止. Read on to find out how to say stop in Japanese and some use case examples with the kanji 止.

The Japanese writing system is rich and intricate, featuring a diverse set of characters that convey meanings and ideas. 

Among these characters, Kanji, the logographic characters borrowed from Chinese, hold special significance. 

Each Kanji carries its own story, encompassing cultural, historical, and linguistic nuances. One such Kanji is the symbol for "stop," a character that embodies control, caution, and the delicate balance between movement and stillness. 

In this article, we delve into the Japanese Kanji for "stop," exploring its components, meanings, and the cultural context it embodies.

Japanese Kanji For Stop is 止

The Japanese Kanji for "stop" is written as "止" (pronounced as "shi" or "tomaru"). It is a relatively simple character, composed of only two strokes.

The Kanji symbolizes a crucial concept – the act of putting an end to motion or action.

Its straightforward composition belies its deeper implications, which are embedded in Japanese culture and society.

Japanese Kanji For Stop is 止

How To Say Stop In Japanese? 

In the Japanese language, the word "stop" can be expressed through various words and phrases, each with its own nuances and levels of formality.

Depending on the context and the degree of urgency, different expressions are used. Here are a few common ways to say "stop" in Japanese:

  • 止まれ (Tomare)

This is a direct and imperative command, similar to the English word "stop." It is often used in situations that require immediate action, such as commanding a vehicle or person to come to a halt. "止まれ" (Tomare) is frequently seen on road signs and traffic signals, where it instructs drivers to stop their vehicles.

  • やめて (Yamete)

"やめて" (Yamete) is a more versatile expression that can be used in various contexts. It can mean "stop it" or "quit it," and it's commonly employed to tell someone to cease an action or behavior. This can be used in casual conversations among friends or family members.

  • 止める (Yameru)

The verb "止める" (Yameru) means "to stop" or "to cease." It is used to describe the act of putting an end to an action or process. This verb is neutral in tone and can be applied to a wide range of situations, from stopping a machine to ending an activity.

  • 中止 (Chūshi)

"中止" (Chūshi) translates to "cancellation" or "suspension." While not a direct translation of the word "stop," it is used to convey the idea of discontinuing an event, activity, or process. This term is often employed in formal contexts, such as when an event or project is halted due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • 停止 (Teishi)

Similar to "中止," "停止" (Teishi) also means "stop" or "halt." It is used in more technical or formal contexts, such as when referring to the stopping of machinery, equipment, or services.

  • お止めください (O-tome kudasai)

This phrase is a polite and formal way to say "please stop." The "お" (o) prefix adds politeness, and "ください" (kudasai) is a polite request marker. This expression is suitable for situations where you want to request someone to stop their actions respectfully.

  • 止めどまる (Tomedomaru)

 "止めどまる" (Tomedomaru) is a more literary and old-fashioned term. It carries a sense of coming to a complete stop and is often used in literary or poetic contexts.

In summary, the Japanese language offers a range of expressions to convey the idea of stopping, each with its own level of formality and contextual appropriateness.

Understanding these nuances allows for effective communication and ensures that the intended message is conveyed accurately.

Sentence examples for 止 

  • 車が信号で止まりました。
    (Kuruma ga shingō de tomarimashita.)
    The car stopped at the traffic signal.
  • その音を聞いて、彼は一瞬動きを止めた。
    (Sono oto o kiite, kare wa isshun ugoki o tometa.)
    Upon hearing the sound, he momentarily halted his movement.
  • 子供たちは遊びが止んだ後、帰宅しました。
    (Kodomotachi wa asobi ga yanda ato, kitaku shimashita.)
    The children went home after playtime came to a stop.
  • 彼は雨が降るのを待っている間、歩行を止めた。
    (Kare wa ame ga furu no o matte iru aida, hokō o tometa.)
    While waiting for the rain to stop, he paused his walking.
  • このボタンを押すとエスカレーターが止まります。
    (Kono botan o osu to esukarētā ga tomarimasu.)
    Press this button to stop the escalator.
  • 先生がクラスの騒ぎを見て、厳しく「やめて」と言った。
    (Sensei ga kurasu no sawagi o mite, kibishiku "yamete" to itta.)
    The teacher sternly said "stop it" as she saw the commotion in the class.
  • 会議が中止になった理由はまだ分かりません。
    (Kaigi ga chūshi ni natta riyū wa mada wakarimasen.)
    The reason for the cancellation of the meeting is still unknown.
  • 雪が道を覆い、交通が一時的に止まりました。
    (Yuki ga michi o ōi, kōtsū ga ichijiteki ni tomarimashita.)
    The snow covered the roads, and traffic came to a temporary stop.
  • 疲れたので、ベンチに座って歩行を止めました。
    (Tsukareta node, benchi ni satte hokō o tometa.)
    Feeling tired, I sat on the bench and stopped walking.
  • エンジンの異常を感じたので、運転手は列車を急停止させた。
    (Enjin no ijō o kanjita node, untenshu wa ressha o kyūteishi saseta.)
    Sensing an engine issue, the conductor abruptly stopped the train

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