Japanese Names of Characters From Another

Japanese Names of Characters From Another

Jun 03, 2024Shopify API

Here are Japanese names of characters from Another’.

'Another' entwines horror and mystery within its narrative, and the Japanese names of its characters add layers of meaning to the chilling atmosphere.

Each name is carefully chosen, reflecting the eerie and foreboding essence of the series, and hinting at the dark secrets that lie within the plot.

Japanese Names of Characters From Another

Misaki Mei - 見崎 鳴

Misaki Mei is the main female protagonist of Another anime series.

Mei was a student at Yomiyama North Middle School of Class 3-3 in 1998. She’s also known as the one that doesn’t exist. Mei and her twin sister Fujioka Misaki were born to Fujioka Mitsuyo.

When Mitsuyo’s sister was grieving her infant’s death, she decided to let her sister adopt Mei, and hence the twin siblings were raised separately.

Mei has a red doll eye and her left eye is covered with a white patch. Her surname Misaki has two kanji letters (見崎) the first kanji letter (見) “Mi” which means to see and the second kanji letter (崎) “Saki” which means a cape.

Sakakibara Koichi - 榊原 恒一

Sakakibara Koichi is the main protagonist of Another anime who joined the Yomiyama North Middle School in 1998 as a transfer student.

He was one of the students of the grade 9 Class 3. Koichi lives with his aunt and grandparents while his father works abroad and his mother passed away when giving birth to him.

He’s the only person who can see Mei and grows curious about the events that shook his class 26 years ago which resulted in him accidentally activating a curse that kills the teachers and students one by one.

Koichi’s surname Sakakibara has the first kanji letter (榊) “Sakaki” which is a religious tree and the second kanji letter (原) “Bara” which means a field. Meanwhile, Koichi’s name has the first kanji letter (恒) “Ko” which means constant, and the second kanji letter (一) “Ichi” means one. 

Mochizuki Yuya - 望月 優矢

Mochizuki Yuya is one of the main characters from Another series. He was also one of the students of Grade 9 Class 3 in 1998.

Yuya was also a part of the old members of the Art Club in the school. He’s a man of pale skin and average height with light brown hair.

Yuya has a reserved and calm personality around strangers but is friendly with his friend circle.

Yuya’s surname has the first kanji letter (望) “Mochi” which means hope and the second kanji letter (月) “Zuki” means moon. Yuya’s name has the first kanji letter (優) “Yu” which means kind and the second kanji letter (矢) “Ya” which means arrow.

Mikami Reiko - 三神 怜子

Mikami Reiko is one of the key characters from Another who’s the aunt of Sakakibara Koichi. She lived north of Yomiyama and Koichi moved in to live with her after joining the Yomiyama North Middle School.

Reiko was also a past student of Class 3-3 and an assistant teacher in Yomiyama North Middle School who knew about the deadly curse surrounding the class.

She often advises Koichi and helps him adapt to Yomiyama. Whenever Koichi comes up with the incident that haunts Class 3-3, Reiko gets visibly upset and prefers not to speak about it.

Reiko’s surname Mikami has the first kanji (三) “Mi’ means three and the second kanji (神) “Kami” means god. Reiko’s name has the first kanji (怜) “Rei” which means smart and the last kanji (子) “Ko” means child.

Teshigawara Naoya - 勅使河原 直哉

Teshigawara Naoya is one of the main characters from Another who’s more like a comedian in the series.

He’s one of the students in Yomiyama North Middle School in Grade 9 Class 3-3 and also one of the best friends of Sakakibara Koichi. Naoya is a teenage boy with brown wavy hair and brown eyes.

He has a nonchalant personality and often likes to crack jokes to keep the people around him cheered.

Naoya was the first person to warn Koichi about their class curse despite the rest of the classmates' hesitancy.

Naoya’s surname has the first kanji letter (勅) “Te” which means a command, the second kanji letter (使) “Shi” which means to use, the third kanji letter (河) “Gawa” means river, and the fourth kanji letter (原) “ Ra” means field.

Meanwhile, Naoya’s name has the first kanji (直) “Nao” which means direct and the last kanji letter (哉) “Ya” is a common ending for sentences in Japanese.

Akazawa Izumi - 赤沢 泉美

Akazawa Izumi is one of the main characters from Another who’s also a student in Yomiyama North Middle School and the head of countermeasures.

She also becomes the class officer of Class 3-3. Izumi is a beautiful teenage girl who has fair skin and is of average height.

She has auburn-colored long hair which she usually styles in two side ponytails with front bangs. She’s straightforward and tough and also the love interest of Teshigawara Naoya.

Izumi’s surname Akazawa has the first kanji letter (赤) “Aka” which means red and the second kanji letter (沢) “Sawa” which means swamp. Meanwhile, Izumi’s name has the first kanji letter (泉) “Izu” which means a lake, and the last kanji letter (美) “Mi” which means beauty.

Takabayashi Ikuo - 高林 郁夫

Takabayashi Ikuo is one of the key characters from Another anime series who’s one of the students from Class 3-3 of 1998.

He was brought as a new character in the anime series and was not present in the manga. Ikuo is a teenage boy with fair skin, brown hair, and green eyes. He’s of short stature and has a lean figure.

Ikuo is a quiet and innocent boy who only got along with a few of his classmates. He dreams of being a fast runner but his poor heart condition hinders him from achieving his dreams.

Ikuo’s surname Takabayashi has the first kanji letter (高) which means high and the second kanji letter (林) means forest. Ikuo’s name has the first kanji letter (郁) which means fragrant and the second kanji letter (夫) means man.

Sakuragi Yukari - 桜木 ゆかり

Sakuragi Yukari is one of the main characters from Another and also one of the students of Grade 9 Class 3-3 of 1998. Yukari was the initial class officer of Class 3-3 after Akazawa Izumi gained the title later on.

Yukari was among the first students of Class 3-3 to welcome Koichi on his first day and to give him a tour. She has light skin, short stature, brown eyes, and curly hair.

Yukari is also one of the victims who had a terrible ending to her life after she found out that the curse of Class 3-3 was reactivated.

Yukari’s surname has the first kanji letter (桜) “Sakura” which means cherry and the second kanji letter (木) “Gi” means tree. Meanwhile, Yukari’s name has three kanji letters and her name means affinity.

Kawahori Kenzou - 川堀 健三

Kawahori Kenzou is one of the main characters from Another who’s also a student of Class 3-3 of 1998. He’s also one of the members of the Soccer Club in Yomiyama North Middle School.

Kenzou is a young man with a dark skin tone, tall stature, gray eyes, and black hair. Kenzou wasn’t more concerned about the welfare of his class as other classmates.

He’s physically active due to his interest in athletics and also had a great relationship with his friends at school.

However, Kenzou ended up having a horrible end when the curse of the class was reactivated. Kenzou’s surname Kawahori has two kanji letters (川堀) which mean river cave and Kenzou’s name has two kanji letters (健三) which mean healthy and three.

Mizuno Takeru - 水野 猛

Mizuno Takeru is one of the key characters from Another anime and a student of Class 3-3 of 1998. He’s also one of the members of the basketball club at Yomiyama Middle School. He was a character who didn’t make many appearances in the series but was still frequently spoken of. 

He’s a tall boy with light brown hair, brown eyes, and a pale skin complexion. His older sister was Mizuno Sanae who tragically died due to the curse of Class 3-3. Takeru’s surname Mizuno has two kanji letters (水野) which means water field and Takeru’s name has one kanji letter (猛)which means ferocious. 

What is the Japanese name for the anime Another?

Another is a Japanese mystery horror anime series that was released in 2012. The main protagonists of Another are Mei Misaki and Koichi Sakakibara. The Japanese name for Another anime series is アナザー which is written in katakana letters since it’s an English word and literally translates to Another in English.

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