japanese names of characters from durara

Japanese Names of Characters From Durarara

Jun 03, 2024Shopify API

We curated a list of the Japanese Names of Characters From Durarara. Check it out!

Immerse yourself in the supernatural intrigue of Ikebukuro with our guide to the Japanese names of characters from "Durarara!!"

Delve into the meanings and stories behind each name, enhancing your connection to this complex narrative where the urban legends and the lives of its diverse cast intertwine.

Japanese Names of Characters From Durarara

Ryuugamine Mikado - 竜ヶ峰 帝人

Ryuugamine Mikado is the main protagonist of the Durarara series. Initially, Mikado had a childish personality who was so naive and shy. He later moved to Ikebukuro to meet his childhood friend, Masaomi Kida and joined his school for his studies. He’s an average-sized boy, with black hair, gray eyes, and a reserved demeanor. 

He’s one of the founding leaders of the Dollars, a member of the Saika Army, and also the ex-leader of Blue Squares. His surname Ryuugamine has the first kanji (竜) “Ryu” which means dragon, the second letter “Ga” is in katakana (ヶ), and the third kanji (峰) “Mine” means mountain. 

Meanwhile, Mikado has the first kanji (帝) “Mika” which means emperor, and the second kanji (人) “Do” which means a person.

Kida Masaomi - 紀田 正臣

Kida Masaomi is one of the main protagonists of the Durarara series and also the childhood friend of Ryuugamine Mikado. He invites Mikado to Ikebukuro and asks him to join the Raira Academy. Masaomi is also the founder and leader of Yellow Scarves. Unlike his friend Mikado, Masaomi is a friendly and enthusiastic guy who has an extroverted personality. He always cracks jokes and fools around by hitting on girls.

Masaomi’s surname, Kida has the first kanji letter (紀) “Ki” which means era or period, and the second kanji letter (田) “Da” means paddy field. Meanwhile, Masaomi has the first kanji letter (正) “Masa” which means correct, and the last kanji letter (臣) “Omi” which means retainer.

Celty Sturluson - セルティ ストゥルルソン

Celty Sturluson is one of the main characters and protagonists of the Durarara series. She’s nicknamed the Headless Rider or the Black Rider because she doesn’t have a  head. She’s a superhuman and resides in Japan looking for her lost head. Celty is of Irish descent and usually wears a tight black outfit with a full-face helmet and rides her bike everywhere she goes.

She’s also a member of the Snake Hands and Dollars and resides with Kishitani Shinra.

Since Celty isn’t a Japanese name, her name is written in katakana (セルティ ストゥルルソン) and they have no meaning in Japanese. However, in Irish her name “Celty” refers to her Celtic origin and her surname “Sturluson” possibly refers to fallen Valkyries from Norse mythology.

Heiwajima Shizuo - 平和島 静雄

Heiwajima Shizuo is one of the main protagonists of the Durarara series and also the strongest man in the city of Ikebukuro as well. He’s the bodyguard of Tom Tanaka and also an ex-member of the Dollars. He’s also friends with Kishitani Shinra and Celty Sturluson. Shizuo is short-tempered and a tough guy who was introduced as a violent character. However, he prefers not to act violent and is seen as a quiet man later on.

Shizuo’s surname, Heiwajima has the first two kanji letters (平和) “Heiwa” which means peace, and the second kanji letter (島) “Jima” means an island. Shizuo’s name has the first kanji (静) “Shizu” which means quiet and the last kanji letter (雄) “O” means male/man.

Orihara Izaya - 折原 臨也

Orihara Izaya is one of the main characters from the Durarara series who serves as one of the main antagonists. Izaya is a professional underground information broker whose job consists of selling information about people to criminals. He’s a manipulative man with a sadistic personality who loves seeing people enduring miseries. He’s a member of the Dollars and one of the founders of Heaven’s Slave and Amphisbaena. 

The surname Orihara has the first kanji letter (折) “Ori” which means to fold, and the second kanji letter (原) “Hara'' means a field. Meanwhile, Izaya’s name has the first kanji letter (臨) “Iza” which means a deal, and the last kanji letter (也) “Ya” is a common suffix for boys names in Japan.

Kishitani Shinra - 岸谷 新羅

Kishitani Shinra is one of the main characters of the Durarara series and an underground doctor. He lives with Celty Sturluson and he often spends his time indoors. As a doctor, Shinra is very keen on Celty’s body and the physical strength of Shizuo. He’s also friends with Orihara Izaya and Heiwajima Shizuo. Shinra has a weird personality and he has no concern for humanity. He’s rather obsessed with supernatural beings and determined to learn more about them.

Kishitani has the first kanji (岸) “Kishi'' which means shore, and the second kanji (谷) “Tani” which means valley. Shinra’s name has the first kanji (新) “Shin” which means new and the last kanji (羅) “Ra” means a fabric material.

Sonohara Anri - 園原 杏里

Sonohara Anri is one of the main characters of the Durarara series who is a close friend of Ryuugamine Mikado and Kida Masaomi. She’s a member of the Dollars and also the co-leader of the Saika Army. She’s a shy girl who distances herself from a lot of people. However, she’s very clever and intelligent and also has an attractive figure which draws a lot of attention from men.

Sonohara has the first kanji (園) “Sona” which means garden and the second kanji (原) “Hara” which means field. Anri has the first kanji (杏) “An” which means apricot and the second kanji (里) “Ri” means village.

Niekawa Haruna - 贄川 春奈

Niekawa Haruna is one of the main characters in the Durarara series who serves as an antagonist. She was a former student from the Raira Academy and eventually became a member of the Dollars. Haruna is pale-skinned, has long black hair, and usually keeps smiling strangely due to Saika’s influence. She was overly obsessed with her high school teacher which earned her a suspension from the Raira Academy.

Haruna’s surname, Niekawa has the first kanji letter (贄) “Nie'' which means to sacrifice, and the second kanji letter (川) “Kawa” which means river. Meanwhile, Haruna has the first kanji letter (春) “Haru” which means spring, and the last kanji letter (奈) “Na” which means apple tree. 

Kadota Kyohei - 門田 京平

Kadota Kyohei is one of the main characters and protagonists of the Durarara series. He’s an ex-member of the Blue Squares and also a member of the Dollars. Although being a part of a renowned group, Kyohei leads a small group with a few of his friends, and all of them have good relationships with the Dollars. Kyohei has a tall stature and an average body. He has a nonchalant personality and likes to act professionally.

Kyohei’s surname, Kadota has the first kanji letter (門) “Kado” which means gate, and the second kanji letter (田) “Ta” means paddy field. Meanwhile, Kyohei’s name has the first kanji letter (京) “Kyo” which means the capital city, and the last kanji letter (平) “Hei” which means flat.

Kuzuhara Kinnosuke - 葛原 金之助

Kuzuhara Kinnosuke is one of the key characters and antagonists of the Durarara series. He serves as a motorcycle police officer who has to interact with a lot of mischievous and shady people. Kinnosuke is known to be a determined police officer who wouldn’t give up on his target despite the difficulties and consequences he has to face. He usually wears his traffic police uniform, helmet, and sunglasses.

Kinnosuke’s surname, Kuzuhara has the first kanji letter (葛) “Kuzu” which means arrowroot, and the second kanji letter (原) “Hara” means field. Meanwhile, Kinnosuke’s name has the first kanji letter (金) “Kin” which means gold/cash, the second kanji letter (之) “No” means this, and the last kanji letter (助) “Suke” means assistance. 

Harima Mika - 張間 美香

Harima Mika is one of the key characters from the Durarara series. She was one of the friends of Sonohara Anri who only made a short appearance in the series. Mika was constantly stalking Yagiri Saiji who found out about her and nearly murdered her. However, she later becomes the girlfriend of Seiji and grows distant from Anri. Mika initially had light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes but after undergoing surgery she became pale and has gray eyes. 

Mika’s last name, Harima has the first kanji (張) “Hari” which means stretch, and the second kanji (間) “Ma” means space. Harima’s name has the first kanji (美) “Mi” which means beautiful and the last kanji (香) “Ka” means fragrance.

Who is the real main character of Durarara?

Durarara is an action thriller light novel and anime series that has a plethora of antagonists and protagonists. While there are several protagonists, the main character of the Durarara series will always be Mikado Ryuugamine. He moves to the city of Ikebukuro after his childhood friend Masaomi Kida invites him to join the Reira Academy.

Who is the strongest character in Durarara?

The strongest character in the Durarara series is Heiwajima Shizuo (平和島 静雄). He was a former member of the Dollars and also the friend of Celty Sturluson and Kishitani Shinra. Shizuo is a tough guy with a short temper and one of the feared men by many characters in Durarara.

What are the Japanese names of characters from Durarara?

  • Ryuugamine Mikado - 竜ヶ峰 帝人
  • Kida Masaomi - 紀田 正臣
  • Celty Sturluson - セルティ ストゥルルソン
  • Heiwajima Shizuo - 平和島 静雄
  • Orihara Izaya - 折原 臨也
  • Kishitani Shinra - 岸谷 新羅
  • Sonohara Anri - 園原 杏里
  • Niekawa Haruna - 贄川 春奈
  • Kadota Kyohei - 門田 京平
  • Kuzuhara Kinnosuke - 葛原 金之助
  • Harima Mika - 張間 美香

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